Is there a Demoplay method on the Mac yet?




I've seen a number of allusions to -demoplay on the Mac, but no actual methodology. Is there some way to actually do this? Obviously, we can't just add "-demoplay (filename)" to an alias pointing at the exe file on our side of things, so is it possible to do?



If anyone would like to donate an Intel mac, I would be happy to write up a shell script

I worked on Mac laptops about a year ago, and figured out how to do all kinds of fun stuff from the shell.... My boss hated me because I could clear the test software (a 30 min job) in 15 seconds or less.

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There is a way to launch CoH from the Terminal, which probably would include -demoplay, but I haven't yet tested it.

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Where can I find the Terminal launch method? I'll play with it and see what I can do.