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  1. Oliin

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by Hellguard_NA View Post
    (It's funny how one-sided some people think everything should be. I write an article about how CoH will be fine and get insulted and told about how great CO will be. I write an article about how CO might give CoH a run for its money and then I get accused of being overly negative about CoH. )
    Some of the comments I saw in those threads actually kind of scare me. It's scary how some folks can come across as near-zealots for just a game.

    Granted, I'm more than a little pro-CoH personally, but the game has its flaws and I'll certainly acknowledge them.
  2. Oliin

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
    I know I'm not. And I'll be out of town after today. So no trying until next week.

    And there's nothing in that 'loyalty reward' that states you will be first wave closed beta (more likely last or 2nd to the last wave before open beta, I bet.)
    For some reason that first sentence doesn't make sense to me. I was mentioning the City of Villains closed beta from way back when.

    The 'loyalty program' folks will be getting in the second 'tier' of beta, that's folks who keep their accounts active from 8-15 to 11-15 (along with a shiny badge). Players who have more than 60 months of time will be in the first 'tier' of closed beta. That's just information from the announcement they made while the forums were down the other week. Over here.

    To me that first tier seems like what they did for the CoV beta, where people were getting invited to the closed beta in waves that seemed largely dependant on how long they'd had their accounts open (I think I got in on the first or second one of those things). That was the closed beta that immediately followed the whole 'friends and family' beta.

    I would imagine that the subscription length folks will be in much earlier than the second wave before open beta myself.
  3. Oliin

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by FightingCanadian View Post
    Ya know, I think us 60+ monthers deserve closed beta slots. I've been around for nearly 63 months, and I've yet to get a single invite to a closed bet. That 'other' game gave me one...but the game I have been so loyal to the past 5 years? Something seems backwards there:P
    You didn't get an invite to the CoV closed beta? I know that worked largely like the GR beta will, in that it seemed that people were given closed beta slots for having been long-term subscribers.
  4. Among other things, that does appear to be the plan.
  5. I still would really, truly love some of the EATs they were talking about back in the day. Sure, the incarnates were already mentioned, but the ones that I was really looking forward to were the Avilians(I think that's what they were called) and the Coralax.

    I mean come on, a winged alien race and a lovecraft-inspired race of living coral. There's fun stuff you could do there.
  6. I'm going to hit 63 months in a couple of days myself. Fun times.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    This person (Or thing?) is referenced so much in COV yet I cannot find what exactly it is. I've searched Paragon Wiki to no avail. What is Interpol?
    Interpol is a real organization that pops up somewhat frequently in movies, books and games (for instance I believe that Chun-li from the Street Fighter games is supposed to be an Interpol officer). Basically it's usually used as a sort of international police force in fiction.

    Edit:Beaten to the punch. Curse my slow typing.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    BUT we all agree the costume creator is shweet!
    Huh. Oddly that's one of the biggest disappointments for me. I like possibilities of all the options they give, but sadly I don't like the look of 90%-95% of the options they've managed to come up with.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    Oh yes I want to go play a game just like this...

    To be fair PP, they changed the end builders to be a toggle. It's more like 1 .. wait .. 22 .. wait .. 2 ..wait .. wait .. 3(that's a big attack you see).

    Honestly a much better setup really.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
    Most of the content is stale, even with teaming. The 1-20 stuff is just boring.
    I still find Faultline and beyond fun, but I've taken to playing through what low-level content I can find in the MA up until then. Sloooowly working on an arc to help anyone else who might be doing the same too.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
    Would u have preferred I replace the word "hard" with "to difficult to undertake before they got more staff at which point a competitor coincidentally advertised that customization was one of it's strong selling points"?

    Do you really, honestly think that they could have accomplished color customization easily with the skeleton dev team they had back then? I obviously don't, but that's just me.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rosie_ODonnell View Post
    The last three issues have been worthless. i13 was going to be the MA, but it changed. It didn't add much. i14 was the MA. It added farms and Atlas spam.
    Ok, I mostly agree with you as far as I15 goes, and yea the past couple issues have been a bit lightweight but certainly not worthless. I13 gave us two power sets, two story arcs, multiple builds and various sundries. That's more than not much don't you think? Sure it's not issues 1, 2 or 3 but then not much is.

    And the MA ... have you actually gone through and played some of that stuff? Sure a huge hunk of it is utter trash or at best just 'ok', but there's a lot out there that's really nice work that's really not far removed from the in-game arcs/TFs/SFs quality wise.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Also, isn't Aion beta this weekend?
    Yup, there is.

    My other thought was that people planned ahead some this time and have characters on other server too ... but then I realized that was a silly thought.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    Remember back when beta invites were for people who reported lots of bugs/would be helpful in closed beta as oppossed to beta invites being a door prize?
    Didn't they somewhat go out of their way to say it was for the testing of future issue betas? I could be wrong on that though.

    Overall, this'll more than likely be like the CoV closed beta with specific testing days and time windows (which if it's anything like last time, coincide with my evening classes) and be horribly buggy and incomplete until they near that third wave of beta invites.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie_Man View Post
    Secondly, it's still brand new, only about 300 people have any rep so far. With 9 points of rep, I'm in the middle of that grouping.
    I'm smack dab in the middle with my 8 points. It kind of seems weird actually.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chill_Out View Post
    Time Bomb needs to become Gun Drone.
    No, what they need to do is make Time Bomb into a power that's easily usable in a group setting and then port that change over to /devices.


    Not that I um ... have any /devices blasters or anything, certainly not a 50 ....
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
    Something I found interesting is that if you click on your OWN post to "add rep", it tells you HOW much rep you've earned exactly.

    Doesn't tell you how many are positive and how many negative though.
    Apparently if you go to one of the posts where you've been given reputation points and click on the 'add rep' button it will display the comments people have given you as well as show you if the overall opinion was positive or negative.

    It's still not a X were positive and X were negative thing, but it's something.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_of_Time View Post
    Trust me when I say... CO will NOT woo you in any way shape or form. It's about as entertaining as having your nads smeared with fish paste and dangled in a pool of hungry piranha.
    Come now. CO isn't a great game, but I don't know that it's all that bad.

    Ok, sure I'm not going to be rushing out to pick it up, but I can certainly see how it would greatly appeal to some folks out there, and with another half year or so of work on it I might be willing to pay for a subscription. I mean they've made a great amount of progress in the past few months so it's possible ya know.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MoldyLunchboxx View Post
    As far as I've seen and explored, you can not disable the rep. If anyone else knows how to do this speak up.
    It's under 'edit options'. Right up at the top there's a box called 'Show Your Reputation Level'. It'll tell you how many reputation points you have and there's a check box that turns on and off the reputation display.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gulver View Post
    The only real issue I have is that the Dev/Community Digest isn't working.
    Pretty much all I have to complain about too. Or all of any real merit. Everything else is just a minor nit-pick.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    Well, at least you can disable your rep.
    Ahh, true. That's something at least.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Pictures linked from another thread:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's beautiful, man ...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just realised... two colours per power...

    [/ QUOTE ]Yea, they said that in the I16 overview announcement. Oddly it was under the info for the new character creator instead of in any of the bits about color customization. Go figure ya.[ QUOTE ]
    The primary and secondary colors of any power effect can be changed individually for each power in the set.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  23. Hmm.

    Blaster: Radiation Manipulation - Mostly because I would really like a power named 'megaton punch'.

    Other than that I don't have any truly pressing wants or desires as far as it goes.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    "People call NC Soft and the devs greedy." They're not greedy, they're simply running a business. I was agreeing with NancY

    [/ QUOTE ]Ahh, looked to me like you thought they were saying NC Soft was greedy and were correcting them, not expounding upon their comment. I'm up way too late, I tend to miss these things when that happens.