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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    Read the Tutorial. Twice.

    After a month, go back and read it yet again.
    Do the tutorial Outbreak until you can do it in your sleep! Read it every time because you may have missed something!

    Oh, and killing 100 Contaminated in Outbreak will get you a badge.
  2. HAVE FUN! What's the point of being here if you're miserable.

    Don't be afraid to let people know you're new. You'll find quite a few veterans ready to help with the basics if they know you're still adjusting to the game.

    Capes and Auras can be obtained by the City Representative in City Hall, Atlas Park, or by Kalinda or Burke (whoever you started with) in Mercy Island at levels 20 (for Capes) and 30 (for Auras).

    Right clicking (default option, i think) on any Inspiration you have 3 of, you can create 1 different one.

    http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page THIS PAGE IS A GODSEND! It gives information on everything from what an AT is, to how to form and run a Hamidon Raid.

    Mid's Hero Designer will allow you to build your character all the way to 50, and slot it so you can see the numbers, and how well it may work.

    Most of the mobs in CoH/CoV/GR do Smashing/Lethal damage (Or so I'm told )
  3. Oh goodness...Here we go...

    CoH was my first graphics heavy MMO. I came from a MUD game called Materia Magica (was once called 'moongate' too), a completely text based game, where some of the missions required you to interact with Player Characters that were online at the time.

    Mind you, I came in around issue 4 or 5, quit for a while, then picked it back up around issue 7-ish.

    ---My very first 'oops' with CoH started in Outbreak. 'Rescue Flower Knight' I thought this 'Flower Knight' was a player character, and when I rescued her, and she talked to me, I definitely tried to hold a conversation with her.

    ---I too wanted to fly, and ended up taking Hover, and six slotting it (so I was faster in moving through the Hollows and getting from Cherry Hills to the OTHER SIDE of the map.), and later Fly, which was also six slotted (so I was REALLY REALLY fast in getting away from everything)

    ---It was months into the game, with all this base salvage dropping into my inventory, and me without a SG, and me having no idea what to do with any of it. I met my first friend in CoH, who took the time to teach me things, and one of the first things out of my mouth was 'I have like 500 pieces of this 'base salvage' but I have no idea what it is, or what to do with it'. Low and behold, I had a SG invite, and was directed to the nearest storage rack to unload my inventory.

    ---I was already a good year vet, when I finally got my computer up to speed of being able to handle Freedom and Virtue server loads (Protector is my original server), and when I went to Freedom, I made a fire/kin, because I always saw people with these fiery minions, and I wanted some. First question out of people's mouths, to me, was 'are you building a farmer?' My response, 'What's a farmer?'. I had never seen a farm before, and had no idea that Fire/Kin Controllers were the AT, at the time, for farming. -cough- or that Freedom was the 'farming server' -cough-

    ---Learning the lingo was definitely a learning curve for me. I understood the basics like 'brb', 'afk', 'lol' and what not. But 'bio' made me think they were really writing in their biography box and taking 10 years to do it. 'SB', Trans, FS, TF, ITF, LGTF, etc etc took me forever to understand what they wanted me to do, or what we were doing.

    There's more....Oh my god there's more. I still have my moments where I'll do something utterly stupid and say 'well, I just stepped back about 4 years.' But we won't get into those, lol.
  4. You should really put this into the 'Rude Tells' thread. This is gold!
  5. Due to problems with my new job, that ultimately made me quit on the first day (6 hours in), I'm going to be around quite a bit. Mostly in the mid-day to EARLY mornings. If you need an invite to the SG, lemmie know.
  6. 15.5 million if (hey more storage is worth it)
  7. Apologies if this has been talked about already, if it has, please direct me to the proper thread.

    I know some of the Praetorian missions start out with an empty map (No mobs to speak of), and after collecting an item, a crazy number of mobs spawn. Even the NPC's to Enemy mobs would work in this scenario I am making.

    Is there any way to make a map empty of mobs and have them spawn after a collection has been made, OR turn mobs from NPC's to Enemies after a collection has been made?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Occult View Post
    Sorry I haven't been around, a sinus infection turned to a head cold, then moved into my chest. I've been sleeping and taking turbo-antibiotics all week. Hope to be online tonight!
    Ewwww!! I know how that feels. I hope you feel better.

    On a business note, I start my new job on Tuesday, so I don't know how often I'll be around for a while, until my schedule is worked out.
  9. Bump, so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
  10. Obsidian Aequitas
    Blaster (Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation)
    Freedom Server
    @Obsidian Light

    Oh, why the hell not.

    The costume file is saved on my computer, email me if you want it or PM me in game.
  11. Meh, she doesn't look too super, but she's my favorite character.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post

    Oh, I also need to finalize my name choice.
    Any preference between:
    I like Mechynism, personally.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKPhage View Post
    I'd love to join a group like this, but I'll need a bit of time to get my toon where I need him. I had a steampunk elec/elec blaster but I just couldn't work up the desire to finish him to 50, and when Elec control was released I knew I wanted to make him a Dominator, it just fit him so much better, but I didn't wanna have the whole "You're from Praetoria!" thing attatched to him for some of the content, so I rolled him red-side and I'm working towards 20 so I can move to blue-side. I'm guessing you guys aren't in risk of filling up too soon so I'm not too worried about it, but wanted to at least express interest.

    Definitely gonna have to tweak his costume a bit when June 1st rolls around.
    I think a lot of costume tweaks are going to occur when Just 1st rolls around. LOL. As far as being close to 'filled', that's hardly the case. Any time you're ready to get invited, let me, Dr. Occult, or Goblin Queen know, and we'll get you in.

    If I'm not entirely mistaken, Dr Occult has a VG that is pulp themed(?) and based off of a web comic, if you don't want to bring your guy/girl/thing blue side.
  14. For those of you who are having some issues coming up with ideas, or just wanna store 'em away for later, I ran into a guy in the D tonight, who saw my costume and showed me all of his. He let me screenie them so I could show you They're kinda post apocalyptic, but the idea of Steam is still there.

  15. Managed to get Arctisia just before I logged for the night. We're starting to trickle in, more and more
  16. Anyone needing invites (new recruits or alts) put into the Anachronism Society, I am online now. Feel free to /t @Obsidian Light, me.
  17. Greetings all!

    With the good Dr. Occult being away and Goblin Queen sick with some nasty strep throat, Goblin has promoted me to leadership status, in order to keep inviting those who wish to join the Anachronism Society (Blue-side SG).

    While I am normally on Freedom, do not hesitate to send me a /tell @Obsidian Light, and ask for an invite. The good Professor, Sophia Wyatt, is but a moment away.

    Take it easy
  18. Damn you D&D Game!!! Why must you get in the way of a possible MoBAF Badge??? -Angry Obs fist-

    Good luck guys Hope ya get it.
  19. I've seen his base. In fact, I'm coalitioned with his SG on another toon of mine. It's awesome. :-D
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post

    ((PS: As I am @Enforcement, whatcha mean, That Guy... ))
    I am really sorry! I am BAD BAD BAD with names!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
    Love it! Great look.

    He was the owner of Detective Tock, although he came back as Liberties to provide the salvage.
    Yes! That guy! LOL
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
    And the good Professor is now in the Society. Yay!
    And after a dumb mistake on my part, and the wonderful help of a new friend (Thank you for the halloween salvage). I had to remake the Professor, get reinvited to the SG, and remake both costumes. But, for my troubles and GQ's and the new friend (Dear god why can't I remember names!?) Here's the 2nd costume on her line-up.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Occult View Post
    Ok, I'm going to post this link even though everything is still generic on the site. I've bought the domain http://gaslampfantasy.net/ and installed a forum. There's a Shoutbox and a real-time chat in addition to the forum.

    If anyone knows of royalty-free steampunk/gaslamp illustrations or graphics, please let me know as I work on customizing the template. I'll be adding steampunk links as well, with the goal of making this a steampunk portal instead of just a SG forum. It seemed like a waste of such a nice URL to limit it so.

    Not entirely sure if these are royalty free (even though I put that into my google search) but here.