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  1. Yeah, it´s a little bit dated
    That´s why I want the Carnie Sash ported to male and huge.
  2. Nos482

    Issue 22...

    Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
    As a person not in on the joke, I find this official redname post to be misleading at best.

    Congratulations, you got the joke.
  3. Nos482

    Issue 22...

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    It's surprisingly correct considering what I assume was the rather colloquial original phrase.
    Pass it back and forth between english and latin a few times and it becomes utter bull****.
    Well, not literally, but you know what I mean
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BYiro View Post
    In any case, the only reason to have a male character with a sash is if'n you wear a tux with it, SOOO... we still need pants to work with the sash.
    uh-huh, say have you ever met Sunstorm...

    ...or any members of the PPD Awakened Division?

    Now, what do they have in common?
    Take your time...

    Exactly, they are all male and have a sash!
    Oh, and none of them is wearing a tuxedo.

    But don´t feel too bad. you've only been around since 2004 and could in no way know about us wanting a sash option for our Kheldians


    note: male; not wearing a tuxedo
  5. Nos482

    Issue 22...

    So Zwillinger, as you appearently really like image makros let me show you what I thought right after I clicked on this thread hoping for some news and stuff...

    That´s for your teasing

    according to google translate that's correct latin
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BYiro View Post
    And you can't use the Carnival sash with anything but females. No male, no huge, it is unconscionable.
    Fixed that for you.
  7. Nos482

    Grave news.

    Aww #ß$§, sorry to hear that

    What is this, bad news week?
    VonKrieger is missing, Zyphoid is about to get muted and now this.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Open mouth... insert stick— errrr, well, you know.
    in before /close
  9. Nos482

    New Zone/Area

    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    My choice;
    Have a temporal rift happen in Eden. Bringing the past into the zone. Revamp it ala Dark Astoria but with a primal feel.
    Packs of Raptors hunting the zone.
    A giant T-Rex Gm.
    Arcs trying to seal the rift or prevent it from spreading etc.
    City of Heroes vs. Primeval?!
    Do Want!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    Maybe if they got suits that actually fit him?
    I doubt they´re making kid-sized ones... even the Wolverine suit is too big for him
  11. You might be interested in these (pics are clicky):

    sorry, her action shots were all kinda blurry, those of Cap and Thor were even worse

    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    That shot of Hulk catching IM was great.
    Here, just for you
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    Sister Psyche, because she's so "down to earth."
    That´s one way to put it... she´s six feet under.
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I agree with Chad here. That's the sort of attitude that really pisses me off, and is usually a good reason for me to disrespect everything else a person has to say just based on that. Repulsion isn't a choice, you see.

    Thanks, that gif made my day
  13. So, why are the bad guys riding what appears to be Goblin Gliders?
    And please tell me the giant robo-snake-thingy isn´t supposed to be Jormungandr

    But in overall, YAY!
  14. I like Prometheus

    Yeah I know, he´s a smurf.

    But let me tell you one thing, sometimes size DOES matter
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    OK, that´s too big
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    oh my god i think i just became straight.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodly View Post
    Looked at topics-very much a case of 'dirty freeloaders deserve nothing but contempt for daring to do or ask anything.' Not just from the posters(whenever a Premium has piped up-which is rare in itself-they're shouted down), but where one is allowed to post.
    So let me guess, you´ve read one of Floating Fat Man´s posts?
    Well don´t do that if you don´t want to feel your blood pressure rise... that is, if the topic is anywhere around F2P.
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    You should have been here before the green and yellow lines were unified.
    Don't. Remind. Me.
  16. Not bad, but I like the Dark Knight and X-Men suits better.

    UDReplica´s products

    I´ll be waiting for the Deadpool version... and then I´ll learn to ride a bike
  17. When playing CoX in 800x600 (yes, my computer sucks) the market doesn´t fit on the screen.
    In game I can´t buy stuff as the 'Place Order' button isn´t displayed and when accessing the market via the character select screen I get like two (maybe even three) pixels of the top bar.
  18. pics or it didn´t happen... aka: I´ll be in my bunk
  19. Nos482

    New Zone/Area

    We already have two islands full of mutant creatures.
    Tempest Quay in Pere and The Abyss.

    But yes, some kind of Dinosaur island would be great.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    Marilyn Manson?
    Not exactly. Her name is Rose Lewis and back in 2007 she was one of NC_Soft´s Booth Babes.
  21. Nos482

    Forum BUG

    Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
    Trying to send a PM to someone, and it gives me German language:
    "Private Nachricht an Red Name schicken"
    While the rest of my page and links are all in English.

    Anyone else has this?
    kinda, more or less...
    Last night part of my game was suddenly displayed in german.
    The Rikti Monkey Fight Club and War Witch in Pocket D were the most obvious, but there were different bits of text. Like Council->Rat... but still with english description

    No game breaker, as I speak german. But still pretty annoying.
  22. Yay, just got my Black Wolf, after only 129 packs... This dropchance sucks.
    But hey, now I won´t buy another single pack until Paragon rolls out the next batch.

    btw, I got 7125 reward merits out of that... and enough Experienced + XP-Boosters to easily PL a lot of toons
  23. Ja nee is klar, das wirds sein -.-
    Als ob jedes Wort in Deutsch groß geschrieben würde...
  24. What about Hulkling, in Children's Crusade he was briefly called Captain Marvel. Wouldn´t that be a reset for the trademark timer as well?

    Also afaik Marvel is still using him in their Ultimate Universe...