32 -
*hugs Ariel's knees*
*grins* -
I remember being involved in the Hami Raids and learning to lead the Drop Team.
I remember the entire team making up costumes that spelled out Drop Team. LOL
I remember the fun we had poking fun at Severe.
I remember wonderful costume contests held at the Atlas Park Plaza.
I remember playing this game and laughing so hard I was crying when with my good friends.
I remember tanking with my emp healer. >.<
I remember Mr U showing me how to be a blaster tank. (and he was damn good too =) )
I remember the toon auctions held in King's Row. -
I really dislike the idea that you have made the heavies unhealable.
I used them for getting those pills. I am not a PVP'er, nor do I go to RV often.. but I do go extremely late at night and its nice to be able to keep a heavy around for a bit.
I could care less about PVP..And I gamely keep going when I do get shot down..but when only 3 heavies are available...
Please reconsider this. I am aware of the pill farming problem, and the RV problems...but to punish the few abusers...you hurt a lot more innocents.
Please reconsider this decision.
Thank you. -
I like I9 overall. I was disappointed in what happened to the Hamidon encounter. It is pretty much obsolete now since IO's can easitly take the place of HO's, and HO's are now more availible thru the Auction House with all the vets selling them.
I love the costume drops and now that I9 has been out for a bit, I can see prices settling and more rares becoming availible.
I really had hoped for a couple of things.
1-Raising the lvl cap from 50 to 60 with new content in those levels.
2- New content in general.
It's the same old stories over and over, same critters to fight, same leveling grind.
The thing that keeps me here are my friends, the fact that we try different combos of teams, and any new content that falls our way.
I am not a PVP'er even though I do dabble in it everynow and then.
I think you guys are doing a great job and I do love this game. I am looking forward to I10 and the storyline leading into the game from the Comic Book.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you for adding that!!
And thanks Area for adding the links back in!!! I thought I had done that right!!
Eveyone enjoy!!
Recommended Reading before reading this Guide: Call_Me_Awesome's Guide to First Time Hamidon Raiders. Many of the terms used will be the same as used in that guide.
A. What is a Drop Team and what is it's Purpose?
1- The Drop Team consists of a team of Illusion Controllers, or "Droppers." The team preferably consists of a team of 8, but the job can be done with a minimum of 5. More than one team is very, very helpful with proper coordination and cooperation.
2 - The use of a Drop Team is to attract aggro with Phantom Army (PA) from the Hamidon (Hami) and the surrounding Mitos to reduce damage taken by the other teams fighting the Mitos or healing the Taunt Tank as much as possible.
B. The Powers of a Drop Team
1 - Illusion must be the primary power. The secondary is not as important, as any Illusion controller can contribute to the Drop Team. However, secondaries such as Radiation and Kinetics are especially useful. Empathy and Forcefields can be helpful. Stormers and Trick Archers should lock up all their secondary powers during the Drop Team phase.
Fly and/or hover are essential unless someone on the team has Group Fly. Recall Friend can be helpful.
C. Forming the Drop Team
1 - A Leader is chosen and he/she invites as many Illusion Controllers as are available. I have found that the minimum number of Droppers is 5. I have lead Drop Teams with as many as 18 (3 separate teams). Communications is easiest if you have one team of 8, but the communication issue can be resolved using either local chat or a special Drop Team Channel.
2 - Communication is the key to success on a Drop Team. Also, the Drop Team Leader should be in contact with the Raid Leader (RL), the Main Assist (MA) and if possible the Taunt Tank (TT). On Guardian, we have set up a Drop Team Channel in case we have more than a single 8-man team.
3- The Drop Team is the first team at the Hami Raid to deploy and get the raid underway. It is important that the Drop Team get organized and started quickly, as the rest of the Hami Raid Teams must wait until the Drop Team is operating.
4- If any Illusionists on the Drop Team do not have Fly or Hover, those team members must be joined up with someone with Group Fly. Ideally, the Drop Team Leader has Group Fly. The Leader must recognize that Group Fly is slower than regular Fly, and move slowly enough to not lose the non-fliers. Otherwise, the non-fliers will fall to a quick and painful death . . .
D. Getting Out to Hami Safely and Setting Up.
1-On Guardian, the entire Hami Raid Team meets at the Rock south of the Hamidon Bowl. It is a large flat rock with spires around it that mostly protect the players from the wandering monsters. We call it, simply, "the Rock."
2- All Drop Team members should put the Leader on "follow." Someone, if not the Leader, should activate Group Fly. Any other team members with Fly or Hover should activate their powers at this time as well, but keep the leader on "follow." It may be a good idea to allow a non-flier to lead the Drop Team to the area above Hami so the non-fliers relying upon Group Fly will not be lost on the flight out. Generally. it is best to go straight up from the Rock until the team is far above the tallest spires in the area and far above the top of Hami's Cytoplasm (the "Jello"). Then, move the team out over Hami. I like to center right above Hami himself.
3 - At this time, the leader should advise the Drop Team that he/she is going to drop a "test drop" of PA onto Hami. You are looking for, first, your placement of PA, and second, whether the PA are drawing the aggro of Hami and the surrounding Mitos. Since the PA are invulnerable and last for one minute, you should be able to see them being hit. You may need to lower your team a bit until you can see the PA taking aggro from Hami and the Mitos. Be careful how far down you go, because if you get within range, you or your teammates may draw some unwanted attention. Hami and the Mitos have a very, very long range, and they can shoot and kill anyone in your team far above Hami. If someone gets hit, be prepared to do some quick healing, since another shot may come quickly. When I fly my team out, I look at the horizon of the area and stay just above the tallest rock spires. I then angle my view downward to see the results of my test drop. If my PA are drawing lots of aggro and staying underneath me, then I have found what I call, "The Sweet Spot."
4 - At this point, you have positioned the team. It is best, as the Leader, that you become the focal point and return point of the Drop Team. Confirm that everyone on the team has activated group Fly, Fly, or Hover, if they have it, in case there is an accidental disconnection, or in case the main Group Flier or the Leader get clobbered by Hami or a Mito. If anyone on the team is taking shots from Hami or any Mito, then just rise up a bit. You don't want to go so far up that you lose sight of Hami, if possible, but you want to keep the team safe.
5- Direct the Drop Team to fire off any buffs that will help cycle your powers quicker by increasing recharge: Accelerate Metabolism ("AM") and Speed Boost ("SB"). The more AM the better, as it is an area buff. SB is great, too, but the Illusion/Kinetics teammate must boost each person every two minutes. (This can get tedious.) Dispersion Bubble may help protect the team against holds from the Blue Mitos, but will not protect against the damage from attacks from Hami or the yellow Mitos. Adrenaline Boost may also be used. It doesn't hit all in an aura around you as it is a single target hit and it is not a fast recharge like SB. It can't be spammed on the team list. However you can use it on the Dropper who is using SB on the others, or on a Radiation Dropper to keep the AM's and SB's coming faster.
E - The Triangle Drop Formation (created by the Guardian Drop Team)
The basic concept of the Triangle Drop Formation is to set up at least three sites in the Jello where PA keep drawing the aggro of the Mitos. At first, one group will try to draw Hami's aggro, while the other two will focus on the Mitos. However, to be most effective, the Droppers all need to share in the buffs of the entire team. Therefore, one group stays in place, while others fly out, drop their PA and then come back to share in the buffs.
1- Once you have the buffs firing, all Droppers can begin dropping their PA. The Leader will remain in place, dropping his/her Pa from that position. The PA dropped by the Leader and others staying with the Leader should be drawing the attacks from Hami. This is the "main group," who drop the "main group" of PA. The "main group" should consist of the Leader, the Group Flier (if not the leader), and all non-flier Droppers. This needs to be no less than three Droppers, but will usually be more. It is also a good idea for anyone new to Hami Raids to stay with the "main group," If the "main group" of PA have Hami's aggro, then these Droppers should not move until the Taunt Tank goes in to take Hami's aggro. The "main group" should only move if the position of the "main group" of PA needs to be re-positioned, or after the Taunt Tank is taking Hami's aggro. After the Taunt Tank has aggro, the "main group" can move lower to do pin-point drops to help draw aggro from the yellow and blue Mitos, to help the Mito Clearing Team.
2- The rest of the Drop Team members can come and go at will, whenever their PA have recharged and are available to be dropped into the Jello. Generally, it is better for more experienced Droppers to do this. You want to set up a triangle pattern around Hami, and to keep the PA at the points there continually, the Droppers need to coordinate where they are dropping. One point should be near where the Mitos Clearing Team is going to come in, (generally the south/southwest side ) or near them if they are already in the Jello. The other point can be near the Taunt Tank's Heal team. (The third point is the "main group" of PA, drawing Hami's aggro.) The Droppers will need to dive in to just above the Jello, drop their Pa, retarget the Leader and get back up to the main group so they don't miss buffs. The easiest way to do this is to target the Leader and hit the "follow" key. The team needs to watch for how often the PA recharge. It is also wise to stagger the drops at each point of the triangle, so there is ALWAYS PA on the ground taking aggro form the Mitos. If there are enough AM's and SB's being shared, the Droppers can have their PA recharge just when the PA run out (known as "perma-PA"). This takes about five AM's to accomplish.
3 - It is important to get the PA in the Triangle Formation and on Perma-PA, or as close to Perma-PA as possible, as quickly as possible. However, for the safety of your team, especially if you have new folk, take the time to explain. Take the time to set up so you are all safe. It will take twice as long and cause delays for the entire raid if you rush it and all the Droppers die, and then have to reset.
4 - If one of your team happens to die, DO NOT GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Hopefully someone on your team has Recall Friend. It is best if the Dropper with Recall Friend flies back to the rock and teleports the dead body there. The unfortunate Dropper gets rezzed, then flys and or is teleported, back to the group above Hami. (There is a tricky maneuver that does work with a bit of practice. The teleporter stays in the group and teleports the body straight above the group--the higher the better. If someone on the team can rez, the dead toon must hit "accept" FAST as he/she begins to fall toward the group. When the toon hits the group he/she will be caught by the Group Fly.
F. Working with the Mito Team and the Taunt Team
1 - Once you are set up, have started dropping and have already grabbed Hami's aggro, you can give the signal to the MA to lead the Mitos Clearing Team in. If you have more than 8 on your Drop Team, you can lend help specifically to the Mito Team if they are taking too much damage. Just have two Droppers from the second team drop PA on either side of the Mito team to take aggro from surrounding Mitos. This works if you have a flying or a grounded Mito Clearing Team.
2 - If you have a Taunt Team that goes in to taunt Hami's aggro at any point during in the clearing stage, then you want to send two Droppers to flank the Tank's healing team. (please refer to Call Me Awesome's Guide to being a Taunt Tank for Hamidon) The flanking PA will keep any aggro from nearby Mitos off the Heal Team so they can concentrate on keeping the Tank alive.
G. Nearing the End
1 - As the Mito team clears the Mitos, the Drop Team has the best viewpoint of how many Mitos are left, and which color the Mitos are. I like to let the MA know what the Mitos Clearing Team has left as it clears. I have my team let me know the count, as sometimes it is hard to see from far above Hami. The Droppers setting up the triangle can see, though. Then, I let the MA know.
2 - I cannot stress how important COMMUNICATION is at this time. I keep in constant contact with the MA and the Taunt Tank and my Drop Team.
3 - Once the Clearing Phase is over and the MA calls for the teams to head back to the rock, the Drop Team can just hover above Hami until the Hold Phase is called for by the Raid Leader. At that point, I simply drop my team in on Hami and we begin firing our holds.
Last Thoughts
This detailed guide works for us on Guardian very well but it may not work for all public raids. It really depends on which Architypes show up and how many. These strategies may need to be adjusted for your particular Raid teams.
I would like to thank Local Man(Area Man), Pheadra ("Noor), Call Me Awesome, and Mr Anderson (Dante Skye) for their help and valuable input on this guide. I also want to include the following, as we were all a part of this learning process and strategy. I am honored to call you friends.
Ar Kain, Fakeness, Chimera Fury, Doug Henning, Melmoth, Hidden Fox, Spectacular, Blu Archura, and I just KNOW I am forgetting people!
Hamidon for first timers
Hamidon Raids - a Main Taunt Tank guide -
*jaw hits the floor*
That is just priceless. I love it!!!
I think I just found my new screensaver.......
Adding my vote here because I am so lost with all this posting between two threads...
Sleepy Kitty
Lady Athyna
Vixen Valor
Tabby Cat
Good luck to all contestants! I am humbled to be in the presence of such famous folk. All you ladies rock!
hey.. I read.... and I did not nominate myself......
Turbo was a gentlmen and nominated me.. -
<-----does the bellydance happydance around the thread
*gives Turbo a great big hug*
he forgot me too...
hmmm.. how interesting..I was gone for a week as well
No worries Lady M.. I am sure someone will nominate us..maybe..hopefully...hey can we nominate ourselves??
Cabin Girl breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't natural for plants to attack. And that walking Fly-Trap was just un-nerving. But she could see that Slow's fire imps were ripping thru the plants. She turned to Ratchet.
"Its about time you showed up." she smiled as she hacked away a clinging vine.
Ratchet just turned his head and looked at her. "A gnome's work is never done my fair pirate lady. Is your communicator still working correctly?"
"Aye, good thinking matey and very handy." she grinned
Suddenly a large figure loomed in front of them. Slowly Cabin Girl and Ratchet looked up...and up. It was a brute of a man. He burst into flames and began pounding his fists together.
There was a sudden silence to her left as the clanging of swords stopped for a bit. Neut tore her gaze from the two new arrivals to see the firey brute standing before the two scrappers. Neut looked up at Eighttball to see him looking at her. There were no words needed as she pointed towards Ratchet and Cabin Girl. There would be time enought for a reunion later. Eightball leapt towards the brute and landed in front of a startled CG and Ratchet. He responded to Fiery Fist's challenge. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Eight taunted.
Cabin Girl and Ratchet backed up a bit totally willing to let the big men go at it. She looked towards Captain Yarrrrr who was hacking it out with Captain Harrrrr. They seemed evenly matched. She looked at Ratchet. "I guess it is up to us to clear the robots, ninjas, and plants."
"Robots, ninjas, and plants..oh my" he replied. "GNOMERCY!! I'VE COME FOR YOUR PANTS!!" Ratchet yelled as he leapt into the mob of ninjas nearest him.
Cabin Girl laughed heartily. "AVAST YE SCURY SWABS! PREPARE TO BE BOARDED!" she yelled as she followed him into the fray.
Neut looked at Peepopo. Once again, buisness before pleasure she thought, and nodded towards Fungal. As Peepopo drew his sword she turned and gestured towards Mr Slowburn making his head glow red. Tar was still clearing the field and going strong. She frowned. She still didnt' know what it was about him. It was like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop, there was something still not quite right about him. She would keep a close eye on him, but first. She looked around and located PharmHawk. Who was she talking to? The figure did not look familiar to her, but the robots did. At that moment PH looked towards the fight and saw Neut staring at her and the strange man. -
"Yo Neut!!!! Fort please!!" Captain Yarrr hollered out. "Cabin Girl, flank him!" he swung to the right dodgeing a a slash from Captain Harrrr. His head began to glow red as he lined up a shot on the evil pirate.
Neut turned her attention back to the main fight. Slow had his hands full with a female who had control over some wicked plants. His imps seemed to be fighting amongst theirselves and it looked as if there was another kinetic on the evil side. Neut knew she couldn't effect the stronger brutes and stalkers but she could keep the corruptor busy. She stayed behind Tar and hovered up a bit so she could see the overall battle. Tar still seemed to be holding his own despite the drains that were being thown on him. Neut countereacted the end drain with RA. She saw HH hovering over Teen Tar Heel, and he was getting back up. She threw clear mind on HH just in case. He was too close to that brute next to the zombie kin.
An energy bolt warmed her skin as Blue Electric blasted a robot away from her. "Pay attention babe!" Blue grinned. "You are too squishy and I need you to keep me alive!"
Neut smiled at him. She CM'ed him for good measure. It was good to know he had her back. She truned back to the Zombie. She could see TTH looking at her with revenge in his eyes. Neut pointed, and an electric fence popped up around the zombie immobilizing her."That will help him out, but he better move fast." she thought to herself.
Suddenly, the hair onthe back of her neck stood up. She quickly looked around. What she saw made her eyes water with joy.
Coming over the rise was Eighttball and Peepopo. -
The pain was immeasurable. She faded in and out and was grateful for the times she blacked out.
Her eyes blinked open. The first thing she noticed was that her hands and arms were numb. She was still strapped down.
"Ah, my pretty, awake at last. How are you feeling?"
A man in a lab coat came over to peer down into her face.
Her mouth felt.... felt strange.
"You can talk, you are just not used to the new you. Speak."
She uttered a low sound. Her tongue moved over her teeth to wet her lips,, but they didn't feel right...fangs?? Her upper lip..so strange. "Water.." she croaked.
"Ah." replied the man. He reached to a side panel andthe table began tilting up to a verticle position. The man held a cup of water to her lips. "Go easy now my pet."
She sipped the water enough to wet her throat then turned her head. "Who are you, where...."
"So many questions... the answers are irrelevant. What is more important is who you are."
She was bewildered. "Who am I?"
"You, my pet, are White Heat." he grinned. -
Teen Tar Heel went to his knees. He felt a wetness in his ears. He reached up and his fingers came away with blood on them. Screech's point blank sonic shriek and burst his eardrums. Rube approached the disoriented kneeling teen and knocked him cold with a haymaker. "The kid has spunk." he said.
"Ya, he would make a great villian..he monologues enuf to make me deaf." Screech sneered. "What the hell was he talkin about anyway. Who's this AC Slater? Another wimpy hero?" She glanced over her sholder and let loose transfusion on Firey Fist's opponent, healing FF up to full capacity.
Rube just shrugged as he turned to face the main battle. "Just keep up the FS on that tank. With his power on our side, this fight won't last long."
Screech stepped over the inert form of TTH and repostioned herself behind the second wave of Evilnighter's where her siphons would do the most good, then cut loose with siphon power. -
"She would make an excellent test subject. I have always wanted to experiment with Mutant DNA. See if I could force evolve it." the man wondered over to the table where Cattnip was laying.
The Fortunata turned towards the door. "Do with her what you will. Ghost Widow has enough to worry about. She won't even notice one more addition to her army."
As the door shut behind her, the man leaned over the prone hero. "This is the first time I have seen fur on subject. But you are so .. so different. I wonder if I can push you more towards the feral side of you nature....hmmmm." Metal appendages came to life from the man's back. "I am going to create something different with you my pretty. No major cutting this time. All my work will be done from inside..yes..yes.." The man turned to his work table and gathered his tools. He used one of the appendeges to swing an extendable piece of equipment from the ceiling down over Cattnip. He switched it on and she was bathed in a green glow.
"Let us begin my pretty." he murmurred, his hands drawing up her hair away from her face. "First off, I am not sure I want you so violent miss kitty, so lets start with a declawing shall we?"
His metal arms descended on Cattnip. -
It wasn't locked. Cattnip cautiously opened the door and peered in. It was shockingly bright inside and reminded her of a doctor's office/operation room. It was cold and sterile made of steel and white tile. It smelled overwelminglyof disenfectant. She stepped in and shut the door.
"Can't you people leave me alone for two seconds? I am just finishing my......" the voice stopped. Cattnip jumped at the sound. She hadn't seen or heard the man in the white lab coat. "I don't know you.. You want something? I am very busy." he said taking a step towards her.
"Uh, I am, uh.. looking for two men that might have come this way?"
The man looked at her strangely. "No one has been in here. Who are you again?" he said as he moved toward a side counter.
Cattnip thought fast. "Um, nobody important. I was, uh, sent to look for them and I thought they came in here. Sorry to disturb you." She backed up and reached for the doorknob only to find the door opening on its own. She heard a distinct click behind her. The hair on her neck stood up.
Oh boy, here we go. she thought to herself.
She backed up into the corner behind the door and went into a crouch.
A man in a black arachnos uniform came in. "Where is she?"
"There, behind the door. Thank you for responding so quickly. I barely pressed the alarm." the man in white said.
The Arachnos soldier turned to Cattnip and held up a strange looking weapon. "She was on observation the minute she walked in." He grinned at Cattnip. "You are either very brave or very stupid kitty cat. Now you are coming with us and I suggest you come quietly." He raised the weapon and aimed it at her.
Cattnip weighed her options. One soldier, an unknown weapon, a doc or go with them quietly. Yea right....
In one swift action she moved. She popped her claws and before the man in white had blinked, the soldier was out cold on the floor. Cattnip disarmed him of the weapon and turned to the doctor. His eyes grew wide and he backed up. "This would have gone so much more easier if you had just let me go." Cattnip said. The doctor began to smile.
"Really my dear. I think you are right, it would have gone easier if you had just gone with him. Now..."
Cattnip barely had time to wonder at what he meant by that and the fact that his eyes were looking to just above her sholder.
"Oops" she muttered.
A stunning blow knocked her to the floor. She fell to the floor on all fours, the weapon flying from her hand.
"Did you really think we would only send one man to collect an interloper?" a voice came from the hall.
Cattnip looked up. There were several more soldiers in the hall coming into the room. She struck out with her foot and knocked the first man down. She hopped to her feet, popped her claws and focused on the second man in the door way. He was knocked back in to the hall from the force. She leapt after him. Close fighting quarters she could handle and knew she had the upper hand. A whirling move stunned two more in the hall itself.
As she slashed at the second man, her world went black and she slumped to the floor.
"My my.." the doctor said, the discharged weapon in his hands. "This is impressive. Get her out of here, I have work to do." He tossed the weapon to the awakening guard on the floor. -
She overlooked the field. The Everynighters seemed to be gaining the upper hand. Alpha team was losing stamina. She could see Fiery Fist glancing towards the hillside where Beta team stood waiting for the signal from Ghost Widow.
"Arrrrrr lass." Captain Harrrr said, clapping her on the sholder. "We will get our chance to show those pirates what it really means to pilliage and plunder. That saucy baggage they call Cabin Girl...I will claim her for my first prize. " Harrrr looked down where the pirates were beating back some robots. She watched him leer at the female with the large broadsword as she hacked the legs off a robot.
"I don't think she is one we need to worry about." She said nodding towards the winged headed woman. "That one stopped a tank in his tracks."
"Then that is the one you drain first. From her we will be energized." said Rube as he came up beside her. "Make her your focus..her and the tank they call Tar Heel. They will last the longest. We have a green light. Let's roll."
Screech looked down at her arm, flicked off the flakeing dead skin, then gazed down at the fight that they were soon to enter. "Hope they brought earplugs." she mumbled and fell in behind Beta Team. Upon reaching the bottom she focused on the large blue tank. As her team hit the tightly gathered Everynighters like a tsunami, she fulcrum shifted his power to the Evilnighters, then turned to the wing-headed woman and fired off transference.
To her left, she heard Captian Harrrr's hearty laugh as he engaged in battle with Captain Yarrr with his ice sword. -
The second the wolves dissappeared into the shadows, Cattnip curled into a tight ball. Her regen was slow to work and she lay there for some time. She eventually rolled onto her back and let the memories of the battle wash over her. Wolfy had held back at the end. That small action gave her hope. She knew she could do this, could get him back. But first, she had to get out of here, and second, she had to follow their trail.
She got to her feet and stretched. She started off in the direction they had taken. There was a slight smell. It was Wolfy. She knew his scent. The other one, his was the stench of death. But Wolfy, he might be able to cover his scent, or disguise it, but not the smell of sweat in his clothing from an extended battle. Cattnip grinned. She had him, and he had left a a good trail, she knew it, and she was willing to bet he had done it on purpose.
She struck out at a fast pace. She knew they were probibly moving quickly and she knew she needed to get out of the area incase Darkened Wolf had sent Archons after her. After that fight outside the hospital, she did not care to go up against the soldiers of Arachos alone.
She had no way of contacting anyone from the EN. She was truly alone. She and Wolfy were too evenly matched but she had an edge that Darkened Wolf didn't know about. Wolfy was still with her. She just had to out-think DW, and with his penchant for monologuing, it shouldn't be too hard. In every encounter she had with villians, it always was their own egos that tripped them up in the end. All she had to do was play to it.
The scent trail led her to the back of a huge skyrise. As she looked up at the building, she could see giant red flags and banners waving from its ramparts. They had large spider looking emblems on them.
"This looks like an office building?" she wondered. "That makes no sense."
The trail ended at a door. There was no handle. "Only from the inside...Damn it." She popped a claw and tried to jam it in the door seam. She worked her claw up and down trying to feel for the locking mechanism. After a few minutes of fiddling with it, she wasn't any farther along. She withdrew her claw. "Well, no guts no glory. There is always the front door." Of course a pink and beige cat might draw the wrong attention. Quickly looking around, and not seeing anyone, she flash morphed into her black and white stripped fur. "This might work..they would never expect me to walk thru the front... Just need to act confident and look mean..like a villian. I can do this." Cattnip thought to herself.
She quickly moved to the front of the building. People were walking in and out of the doors. She lifted her head and put on what she hoped was a regal, haughty look, grabbed the door handle and walked in.
The front lobby was emmence. Cattnip kept reminding herself not to look around in wonder. "Look straight ahead,, don't flinch, look like you know what you are doing." She glanced toward the front desk. The guards there didnt even look up. There were 4 main elevators and 6 doors. One labeled stairwell. Remembering the back door being at the NW corner of the building she took one of the rear elevators. She punched the down button. The doors open, and just her luck, nobody was on the vator. She entered and pressed door shut. She let out her breath, not even aware she had been holding it. "What the hell am I doing? Too easy... I have no idea where to go" She looked at the buttons. There were 5 sublevels and a "B" for basement. "Gonna' have to work my way to that door." Knowing she came up some stairs from the back she figured that the basement might be the right level for that back door. She punched "B". The doors opened. She got her bearings and stepped into the hall. She turned in the direction of that back door. All her senses were on full alert. If she could just pick that scent up before she found that door. She kept following hallways, slowly working her way to the NW corner. She kept up her confident walk, and as she passed people she didn't look at them, putting a sneer on if she did make eye contact. She had just passed one man who had looked at her funny. He was wearing a labcoat. She turned a corner and kept going. She knew the man had stopped and might be coming back around the corner. She quickly tried a door and found it open. She ducked inside and closed the door. She froze, listening for his footsteps. After a few minutes and hearing nothing, she opened the door back up and peered out. The hall was empty and she could no longer smell him near. She stepped back out and continued on her way. As she came to a four-way section, she halted. "Aahhh." There was the familiar scent. She looked ahead. If she was correct, the back door was ahead of her somewhere. She looked left and followed the scent. It led her to a closed door. The hall was still empty. She put her ear to the door. No sounds. She put her hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it, easing the door open. It looked like a receiving office, and nobody was home. She entered quickly and shut the door. The same stench of death lingered here. The wolves had both came this way. There were were two doors leading out of this room. She followed Wolfy's scent to the door on the right. Once again, she put her ear to the door and again, silence. She opened it into a small hallway that had several doors and one at the end of it. She moved to the door that his scent led to. There was no light coming from under the door and no sound. Swallowing hard and her adrennelin pumping, she tried the door handle. -
His eyes reminded her of a black pit. There was simply nothing there. "Tar...Tar.. come back to me. I know you can hear me. They came for us. We are safe..for the moment. Tar?" Neut whispered. She held the gun between them. Neut looked back at PharmaHawk, and held up the gun. She had a questioning look in her eyes.
PH looked at Neut and the gun she held. "Use it on him. Maybe that will work." PH got to her feet and looked around. She sent out a regeneration and recovery aura then took stock of the situation. "Come on people, get up. We need to get our team out of here. TTH, check on Mr. Slowburn. Headache Healer, I have an idea for Tar. Help me out. Blue, Gar, the rest of you, lets go."
Neut turned from PH and looked at Tar. Slowly she raised the gun an held it to his neck. Her hand started to shake. She couldn't think straight. She glanced at Slow. He was staring at her. She thought she noticed a slight shake of his head, his hands making a slight side to side motion. He was motioning her to not use the gun? She turned back to Tar. Suddenly it hit her. What Ghost Widow wanted her to do. What had been deeply programmed into her mind. If she was recaptured by the EN. She was programmed and set up to be a double agent. She knew Slow and Tar might have the same programming. And then she knew. Tar was fighting it, and it was hurting him. He was shutting down. His loyalty to the Everynighters was so ingrained. The pain hit Neut intensely. Her head was on fire. She dropped the gun and cried out.
PH and HH came over and grabbed Neut.
"Waht is wrong with her?" HH asked.
PH looked perplexed. "I am not sure. I told her to use that gun on Tar, but she didn't and now.."
"She's fighting Ghost Widow's influence."
PH and HH looked at Slow. "It's what is happening with Tar as well. And what will happen with me as well if I hold out."
"We got company!" Blue shouted. The remaining EN looked up at Blue and where he was pointing. TTH , helping Slow to his feet, looked over and said. "Never a dull moment huh guys?" -
Silence reigned across the field of battle. Then a low moan preferated the silence. Neut raised her head. As she looked around at the fallen, she spotted what looked like a gun laying near her. She picked it up. It looked suspiciously like an injection gun of some sort. Something in her mind clicked. "Teen Tar Heel had this when they approached." she thought to herself. "This was meant for us....wait..no" She hauled her self to her knees. The others were starting to come around, she didn't have much time. She looked up and heard yelling. Captain Yarrr and the pirates were coming down from the Chopper pad and headed their way. Slowly Neut spread her arms. "I will not allow this to happen!"
Pharma Hawk raised her head and spotted Neut.
"Don't! Stand down Neuttrino!"
Neut looked at Pharma Hawk. "You don't understand what you have done. What we could have accomplished. No more words."
Neut released a wave of energy over the group effectively neutralizing everyone within 50 feet. " You may have drained some of our life, but I have drained you all of any and all endurance. There will be no more fighting." Then slowly, Neut crawled over to PH. "Take my hand sister, let me heal you"
PH looked suspiciously at Neut's outstretched hand, then cautiously put her hand in Neuts. Neut then looked at the team. They were slowly rousing. A green healing wave pulsed out from Neut's body.
"I can't heal the damage done to Tar's body. Regrowth is not possible with our powers, even combined. The pain you caused us has seemingly awakened us from Ghost Widow's brainwashing, but something is still not right." Neut let go of PH's hand and went to Tar's kneeling form. She put her hand on his sholder and looked into his eyes.
"Tar" she whispered,"are you still with me?" she brought the gun up between them.