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  1. Emerald Elixir empathy/rad fender is 50 #21.....she even did a Quaterhell this weekend! Thanks to all the teammates along the way!
  2. Grouchy Kitty claws / sr brute is 50 #20 for me. Thanks to all who teamed along the way special thanks to Rogue Isles Marine Corps and the guys from TC and Psychosis.
  3. Mr_Ultimate

    Prayers Needed!

    My condolences on the lost of your friend.
  4. Mr_Ultimate

    Prayers Needed!

    I'll be praying for your friends.
  5. Mr_Ultimate

    Fond Memories

    My SG used to hold regular Character Creativity Contests on Guardian. We judged Costumes, AT powers and most importantly bios to determine a winner. They were fun and for the most part well received. We gained a few members because of these sadly as in all things interest waned in attending and hosting. With influence / infamy / information in such abundance these days it seems the Costume Contest has gone the way of the dinosaur.
  6. Mr_Ultimate

    Trundly SF/TFs

    I'm always interested in TF's for XP. I have numerous toons in numerous levels....
  7. Terror

    I hate to hear you are hanging up your cape but it's totally understandable. I hate to hear the adverse effect the economy has had on your family's business. I have been unemplyed since Janurary myself. I enjoyed you being a member of AoW during your stay with us. Good luck on your seach for work and hope to see you back one day.
  8. Mr_Ultimate

    Blue COP 10/17

    Vix i'll be there just let me know if you need Stinkerbelle for the 3rs SG person.
  9. Villain CoP was a success! Gratz to all!
  10. JETS! JETS!! JETS!!!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. Gratz on the future super powered one!
  12. I'm not big on tanks but I really want to give this a shot ....maybe next time!
  13. Mr_Ultimate

    Going Bye Bye

    Puts a candle in the window for Pyber.
  14. Mr_Ultimate

    COP again...

    Vix I should be able to make this one. I can bring StinkerBelle ra/rad fender or whatever you need. But Stink is in the SG for the CoP.