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  1. Some of these have been said by others, but I will add my whole list in here that I would like to see...

    1.) The ability to email ALL SG members in game with one email instead of each member at a time.

    2.) The ability to change SG colors without having to Disband the SG and recreate it.

    3.) A standard SG uniform that when you ckick "Enter SG Mode" it changes your costume to the SG costume.

    4.) More than 75 members. Or the ability to break the SG into 2 small groups but under the same SG that has 75 members each or whatever.

    5.) The ability to change the SG motto to what you want at anytime since group goals may change over time.

    6.) SG Specific Story lines, so that if you are required to team with someone for a mission, it would have to be a SG mate (might be really hard to do though, so I'm not holding my breath on it...)

    7.) Make the SG symbol a shoulder patch or small crest on the left upper side of chest instead of taking up the whole center of the chest.

    8.) A bank for SG members to access a central Influence pool through the SG setting menu or something.

    That is my list I can think of right now.

    Thanks for asking States!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Way to earn that cape. Did you stay with the game and follow him around watching, or did you just hop up on a box, /em yoga, and go watch Oprah?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow.... Now the 1 star makes sense.....

    Now back on topic...

    I did my cape mish for my main pre-Issue 2. I got owned halfway through the mission. all of them were lvl 21's. LT's, crap load of minions and 1 boss. Took me 3 hours to solo it. Now after I3, the missions are a lot easier. I still help my SG mates get their capes, since it has become a tradition with the SG. Member reaches 20, the whole SG helps with the mission and we all travel to Icon and wait until the cape is put on. Been that way since just after Halloween.
  3. Ooooo... I like yer idea!!! (Not sarcasm) Sounds good.

    The part of the broadcast msg of a possible jailbreak is a good one.

    5 stars!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Besides needing the bump, I seem to be getting a number of requests for help making videos, and this guide is a wonderful place to start.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's because lots of peeps have seen your TRULY AWESOME music vid and are impressed at your skills!!!

    Take it as a compliment, I know that's how my post is intended as.
  5. Obsidian_Phoenix

    More answers....

    I would like to schedule events for our group, and I would prefer not to email everyone one at a time.

    Is there any possibility to get a function added to Supergroups that we can email the WHOLE team with one email?
  6. SWEET!!!! I hate runners and chasing em down.
  7. SG Name: 82nd Airborne
    Leader: UNISOL GR-44
    LTs: Mageloke, Mrs. GR 44

    We are currently recruiting any AT, any lvl. All are welcome.
    I have not thought of a snappy Motto yet, and I am still working on it.
    We currently have 5 members. We had a bunch, but then time went on and we lost quite a few due to them leaving or not playing the char in the SG for a very long time (30 days or more)

    We would like to have commited players who are on fairly often. Does not have to be everyday though. Last I checked our highest member is at lvl 30+ and the lowest is 7. If you want to find us and talk it over, feel free to send email or /tell to UNISOL GR-44 or Mageloke. We are on mostly in the evening, but Mageloke can be found most anytime in game.

    The biggest thing we do is if a team member is out soloing and has a tough time doing a mish, our team will assist however we can. Also if we get more members, we could do some good group missions and stuff.

    Our website is listed in my profile.

    Send a msg and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

    Happy hunting!
  8. I wonder if this is related to a wierd floating cloud in SC that I saw about 2-3 weeks ago.... the NPCs were running from it like it was a baddie. Maybe???

    If so anyone wanna join me for a debt party when this does go down??? Like my signature says..... Ya can find me faceplanted anywhere!!