10 -
Thinking of Boomtown, Nexxes knew that there would likely be Circle of Thorn members there, but in large groups, and most likely confronted by this band of Heroes. Very little information would be gained
As Deth cleans up the girl. Nexxes watches the young girl and looks intently at the gem in her hand... As they teleport away...
"My body is unable to exist in higher dimensional space, for example teleporting... So I wish you all well in your hunt for the Tsoo. I hope that our paths cross in the near future. Fare you well"
Nexxes takes to the sky fading into invisibility a few moments after leaving the ground.
((OOC:Traveling back to the States next week and might not be online for a while)) -
With a nod to the woman on the roof, Nexxes floated down to the ground among the unconcious Lost.
"Greetings, I am Nexxes"
Turning to Haunt and Eidolon waiting until he stops speaking into his phone
"I am most curious about your power signature, it/you appears to be demonic?...yet not? Is it appropriate to ask about the source of your power?"
And to everyone nearby...
"Also do any of you have mystical ties to the Circle of Thorns? I am interested in their mana source"
Some of the heroes glance at him a bit wairily at that question
"My apologies if my questions are inappropriate, this language can be cumbersome" -
Nexxes flew towards the scene of the fighting
Many Heroes have congregated together, chance? or perhaps a group of some kind? There are many different types of Quanta and Mana being manipulated... far to good an opportunity to miss
Flying along the rooftop, Nexxes came to hover a few yards away from the girl. Watching the fight intently.
Nexxes' unusal empty eyes glanced at the girl, and the force field surrounding her... "I've seen a few of these heroes fight already, it's unlikely that with the added help that any of these thugs will poise any threat to them" -
Nexxes sank to the ground and became visible briefly examining the unmoving Torvast.
"An unusual use of netherworld energy... not demonic... this is worth more attention"
the trolls were not any threat to them yet the one with the hat seems very aggitated?
It should be fairly easy to follow the unsual nether energy trail
With that Nexxes raised back into the air and followed after the two. -
Nexxes levitated up away from the Sly Flox and Haunt
"These all have an aura of selflessness...even the ones channeling negative energy" he thought to himself "I've yet to communicate with these 'Heroes'. Perhaps I'll follow them for a bit"
"The chemically enhanced Trolls, don't seem beyond their abilities but I'll encourage the heroes to win"
Flickering very briefly into sight... a green glow surrounded the Troll in front of Haunt.... the trolls eyes glazed for a moment and both Sly Fox and Haunt suddenly felt filled with energy, ready for anything, their endurance rejuvinated.
The next moment Nexxes vanishes from sight, still floating above the battle ground...
"Now to see what they do next"
((ooc: roflmao... I did actually read the thread all the pages... but obviously not close enough, now that is rectified... i'm very sorry.... but your post is pretty funny)) -
Prologue One
The Rikti advanced into the tunnels, their energy weapons blasting through most of the magic shields that had kept Oranbega safe for these many years. Baron Zoria glowered into the gloom as he finished his preparations.
My Lord, we must hurry, the aliens will be here soon the Acolyte whispered
Yes I know replied Zoria But this is an Incantation to a Lord Beyond the Pale, weve had no dealing with it in these times. All must go exactly right or the aliens will be the last of our problems. With that Baron Zoria stepped into his place at the head of the Circle of Power. His long time allies and must powerful followers began to chant and weave their power into a complex summoning ritual.
The Baron was no novice to the Black Arts, for well over a hundred years he had practiced and perfected the skills he had inherited. Still, asking an unknown entity from the Shadow realms, to grant power, when aliens were blasting into your fortress wasnt an everyday occurrence even to the powerful Sorcerer.
The Barons voice became deep and resonated with the power of the spell summoned by the Circle of Thorns at the final incantation he all but shouted out
O Amplissimi viri Dominus adfluentia opacus Umbra. Voveo vovere vovi votum Damnari voti, confusum debello hostis. Abditus castrum arma aspectus!
Each of the Sorcerers felt the presence that suddenly filled the room, the weakest willed fainted on the spot. Zoria however was not afraid, he felt a presence as vast as the distance between the stars touch his spirit briefly. Not even when he first plunged the Thorn of Suffering into his heart had he felt such power around him.
A moment passed, a pressure filled the room, as each of the sorcerers felt an unseen hand push down on their very soul.
A silence more shattering then any explosion filled the Chamber and instantly the presence was gone. Zoria was filled with an unsettling energy and his mystic senses could feel the new barrier that surrounded Oranbega. While the barrier wasnt a permanent replacement as he had hoped it would be. It would protect him and his followers while they battled the invaders.
Zorias eyes blazed as he walked from the chamber and called for his elite troops. He would lead the battle himself to drive these wretches from his halls. Woe unto those who get in my way me snarled to himself.
End Prologue One
The Entity felt a call, the call came from a section of multispace that It had ignored for some ages. A tendril of its awareness slid sideways through spacetime to listen.
A group of Magi, wearing new bodies, asked to be hidden. It remembered them, these self proclaimed Sorcerer Kings. They had been enthralled with the Shadow but they lost track of the light. Forgetting that Shadow only exists where light and dark meet. The Presence let its awareness slide ever so lightly over the magi, It remembered how fragile these bodies of matter were. As they were in the past these magi were enamored with the dark side of life. Still much time had past in this realm since someone had called on It. Perhaps these magi might call on It again. The Entity fulfilled the desire of the lead Magi Zoria he was called. Only instead of granting a permanent boon, it would be a temporary one. An Avatar would be sent to that realm of cold matter and bright spirit to see if Zoria and these magi might be worth Its consideration.
End Prologue Two
Nexxes walked into Atlas Park. He noticed that his clothes while mimicking those of the Circle of Thorns was different from the people he saw around him.
He let his slight telepathy brush against the minds around him.
Interesting he murmured as he listened to the thoughts around him.
Most human have no awareness of the higher realms. Yet I sense many shielded minds in this city. Heroes? Villains? Aliens? Complex social structures, advanced scientific machines, magi both light and dark, undead, Angelic, Netherworld
Well it seems it was a good idea, to manifest here. Perhaps I should have invested this form with more power He mused Hmmm no, the past has shown that in order to understand a species I must learn how it functions. Still I know that there are many mystics here, even some Others from the upper and lower planes. Best to explore without turning this into a battle zone or bringing omni dimensional energies to this realm
He looked at a male and female walking along holding hands. With a wave his clothes took on an appearance similar to the mans. Now, to see what these mystics do
End Origin
Nexxes is an unempowered Avatar of a cosmic being. He will originally be here to find out about the Circle of Thorns and the style of magic that Mystics use in Paragon City. As he explores the city he will find the heros endearing and without being really aware of it will start to emulate their behavior. His consciousness is vastly limited compared to the Entity that he is part of, but still his understanding of Universal Xeno Lore is nearly limitless. His understanding of humanity, of the passions of being good or evil, of being human is infinitely less. So too is his understanding of human magic. While he can perceive it as he can the thoughts of non-heroic humans. It will take him some time to learn to Master it. -
Nexxes watched the Tsoo Sorcerers chakric responses to the Mental stab....
"Interesting.... unlike the Circle of Thorns the Tsoo untilize an enhanced form of psi-essence... If I remove his pituitary gland I wonder..."
Suddenly turning his head to the side.... "Hmmmm Nether energy... this could prove insightfull"
Releasing the Tsoo into unconciousness... Nexxes stands up...wearing robes that are vaugely reminiscent of the Circle of Thorns...He looks like a normal young man... except for his eyes which open into shadowed emptiness.
Warping light around himself becoming invisible... Nexxes floats around the building to where he sees Deth dancing with the Trolls....
"This female is connected to an Other or Others...? I wonder which?"
hmmm I sense other empowered life forms are here and more approaching... very interesting...
I'm not sure if the Sly Fox likes beer but I hope I can buy you a drink of some kind! (as soon as Paragon has a bar that is)
Good luck with your SG -
I want to RP... I want to role play my toons with other toons . After reading these boards I am uncomfortable doing it. So many people get uptight at it seems... anything.
I'm curious how hard it would be to add some or even just one of the folowing (or maybe these are already in effect and I just don't know it?)
1) A roleplaying chat channel
2) A roleplaying flag that is visible to everyone.
3) An Uptight filter... defaults to on.... I'm automatically /ignored by anyone that doesn't turn it off... I don't want to upset someone by talking about religion/science/politics IN CHARACTER... while I'm wishing also make my costume completely random to anyone that has uptight filter /ON no worries on getting anyone upset because I might look angelic/demonic/gay/naked/alien (Earth is for Humans after all)
I just am so tired of seeing so many people complain that this is a game..."it shouldn't have; demons, angels, homosexuals, monotone colored toons, races, genders, religion, science, offensive roleplayers, inoffensive roleplayers, etc etc ad nauseum"
You know what; comics have all those things. If it offends many people then it shouldn't be allowed...as much as that annoys me... it's true... but anything will offend SOMEONE and that's just silly. So for the BIG group of us that AREN'T annoyed by all that stuff... some flag or chat channel or something.
Ok sorry
/end rant -
I am on Virtue...but after reading these forums I'm not willing to RP much.... so many people that get offended at anything/everything/nothing... I wish they would add a RP chat channel so we don't upset the amazingly uptight people I see posting on some of the boards.