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  1. I'm looking for to this too. I enjoyed the Cartoon (RL movie sucked hard).
  2. So what's planed for the 4th Comic any hints?

    I enjoy reading the comics, Good work on them.
  3. OmniNogard

    Grave news.

    Thank you all for your kind words, i showed this to my mom just to show how great the CoH people are. We are planing to move (mostly since the place we live has a bust water line that "wont be fix'd" for nearly a year now.).

    I might be back in game by i22.
  4. Love it! Makes me want to play i22 when it hits.
  5. OmniNogard

    Barb Swipe

    i don't want Barb swipe to change since its the "only" Beastly looking power that will fit one of my toons greatly!

    Now if they buffed the dmg a tad to be on par with the time it takes fine but don't change the way it looks please.
  6. OmniNogard

    i22 on MARCH 6!

    Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
    I don't doubt there trying to push it before DXP. So i say March 6th.
    Called it.
  7. OmniNogard

    Grave news.

    I'll start by saying not sure if right place for this.

    I just had to say this to at the very least. On February 27th Monday 2012 around 4AM EST i lost my beloved father due to a heart attack (age 63). I do plan to make a Homage character about him someday after i find out what would fit him.

    I will be taking a break form the game for a while (week or so) to get back to normal (as one can be after such a loss).

    My only (we are a 2 man SG) SG mate sent me a email shortly after i logged off, after i told him the sad news and i was going to be gone a few days. I'll post what he said below. The CoH has the nicest people i have ever met on the internet and hope to attend a Meet & Greet or Summit, one of these years.


    been trying to write something for you and your family but nothing i guess seems right.
    all i know and want you to know is that my heartfelt condolences goes to you, your mom and the rest of your family and loved ones.

    just remember im always here for you if you need someone to talk to or just someone to listen."

    I hope that all that read this a good day and a reminder to always to love the ones close to you.
    I'll still read the forums from time to time to stay up to date on the game but will not play for a while.

    Signing off for now!

    -OmniNogard (age 21).
  8. Welcome back to the game. I would go insane without a Computer for a year and a half let alone no CoH :P
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Square_Woot View Post
    Thanks for the insights, everyone! After much deliberation and a bit of test playing, I've decided to go with Demons/Time, since it seems like it mixes a strong offense with some good survivability. I love the idea of using team teleport to just be all "lol, hi" on enemy groups. I'll start working on a build and levelling her up this weekend, and let ya know how it goes.

    Thanks for the protips!
    Ahh yes, Demon/Time on paper it look like it will do nicely. I 'have' one sitting about 20ish. Been busy with other stuff. The -ToHit/-Dmg Toggle, +Def Click, HoT. All seem to add up for a nice combo. Hope it works for ya.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BasilAcid View Post

    Q: Circle of Thorns backpack part (Death Mages back piece) and why it isn't available for us.
    A: CoT pack was developed by the Live team(pre-Freedom), not Clockwork 01's team. He hasn't had a chance to look at it yet. He can look at it and see if it's feasible.
    That was my Q. and i see BasilAcid 'cleaned' it up lol (and thanks much easier to read). I was half-asleep (waking up) when asking that. How it was put in chat, look below.

    omninogard: "Q: The Circle of Thorns back pack/part (the bid spiky "wings" the bosses have). Why don't we have that?"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    Thanks, I appreciate that ^_^ it is not always easy but we do really try!
    You guys and gals do a lot of hard work so i have to say my thanks too.
  12. /signed, I would not mind having a single glove option.
  13. I don't doubt there trying to push it before DXP. So i say March 6th.
  14. These are my top two Masterminds if you want a try at them.

    Bots/Dark is able to do 0/6 on SOs just fine. Kinda a Tank Type, hard to die while slowly taking your foe out.

    Demon/Poison is able to bring AVs (not GMs) down in a minute or so, depends on AV. Stalker/Scrapper Type. Able to kill Trapdoor in 30s or less on SOs. Downside only able to 0/4 at best for even levels, might be able to do +3/2.

    Been a while since i played a Thugs so can't really say much on that.
  15. While i like the dark. I am NOT saying no to a somewhat sunny zone. Can't have the dark without the light.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    Ninjitsu Tankers!

    Smokeflash and I'm gone! Enjoy the aggro suckers!!

    I would roll one. For many reasons, none involving hurting friends i swear.
  17. OmniNogard

    Last night...

    Welcome back to the game.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    Does the Commando pet from soldiers still blow out it's endurance? I haven't played or followed MM's much but I remember that being a complaint before I left for a while.
    Yes. I have a Merc/Pain to keep his End up.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Just as an fyi, the pets would only benefit from the +movement, slow resist, and +recov, but they're unaffected by +rchg. Furthermore the +recovery is typically useless for pets provided the pets are slotted for endredux. Fulcrum Shifted pets (especially ninjas) with transfusion would be great though the rest would be a little underwhelming.
    That's why. I know pets stopped having +Rech LONG ago. It would be priceless to see a demon run off at Mk.1 Speed lol.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    There's not all that much left to proliferate is there?
    I want my Spine Brute!

    I want Titan Stalker!

    I want my Kin MasterMind! Think Demons and maybe the new Beast on Speed Boost!

    There's a few others, so only a "few" proliferate left to do till all are rounded out.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    See, those flames were intentional. Optimus had to trick the Matrix into believing he was Hot Rod--the only true wielder of the Matrix of Leadership.
    Ok that got a laugh out of me.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    I'm still waiting for Unicron.

    Also, fun fact: I once counted the number of explosions in the '86 movie, versus the first live action film. I believe the number of actual explosions in the Bay film was somewhere around the 50 mark; that's probably being generous.

    The '86 film hits that number before the Dinobots take down Devastator.

    By the time they're on the planet of junk, that number has doubled.

    By the time the movie's over, you're looking at just shy of 200 animated explosions.
    It's not the explosions that made it a turn off (for me), it was how Bay handled the Characters. He made Bumblebee not talk (which was copied in the cartoon not long after).

    Painted the classic Prime with hot rod flames. Prime didn't have the Matrix of Leadership and had to 'earn' it in the 2nd.

    Below may or may not be right, due to poor memory.
    And i think they messed up Soundwave with Shockwave. My recalling is that when they cut to the one in space floating around earth was "Soundwave" from what i heard them say but that would be wrong it would be shockwave.
  23. My View.

    Demons 4.5
    Bots 4.5
    Thugs 3
    Mercs 3
    Beast 2 (at this time, may get better later on)
    Ninjas 1