Neo Shadowdream

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  1. /bind key "cce # CCName"

    # is 0-4 for each of the 5 costume slots

    CCName is

  2. If anyone would like to donate an Intel mac, I would be happy to write up a shell script

    I worked on Mac laptops about a year ago, and figured out how to do all kinds of fun stuff from the shell.... My boss hated me because I could clear the test software (a 30 min job) in 15 seconds or less.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Hello Jay! I have a problem with my cape disappearing when i emerge from the MA editor i didn't take any screenies but will add it when i come across it again! Thanks! Mr.Sexy one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is a known issue.
  4. Awesome thanks BaBs!

    Jacket -> Baron -> Occult
  5. You will get a prompt like the TP Prompt. It will *not* tell you if its the buff or debuff, and there is no way to remove it before the 20 min are up.
  6. /help now opens the Help screen, /helpchat or /hc is what you use to talk on the help chan.
  7. Neo Shadowdream

    MA Resource Site

    Done, thanks Ex!

    (First after a red name, first replied to by a red name) w00t
  8. MA Resource

    Upload your Arcs and Critters for others to use. Add your Arc to the Arc listing to get comments from others. Create a group site for you and your friends!
  9. Neo Shadowdream

    MA Resource Site MA Resource

    Upload your Arcs and Critters for others to use. Add your Arc to the Arc listing to get comments from others. Create a group site for you and your friends!
  10. Problem with removing the timer is the fact that ALL powers recharge on the swap.
  11. 4 words: Items With Bottom Textures.

    specifically Room Details -> Floor Tile (the large white honey comb patterned one) these make great second floor tiles since you can float a whole second floor on one stack of desks. They will stack on them self so with a little work, you can do the whole room in 5 min tops. But it looks odd when you can see the top of the room from below the floor.
  12. Claimed != Placed.

    if you did'nt CLAIM them you lost them, if you placed them on a server, then they are yours to keep, forever... and ever
  13. *I* am the real Neo... sorry