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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    First...I confirm that we're working on right now (as in pohsyb in the next room) to add CoV costume parts into CoH if you own both games....

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    Yay! I want my pirate heroes!

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    Then we repeal the hated stealth nerf. The reason why: many well reasoned posts. It's that simple. You guys pointed out the problems.

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    My stalker and Illusion controller and Dark defender are much happier now. It's good to know you actually listen to what people say here.

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    In order to incentivize larger teams, Positron is going to add a bonus to AV rewards!

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    This sounds nice.
  2. Obtenebrator


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    Enantiodromos' Guide to Walking Around Paragon City

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    Thanks for posting this, a lot of good stuff in here. Note that a lot of this applies to fliers as well, because Fly without Flight Speed enhancement is not much better than unenhanced Sprint.

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    Learn to Navigate
    Make yourself INTIMATELY FAMILIAR with the city layout-- where the trains run, and don't.

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    In addition to the information you specified:
    <ul type="square">[*]Note the proximity of the Striga and Peregrine ferries to the Talos PDP entrance, and the Steel Canyon Green Line station's proximity to Steel's PDP entrance.[*]Steel is the best place for Yellow to/from Green transfers, but Talos and Skyway will do in a pinch.[*]The Striga shortcut is unavailable if you are below 21st level.[/list]I found the PDP especially useful during the first respec TF for the one door mission that's outside Terra Volta. While your team leader is heading back to chat with the contact, you can preposition yourself at the IP entrance to the PDP. When the mission's done, the PDP might be your quickest route back to Power Island.

    In the Rogue Isles, take note of the Black Helicopter line connections from Mercy to CaD, and from Nerva to St. Martial.

    In either game (if you own CoV), try to join a SuperGroup that has collected beacon badges and can afford teleporters. In Paragon City's more numerous zones a Coalition may be required for good coverage.

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    Don't take missions in Gordon Trench.

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    Also make sure you're prepared properly for the Abandoned Sewers trial and Eden Spire trial. Or skip them entirely.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    There are plenty of posts over on the Blaster Boards of people specifically testing Lightning Field with three (3) Single-Origin Accuracy Enhancements slotted and it still only hit a Defense Set (which comprise the other secondaries) Stalker 10% of the time. These are simply not a reliable defense, even if a person's AT has access to them. Most simply don't.

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    For the sake of accuracy, since I made the post in question, I did not test it. I was hypothesizing based on Hero Planner numbers and my knowledge of how the system works. So please don't take it as gospel.

    Something else to keep in mind is how often the aura pulses while the stalker is within its AoE. The longer he stays in there, the greater the chance to be interrupted.
  4. (Referring to setting up a Caltrop and Trip Mine field

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    Well, the blaster who does that (and The_Josh does it a lot) is at risk the whole time when setting this up. It's not something you can throw together in a couple seconds. I know that he gets interrupted quite often when trying. Pulling such a maneuver off should be rewarded with a kill.

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    And taking the time to set up an AS shouldn't be?

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    If defenders, blasters, corruptors, controllers and dominators can survive and do well without stealth, then why the heck can't you?

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    Does The_Josh use his Cloaking Device while setting up his trap? Then he's not without stealth, is he?

    All of those archetypes have ranged attacks. Stalkers do not. Melee range multiplies risks significantly.

    Finally, everyone has access to the Concealment pool. Stealth is an option for everyone in the game. Stalkers are only unique in that ALL of them have stealth, and they can stack it.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    There should be no attack in the game other than Nukes, that should do more than 75% of a squishies health, period. This game will be a better place.

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    BZZZT! No it wouldn't. If such a thing were to happen we'd have to call it "City of Boredom".

  6. Name: Army of Darkness

    Shard: CoV

    Overall Theme: Everything Dark. It's debuff and control oriented instead of buff-oriented like most SuperTeams.

    Backstory: The numerous Heroes and Villains tapping into the forces of the Netherworld have opened a rift. The leaders of the Netherworld sent the Army to wreak havoc on humanity, and to demonstrate that tapping the power of the Netherworld is never to be done carelessly.

    Group Make-up: Four DM/DA brutes, three DB/DM corruptors, one Necro/DM mastermind, all magic (or natural) origin.

    Power choices are not that much different from what you'd have in solo play.

    The brutes have the luxury of focusing on their attacks, as there should be so much -Acc flying around that the mobs can do nothing but flail as they're destroyed. But they should take their three basic shields to handle the 5% of hits that will always slip through. They can skip Siphon Life and Dark Regen, since four Twilight Grasps should suffice to keep them topped off, but Dark Consumption and Swift/Health/Stamina will be needed to keep their blue bars full. Other pools are Flight (slotted Hover for KB defense) and Leadership (Assault, Tactics).

    The corruptors and MM get access to the many toys Dark Miasma has available. Key picks for them are Darkest Night and Tar Patch, then proceed to taste. Corruptors should certainly take Tenebrous Tentacles and Nightfall. The MM should skip his blasts and take only minions and upgrades from his primary. All non-brutes take Leadership (Assault, Tactics) and Speed (Hasten). Someone, probably the MM, can take Recall Friend and Teleport for travel.

    Combat Strategy and Power Combinations: One strength of this concept is its flexibility, you have a plethora of ways of locking down the enemy. In the low levels you're relying strictly on -Acc. Later on you can branch out into Fear (Touch of Fear, Cloak of Fear, and Fearsome Stare) and Disorient (Dark Pit and Oppressive Gloom). You have a stealth option with Shadowfall and Cloak of Darkness. At level 38 Dark Servants join the fray for even more mayhem.

    Costume, Names, and other Design Issues: CoV is good at letting you look like a demon. Monstrous body types with Monstrous heads or the Demonic Face mask. Capes are out, but auras can be fun.

    Or you can mess with people's heads and make yourselves look like mild-mannered accountants. Coordination is the key.

    Alternative Suggestions: You can easily skip the MM for another corruptor, I just put him there so you could have a 'leader' for concept.

    You could make a CoH version with four DM/DA scrappers and four DM/DB defenders. It makes less sense thematically, but might be stronger overall since the defenders get their Dark Miasma toys earlier than corruptors and MMs do, and the effects are stronger. On the other hand, the brutes can dish out more pain than the scrappers once they get their Fury going.

    If you really wanted to stress the Fear aspect, you could make the builds more specialized and dip into the Presence pool.
  7. Does anyone know the various defense and resistance caps, if any, for the various ATs? Is it even possible to hit a defense cap anymore?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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    Thank you. Anything that reduces the need for Stamina at level 20 (and slots at levels 21, 23, and 25) for every hero I build is a step in the right direction.

    While you're at it, a nice Quality-of-Life feature would be for the Combat tab "Activating &lt;power&gt;" message to say exactly how much endurance that power is using, something like "Activating &lt;power&gt; for &lt;end&gt; endurance.". A flat number for clicks, and a per-second number for toggles.