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  1. OmniNogard

    Can't Remember

    Thank you very much Fleeting.
  2. OmniNogard

    Can't Remember

    I can not seem to remember if Epics can switch sides(IE WS to Villain and a SoA heading hero). Can some1 say or link what was said about them.

    IF i remember right they can but not at the Char Maker but after being made they can run the Side switching Arc('s?) shortly after?

    Anyone know for sure or have the link, My mind is wanting to work so sorry if this bugs anyone.
  3. OmniNogard

    A Idea.

    I feared so, o well guess my Char will have to go without it.
  4. OmniNogard

    A Idea.

    I'm playing on my semi-new dom(A Incubus) that's a male version of the CoT Succubus and i did fairly well in making a Male ver of the Succubus then i had this Idea.

    I want to Fuse Confuse and Fire Breath to make the 'Kiss' that the Succubus do.

    [Inherent]A Fuse Power, take one power form you Prim and Second sets and fuse them but my idea hits a snag with Def/Res toggles, Maybe make it only choose attacks?(Attack toggles too)

    To Balance. Its just a fuse, combine the end cost of both and only make it doable once(not forever but only one Fusion power at a time, unfuse with respec?).

    The recharge could be half of the 2 together or not, Math ahead

    [Confuse] Recharge Time: 8.00s
    [Fire Breath] Recharge Time:16.00s

    So 24 or 12 Sec Recharge on '[Confusing Fire]'
  5. If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

  6. OmniNogard

    Slight return

    Welcome back to the True Home for Heroes and Villains alike.
  7. Hahahahhahaha *nearly chokes on food* Priceless, my sides hurt now.
  8. I know, im starting to regret posting this in the 1st place, maybe edit it/Delete it.
  9. Bah, so i didnt know so there gose my fun -.- but o well
  10. Edit to Delete the dumbest joke i ever did in my LIFE
  11. I have bad memory so i cant say the details but alot of my concpets come from ether when im reading manga(Online) or wacthing TV or just plan reading(Books) or when im just playing/talking with GameBro.

    one of my recent is Schneider (Cutter or Slicer in German) i ended up making a DB/WP Brute with that IN the name.
  12. Make the Color of the lights a 3rd option or like the Trachcoats(4)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    It's Crey Roulette!
    I Lol'd
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
    TONS of cool goodies to come, guys. Stay tuned--this is just the tip of the iceberg...
    Can't Wait
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
    Ruh roh.

    I was just on youtube looking for player made CoH fan videos.
    Someone has uploaded something that *looks* like it came from a super secret family-and-friends closed beta...

    Speaking of which, let the speculation over when the general closed beta will commence, commence!
    Here i was thinking that it was a Rick Roll but it was a 'Muppet Roll'

    Edit: I like the song but im wondering how the 'Rick Roll' came to be?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JDub View Post
    To whomever it may concern at NCSoft,

    Please take notice as to how much excitement and happiness you cause within your player base by simply releasing a screenshot and a background story. There is no excuse for 2-3 month gaps with no updates at all. It takes so little to do so much. Please try to release some new news every couple weeks. No matter how small, any little tid bit of info like this goes a long way in curbing pestimistic feelings about this game and fustration in general.

    Just one players opinion.

    Also, good stuff!
    QFT, and make that 3(Me and Bro) Opinions.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War Witch View Post

    Here is a screenshot for you to enjoy, as well. A Resistance member and, hmmm, some sort of tunnel system…

    Plz say the parts on that outfit are unlock-able or (dare i dream) come with GR?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nova Knight View Post
    It's highly addictive.
    You have no idea being only Lv10, when you get (hmmm) 35+ with some ok Slotting(Lv35 Common IOs) you may suffer from Fury Lock, its close to that of Scrapperlock.
  19. Well hopfully after GR is out they will have some time to do something to the bases, nothing big but hopfully something.
  20. That is true, its just some times i feel like i can't wait and other times i feel like i can wait a long time(6 more Months and i can make my Hanger Bay).
  21. (QR) wow, toke me a few minutes to read all that, Not to sure what to say at this point.

    I had joined the game shortly before the Crash site became the War Zone, so i didnt know a whole lot of the stuff you said.

    Just to be clear on my OP, im just wandering what the Dev's have in mind for the Base's AFTER Going Rogue.
  22. Don't get me wrong, i know they are busy with GR atm but no news of any base for future so far(or i cant find any). *joke like-voice* So i fear that the dev's hate base's more then villains.

    When was something last added to the Base Editor, sure we had gotten a few Pre's and SG Mode Changes but i think the list of stuff missing/taken out is longer.

    A Few Base Defense items on Wiki don't seem to show up or say how to get them in-game and i would like to have them for looks only(since Base PvP(Raids?) is Offline).

    I'm not asking them to do some thing NOW but i would like to hear them say that they might make at least a mini-issue for Base's. Like adding water and maybe a bit of NPCs for each room(Doc for MedBay to Engineer, etc).

    Sorry if this upsets anyone, I'm just seeking answers.
  23. Wow, just wow. Hope you dont mind me using a bit of your ideas to fix up My and Bro's Hero base. Im Bookmarking this.
  24. Would love this.

    So Says the Omni