Fond Memories
Mark Dec 12 on your calender. MOJO United turns 6 I have never celebrated one of our anniversarys. So this time it will be done big. I have been gathering purples, rares, pvp ios, all crafted with plenty of influence. Going for somewhere around the 10 billion mark on prizes!
I wondered this myself recently. I used to love seeing the line of Heroes all showing off under Atlas. I only won once but I'd participate often.
I never really had the funds to throw one myself though. Until now.
So I decided to have an impromptu CC under Atlas on Infinity the other night, think it was around 9pm central...
After 10 minutes of broadcasting the 1 million 1st place, 500 thousand 2nd, 250,000 for 3rd I realized only 5 people appeared to care. Nobody else was interested and before I even got started 2 of the others flew off.
I ended up just giving the prize money to the only 2 guys standing there!
I guess with Influence so easy to come by these days, nobody wants to stand around for 10 minutes or longer for the 'chance' to win a million. Since they're probably sitting on much more than that.
So, I blame the markets.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
My SG used to hold regular Character Creativity Contests on Guardian. We judged Costumes, AT powers and most importantly bios to determine a winner. They were fun and for the most part well received. We gained a few members because of these sadly as in all things interest waned in attending and hosting. With influence / infamy / information in such abundance these days it seems the Costume Contest has gone the way of the dinosaur.
" I've said it before, I'll say it again, some of those "Recipe found" messages should be brown." Ullikummis
The only costume contest that I won was with my John Elway toon. o_o
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
I won a few CCs...
Whenever I see someone hosting a CC (by global channels, not broadcast, as i am never on Atlas) I try to participate, just for the joy of it!
I only cant be there if i am busy at the moment (TFs)...
** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.
I only won once in a CC with my DB/WP scrapper, Shettayim Lahab, the Jewish princess turned hero. It was 2nd place, but that's what I got. It was fun for a bit.
Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project
I was able to enjoy a CC this evening. Led by Astraphobia, it was a lot of fun! As toons began to gather under Atlas, many were striking poses and showing off their various powers. I must say, I am quite impressed with the imagination of many of you out there. The color choices you use on your powers are mind blowing sometimes. I solidified my place in line by firing off Earthquake and my pungent gases. MUAHAH Of course I let them expire before we got started.
The Costume Contest got started with a little greeting from Astraphobia and some warm replies from the contestants. Around 15-20 people showed up. Astraphobia gave everyone a once over before announcing he was giving everyone 1 million prestige just for showing up. Not bad for my newly created toon. (yea he was PLed. so sad)
Then the Judging began! It was quite a contest. The results are as follows:
1st Place: Professor Grav
The good professor won a grand total of 25 million INF!!!
2nd Place: Sarias
3rd Place: Kinimp3
All in all it was fun just to partake of one of these again. Though I did't win(not for a lack of trying mind you. I danced like a chicken for 5 minutes straight. OY! OH well.) I had a blast. I hope this encourages all of you to get out there and start your own CCs. You dont need to give out billions of INF. Just a few million is all you really need.
Glad to see these starting up again.
One of my earliest and fondest memories was winning a consolation prize in a CC not too long after I joined the game. That was on Teagie, a tribute to my cats. Not the best costume I've ever done but I was proud of it.
I got a million inf and to me at that time (I was brassick I'd just started blue from redside) it was a LOT of money and very very welcome. (I think my lack of vet badges might have helped. )

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info
YAY! Another CC hit our fair city. Kaylala hosted one tonight. As she said she will post later I wont step on her tale. However I just wanted to say its good to see people organizing these. I had a blast.....despite losing.....hmm
heh anyways lets keep it going folks! Jump out there and start a CC today! I dont care if the prize is 500 million or 5 million. Its just plain fun to get together and see the amazing costumes that jump out of your brains and onto the screen!
As I was running through mission after mission the other day, just grinding out XP for my latest toon, I got to thinking. Whatever happened to all the Costume Contests we use to have. When I first started playing CoH there was a CC almost every night. Surely we never went more than a few days without someone holding one. Whether it be a SG hosting one as a recruiting tactic, a player hosting one as a sort of anniversary celebration, or just someone sharing the fruits of a good market day, it was always a blast. This was a time when I met many of the people went on to team with. Though not everyone was able to be a winner, we all felt like part of a tight community. You would see many of the same toons coming out to participate. I know it drove me to be more creative and give more than the usual thought to character bios. Every one of my toons had elaborate backgrounds. With the seeming demise of CCs, sadly many of my toons have none of that.(Of course thats my fault, though it would be nice to know that much of my work would be appreciated as would each of yours.) I remember one time, I won 25 million INF just for dancing like a chicken. Was it my most glorious shining moment? No, and if I ever run for office I will be forced to say "I was young and needed the INF." But what a moment. My RL buddies and I laughed about that for a week. I am willing to bet that many of you have fond memories of a CC from days gone by. Please share them here. And if you really miss CCs, please use this thread to organize one. I will definately be there with a shiny new Costume and a deep, rich character Bio.