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  1. I'm hoping/wildly speculating that Mayhem missions will replace hiests for 40-50. This would make them a regular thing and also repeatable, but not available all the time.
  2. Quite a Cryptic update there. Nice screenshot, though.
  3. Orisit

    Toga toga toga!

    "Congratulations! You earned the Heart of Light Badge.
    You may now access the costume part Toga at the Tailor."
  4. I was wondering about Veluta; she wouldn't give me anything ar 6 even with Pirate.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Only on Tuesday nights.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You sure thats Teen rated?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry, but you're just being obstinate here. ED is incorporated into the design of CoV, meaning that to roll back ED all of CoV would have to be redone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    BUZZ Wrong, see i was in CoV Beta...ED was added in th e weak before it went live...it was /never/ intergrated with it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, the devs thought of ED on that day, coded it all up and put it in the game. The point he was making is that the CoV ATs were designed with the knowledge that ED was going to happen.
  7. I think the balance vision isn't anywhere close to reality. 3 white minions? All of my characters can take down 3 reds without much trouble.
  8. This may not be correct, but I seem to recall three ambushes--one at 75%, one at 50% and one at 25%. Perhaps your last two ambushes got caught up together?
  9. Just a personal thing here, but I really wouldn't reccomend going with more than four people. The increasng vine spawn for larger teams can kill you. 4 people need to kill 24 vines, 8 need to kill 96 (IIRC).
  10. If you allow mods, people can start modding things that were not intended, giving them an advantage. Even something as basic as a client side mod for skins--what if they replaced all the mob skins with ultra bright colours so they could be seen easier?

    This was a big problem in World of Warcraft. They let people use mods, so of course some people start using them to get an advantage. And then everyone else feels that they *need* to get one or they'll be at a disadvantage. And so modders influence the way the game is played.
  11. SG Name: Bedlam
    SG Leaders: Scorching Wind
    SG Recruiters: Scorching Wind, Shadowflames, El Loco
    SG Peak Hours: 9 PM-2 AM PST Sunday-Thusday. 11 AM-2 AM PST Friday and Saturday. See www.timeanddate.com/worldclock to convert to your area.
    Other Info: We're a new start up SG ready to have some fun in City of Villains. We're small but growing. We have some hardcore players, but are very casual friendly. We are not strictly an RP guild, but it is not frowned upon. The point of our SG is to work together to help each other out, and maybe someday have a good base.