57 -
1 - Kerosene - Big Black
2 - Haus Der Luge - Einsturzende Neubauten
3 - When the Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash
4 - Icewater/Flyswatter Blues - Lyle Lovett
5 - Time Bomb - The Dismemberment Plan
6 - Bodies - The Sex Pistols
7 - Know Your Rights - The Clash
8 - Neat Neat Neat - The Damned
9 - Work-Rest-Play-Die - The Subhumans
10 - The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band
What? What?
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Who are you, and why did you steal my music?
Let's see what my next 10 are..
1. Release the Bats - Nick Cave
2. Fizzing Human Bomb - Danielle Dax
3. Gun Street Girl - Tom Waits
4. This Little Piggy - Rasputina
5. Pump it Up - Elvis Costello
6. Verklemmt - Foetus
7. Stigmata - Ministry
8. Wild Mountain - Crash Worship
9. Seven or in 10 - Geraldine Fibbers
10. Yu-Gung - Einsterzende Neubaten. -
Speaking of Maros and NPC text, I did the Calystix mission with my Plant dominator... I come up to the first spawn of Freaks, and hit them with my AOE confuse. On of them pipes up with something like
"Isn't it about time I stopped this self-destructive behavior?" right as he smacks his buddy. -
However, I really think out of all the sets you mentioned that Dark Melee, and to be really specific Shadow Maul, needs to be looked at again. I've never had missing streaks (on any character) as bad as with that single power. In fact, I've often suspected that Shadow Maul somehow debuffes the player's accuracy rather than the mob's.
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Check out the posts on the cone attack bug. I believe the problem is that cone attacks miss any target w/in the cone that are moving. This could very well explain some of the problems. Castle has stated that a fix is in the works.
If I am wrong in any of these particulars, I welcome correction. -
That's the basic idea, yes. It would be pretty annoying for a level 50 scrapper to hit a level 1 Hellion and not take him down instantly.
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That brings up an intesting topic for discussion: How do you define a one-shot? Is it something can take you from full health to less than zero in a single attack? Theoretically, if you are one point away from full health, that could be seen as a "second shot." Probably some range would need to be set up (you have 90% or more of your possible HP at the time) to protect you.. hmm. -
(*What the heck are crumpets anyway?)
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To those who haven't gotten the idea, already... a crumpet is what we, in the US, call an "english muffin."
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I remeber a TV ad for "Thomas' English Muffins" Which had a flashback to ye Olde merchant selling them, complete with a sign "Thomas' English Muffins."
My wife sighed and rolled her eyes as I yelled at the TV about that idiocy. -
This was a mission box from when I first entered a newspaper mission:
There's nothing better than this kind of job. No crates to look through. No hostages to escort through winding mazes. Just go in, beat the snot out of some loser, and leave. Glorious!
Thought that was pretty funny. And very true.
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The mission briefing I liked was something like
"This is a nice office. I mean, it won't be nice when you're through with it, but it's nice right now." -
Come on Zeb you knew somoen was gonn say this so without further Apu....
"Help me Statesman is greffing me on CoH, hes mad my playing not fun, a hassled, and fustrating. Cant you do anything about him?"
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Neko, you have now become my favorite poster. Every time you put something up, I eagerly anticipate the wonder within, only to be surprised by something beyond my imagination.
"Without further Apu"
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This needs to go in a museum to be preserved for antiquity. -
Follow up question:
Do we know roughly how long this will last? -
Okay, I've rematrixed my build for the Mancusan nerf, and I guess I want to know what you guys think:
1st Ordinal Matrix:Tachyon
2nd Ordinal Matrix:Nature (Ray)
3rd Ordinal Matrix (Epic):Kartomancy
KYN: |||||||||||
FER: |||||
TRN: ||||||||||||||||
Actual Matrices:
<ul type="square">[*]Tachyon Stare[*]Tachyon Parry[*]Nugol Radiccion[*]Paraflyne Skin[/list]Zoman Matrices
<ul type="square">[*]Summon Andelynnian Mimpo[*]Drawn Supposition[*]Mantid Brevetation[/list]Hereditary Matrices (Epic)
<ul type="square">[*]Kartometric Imposition[*]Quivering Kartolance (fire)[/list]
Scaling Rate:3.4 (I know!!!)
I still have one rematrixing left after the Raid last Thursday of Torbid the Hunjil's Dentrid Caves, so If I gimped myself too badly, I can always try it again.
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Your plan looks like you've got some hard hitting powers, but I'm concerned about your Mana regeneration. You've got some attributes that use a lot of Angstroms, and the only restoration ability I see is your Radiccion, which from the powers post only has a maximum restoration of 1776Å/minute.
I'm just worried that you'll be gasping for breath after the first three rotations. -
You know what, it's whiners like you who make the devs nerf everything. If I want to have TRN grafted by level 6 Omega, then what does it matter? If you don't like fighting Gravers with it, then stay out of the Stadium. It's how I have fun, and I'm tired of you and people like you telling me I can't have fun my way.
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You know, I'm just tired of every time someone mentions a factor that can be considered "overpowered" the same old refrain of "nerf-herder" is brought out.
Hey, I don't think the Dev's are perfect. When they stealth nerfed the transept ability's valence by 75%, I was calling for accountability from the Dev's as loudly as anyone, and I don't even have a Soma!
We should schedule a meeting in the stadiums, I'll show you what a properly templated equifax can do to a graver. -
It's the last straw for me. Farming Mancusans was the only decently fast way to raise my TRN stat, and I don't want to have to keep redoing those mind-numbing Conax missions to get them. So, I'm officially quitting. Goodbye, all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh come on, don't tell me that you think TRN isn't overpowered? The Dev's are concerned about fluxion balace in the upcoming PvPvF update, and are fully aware of how overpowering an early TRN grafted Graver is. I guess they could look away for PvL play, but when other symbiotes are involved, it is a different story.
It is people like you who keep abusing exploits like the Mancusan-knid bug, the Devonian air hammer temporary grafting, and other things that causes the Devs to react in a way that impacts the rest of us.
I bet you had a */insular Soma when the Resonance power had a -150% attenuate value instead of -15%.
Good riddance, and can I have your stuff? -
Have you ever received a loyunian Protecting Shield drop? I've been playing this since pre-Nubian-beta (2nd wave no less) and I've yet to see a LPS of the correct Abule-type (I play a 2nd-class Zinion-Magelet). And what really peeves me is you need an LPS to get into the Devon Downs 7th level of Deceit. If I can't get into the 7th Level of Deceit, I can't farm Ambrotic Crystals which I need to craft into Post-Albunian Helmets.
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If you spent more time playing the game and less time getting your ideas from the forums, you would realize just how full of [censored] you statement is.
"Board wisdom" states that you have to have a LPS of the correct abule type to match your current squalor level (in your case the abule type would be fulgrid, no, no thanks are necessary.) The reason for this is that people think the LPS is needed to protect against the fragmentary damage that the Granalian temple guards of the 7th deceit level.
Except, had you actually read the saga of briefing from S'aran T'aal the Questmistress, instead of just blundering on like an XP lust crazed PL'er, you would have known that the <gasp> scum seed pods dropped by <wait for it> GRAVID MULTORN RAVAGERS provide an inherent vibratory resistance, which DOUBLES AGAINST FRAGMENTARY DAMAGE.
Besides, people only want the Post-Albunian helmets 'cause they like to show off the bangle-horns to the newbs. You'll get a much better protection value from either a a) Sor'talian skull cap or b)Trellian tiara based off your color scheme. If you are a cyanotic, well, sorry that the tiara is kinda lame looking, but that's what you get for going for the color scheme with the maximum refractory value. -
Did you have Squisha on your team earlier that night?
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It's funny you should mention that. We didn't have a Squisha, but a Turnbody joined the team briefly, then quit just before this mission.
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Aha! I think you're seeing a manifestation of the knid bug. My 15 equifax (orthogonal/wavelet) had been on a team with a Widdershins (the inverted form of a turnbody) The thing is, I had been on teams with Widdershins before, but this time, the Whid grafted me with a bulwark protrusion capsule, not the standard. This time, we got a dentrid. Did something like that happen? -
umm those TF's havent been around for 18 months, for the shard TF's there is a level requirement to get in the shard..
Limit the parameters to L40+ toons and only from the date of release of the shadow shard onwards.
Auto award the TF badge to anyone that has the souveneer and eliminate that toon for that particular search.
work smarter not harder..
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Do you really think that all those parameters are indexed? I seriously doubt it. That means every record has to be checked against those parameters, right?
You have no knowledge of how their data is stored. Your glib "advice" is less than useless. "Work smarter, not harder" has the stink of ignorance all over it. Don't make the situation worse. -
Real link. But not real Bo Bindel. Me hope.
Hope not real Bo Bindel
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What!? Stupid taxa... taxe... URrgh! Kitty stuffer gets higher on Google list than big-time Bo Bindle?! I say big-time troll big-time smash and crash jerk kitty stuffer!
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Tell me you don't love the idea of a Danish Taxidermist moving to Paragon City, getting hooked on 'Dyne, and become our favorite troll. -
If glue arrow requires a living anchor, please make the target more visible...
I second the motion that this be a ground targettable power like Tar Patch. -
I had a really nice incedent at the first raid. Unfortunately, I was so tired I was falling asleep in my chair, and I don't remember who the individual in question is, although I remember that they were an emp defender.
I had died under Hami, and had nodded off breifly. When I came to, this kind individual had attempted to rez. I pm'ed them to explain my temporary vaction. He said "no prob" and then, here's the good part, gave me a 53 science slow. He said that I had healed a few of his lowby alts during my community service in the hollows, and wanted to thank me...
So, mysterious stranger, thanks for the enhancement! -
Hey, it's like the old saying goes...
"Tragedy is when I get an enhancement I don't need. Comedy is when Statesman nerfs your brains out."
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Mel Brooks said that? -
As has been stated, making sweeping generalizations about Defenders is generally counterproductive. The differences in the sets are too great. Some thoughts, and combinations of what I think are good ideas.
1. Fix blasters.
2. Increase base defender damage.
3. A small buff to defender Mez resistance.
4. Help FF.. Make some of their powers more desireable, and give them better defenses.
5. I'm not quite sure I get the reasoning on not allowing defenders to use single self buffs.. If it is a concern about being overpowering, allow them to self-buff at a reduced amount.
6. Here's one I'm toying with... Allow defender buffs (and defender only) to enable other heroes to go past attribute caps, possibly to a second "Defender buff" cap. Not sure about this one, it could allow some overpowered builds to be extraordinarily overpowered.
7. More minions with attacks that debuff as well. Small, short term debuffs, as in Defender secondaries. Will stack nastily in herd, make things tougher in large groups, and still allow soloing.
8. PvP fixes.. I don't know... I can understand the idea behind suppression, but the Superspeeding scrapper can still zip up to me and apply a headsplitter before I can get RI on him. Amusingly enough, if I survive the hit, and start to apply it, by the time it does go up, his supression is over, and he's gone, power drops, and that's it. I'm not sure of a solution there. -
God but the chain women is dead freakin sexy
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I made a character who is insane, but fights crime anyway. Part of the deal is that he's gagged, but communicates telepathicly. Only problem is, no good gag item.
Well, there is in CoV.. I guess he'll be bad! -
Several of the people there said Radiation Defenders and Tankers are "really nasty".
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Heh heh..
Is that PDF not showing up for anyone else? All I'm getting is a white screen.
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PDF is fine, it is Acrobat 4.0 compatable; nothing fancy. Possibly a connection issue? It is not a linearized PDF, so it will have to wait for the entire file to load before it presents in the browser. -
The Abyss Towers - Enki, chief god of the Sumerians, was the Lord of the Abyss. We'll just keep to ourselves what else he was lord of.
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At my workplace, all the servers are named after various gods of mythology. I conside one of my finer moments convincing networking that 'Enki' was a good name for our new server. -
What can I say? Fantastic work Stateso. I fail to see how anyone could be dissapointed by this result.
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They will be though, you can always count on that.