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  1. Good times, as per usual Luna! Thanks again for organizing, and thanks to MB for leading and our whole team for kicking butt!
  2. If I can tag along, I'll bring Project-Willow, DB/WP Scrapper, who will probably be 44 or pretty darn close to it by then....
  3. I will be there tonight! If we have to run the trial part twice, I can volunteer to help do a back to back of it if needed!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
    I demand charts! Venn Diagrams! Something with pictures to easily show to me and the general userbase what can or can't easily or barely run UM, etc. Less demanding and more suggesting.. if you don't have the equipment, might I suggest getting together a group of testers with a ride variety of graphics cards and let them into Test with a temporary NDA and have them do something like specific story arcs, TFs, etc, together in UM while the devs or player reps join them or watch?
    I volunteer my I5 and my HD 5770 for the testing! I currently flux between 70-100 fps in game with everything on max. If I can maintain like 30 fps with UM full blast... I'll be a super happy camper!
  5. I would volunteer my couch for those of you needing to get away from the snow, but it would be kinda hard to make it here through the unbelievable 70 degree weather we're having. It's dangerous out there!

    But seriously.... Sorry to hear about the snow woes. I'm sure it's definitely not fun to have to deal with being stuck at your house AND no power. I've had that happen before during hurricanes here, so I can imagine the horror!
  6. Issue 17: Our expansions are free!
  7. I don't think I died at all last night.... I kept trying, being the only scrapper, but silly teammates kept getting in the way!

    Good times as always! Willow hit 43 last night! She'll be 50 before I know it!
  8. There's just soooo many badges.... I don't even know where to start!
  9. Yeah, and I can attest that the HD 5770 runs COH very well on all full settings. Still waiting to see how it will do with Ultra Mode though!
  10. I died once on Project Willow, but I wasn't the one to make us fail so it totally doesn't count!

    I had great amounts of fun! As always, thank you very much Luna for organizing these and thank you MB for leading once again!

    As a side note, I can't wait to get into the higher TF's! Willow is 42 now, so there's a ton of powers I don't get to use on the lower ones!
  11. I second the venues such as IBuyPower and CyberPowerPC. I just purchased a system from IBuyPower and it's quite the awesome machine!

    However, if you go with one of those, be prepared to wait about a month. IBuyPower is a little back logged from the holidays still and I imagine so is CyberPower. Regardless of what they say, be prepared to wait!
  12. I think our team murdered these AV's last week.... MB?

    Or was I drunk? I could have been drunk.... or maybe this is a different one... Not that I mind running them again or anything!
  13. I had a blast, other than the two issues I had to work out with my new computer! Thanks for running this Gen!
  14. Gen,

    Just an update for me... My new computer arrived today at my mom's house and I'm going down after work to pick it up. She's in Bradenton, which is a decent trek from St Pete! I may or may not be back and set up in time for this tonight... So, if I'm not there and any of the alternates are there and waiting, please go ahead and take one of them. I don't want to hold anyone up because I don't know how long I'll be.

    BUT, if I make it back in time, I will be more than happy to enjoy an ITF on my beautiful new system!
  15. I've seen this too, but for me it's only been with the arcane hoods. No other problems with any other textures for me, just the arcane hoods. I haven't checked again to see if it's still there or not, but I noticed this over the weekend and thought it odd. I just thought something was goofy with my client at the time.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JeetKuneDo View Post
    I've been on many all controller teams so I know what you mean.

    I think the crystals got a couple of us in the 2nd mish. (No gloating!)
    I think we had a couple of close calls, but sticking together pretty much took care of it all.

    I have to say though, I never knew what capped recovery looked like until this team... I got a little teary eyed...
  17. I don't think we really planned to speed on the troller team, it just kind of happened that way! But of course, with all the melty damage goodness we had, nothing stood up for too long anyway. Did the defenders have any defeats? We had 0.
  18. I had done that originally too! Good thing I saw Luna's question and realized the difference!
  19. 1 PM Sunday sounds great for me! I'll park my Defender (Storm Kidd) and my Troller (Omega Elementress) In Cimerora so both are ready for whichever we need!
  20. OmegaElementress

    Hello Freedom

    Welcome to Freedom Flea! If TF's are your thing, keep an eye on this forum. The Freedom Horde host an ungodley amount of TF's and such on a weekly basis! We always have room for more, so don't ever be afraid to speak up!
  21. Ok, put down my troller, my WS hasn't done the arc yet and I couldn't get a team together to run it with me, so I'll just bring AOE chaosy goodness!
  22. Hmmmmm... sign me up for this with my WS, Umbral Goddess. She's 35 now, but I have to double check and see if she's run the midnighter arc yet or not... If she hasn't, I'll bring my fire/storm troller, The Omega Elementress.
  23. I can run that day no problem.