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  1. I will be TBA, depending on what else we end up for this go round.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    we restarted after a miscommunication led to Xort's death.
    You should be a diplomat. More like: after Xort's monumental stupidity botched things up. I am just glad E and Luna were not there to witness it.
  3. Sorry you can't make it E. You will be missed.
  4. Well it was fun Beta testing the new event. Thanks for putting this together Luna, it was fun while it lasted. Maybe if they get things sorted out we can try this again.
  5. I would like to bring Xort, unless we need something else or you don't want to deal with the cysts.
  6. Looking at the lineup, I am thinking that either my blaster or my stone tank would be the most useful. Or maybe I'll bring my PB. We need some cysts in there to liven things up!!
  7. I think I will bring my rad (Thorium 232) for the Sewer Trial and I would like to take Motorpsycho Nitemare for the MOITF.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
    I still had aggro of nictus after trying to pull Rom and they decided to use me as a volleyball. That was the first death of the soon teamwipe and breakup. Good run till then though. Next time everyone.
    MoITF - J-Force style. Maybe if you had popped the ambrosia . . . .
  9. The hunts went really smoothly. Great job directing traffic on that Luna.
  10. I would like to bring Xort or whatever the team needs.
  11. I would like to bring Wong Sun. - Ninja/MM
  12. I would be up for this. I think my blaster needs this arc but I can bring whatever.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
    I'm havin' a brain lapse, what's the name of your earth/kin again?
    Plutonium Quake
  14. I am with MB, badge hunting is an exercise in futility unless you limit it to one or two toons. Motorpsycho Nitemare is one of those toons and he needs the Respec badges so I would like to take him along for that one.

    For KHTF, I can take along whatever is needed. Mostly likely my rad or my earth/kin, both of whom have Katie unlocked.
  15. I have him unlocked on one of my toons as well but I can't remember which one of the top of my head.

    One thing that should be pointed out about the CoT trial is that there absolutely has to be 8 people on the team to finish it. So please don't anyone flake and quit halfway through.
  16. Looking at the list, I see a Stone Tank but no kin. So I'm leaning towards bringing my earth/kin - Plutonium Quake.
  17. Done in 3:16:46 with 23 deaths. Other than the normal Rollister debacle and one near wipe on the last mish everything went smoothly. We had at least 2 people for whom this was their very first TF so all in all in was a great team. I hope they join some more of these; trust me guys, the higher level ones can actually be fun.

    The team:

    1) Cisterno - Mind/Bubbler
    2) Freedom Viking - Inv/Nrg
    3) Paramour - Dark/Dark Def
    4) Rakin Complete - Fire/Shield
    5) Benayha - Kat/SR (Dropped around mish #4 or so)
    6) Cosmic Fang - Spine/Will
    7) Comsicforce Chicken - PB

    Thanks as always for organizning this Luna.
  18. I'll bring whatever the team needs.
  19. I would like to bring Cisterno - Mind/Bubbler. He's on my alt account and had forgetten about him. He has stealth/tp too.
  20. It looks like I will be free tonight after all. If there is still room I would like to join. Looking at the list, I'm thinking with either my rad, PB or blaster.
  21. My two badgers are Xort - PB and Motorpsycho Nitemare - Psy/MM blaster. I would like to join with one of them.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I have a ice/ice blaster that i made but can't remember the name of.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Its not Joe?
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I got that out of my system on the test server.