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  1. Mr_Jaytastic

    Placate Nerf

    [ QUOTE ]
    This is pretty silly. I personally know that as a Stalker, I get slaughtered plenty in Siren's Call. I also know that the only thing that prevents me from getting repeatedly ganked is Placate.

    Aren't there more important things to nerf? Storms? PFF? Regen for Scrappers? EM for Stalkers?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Storm got nerfed today too. And theyre just as unhappy as you are. Does that make you feel any better?
  2. Mr_Jaytastic

    Placate Nerf

    [ QUOTE ]
    No offense to the OP, and I'm guessing he didn't mean this literally, but this kind of shows the wrong attitude to have if you ask me. How many ATs expect to jump a group and not take a beating?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can see it being read like that. Of course I dont mean attacking a whole team and surviving. I mean it in the sense that I attack someone on a team, then because I am a stalker I draw the entire team aggro and get gunned down. Most other players would die too from drawing a entire team's aggro, but being a stalker (and the only consistent threat from villains) I'll draw a ton of aggro every single time.
  3. Mr_Jaytastic

    Placate Nerf

    [ QUOTE ]
    Additionally, this change was mostly aimed at the Bloody Bay and Siren's Call levels where Stalkers are so far above any other AT in Kill Count vs Death Count that it isn't even funny.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And why is this? Because all the other villain ATs are subpar compared to stalkers for PvP. Villains burst damage is lousy in PvP except for stalkers. So of course stalkers will have more kills then any other villain AT. When two of the villain ATs inherents are hard to impossible to use (fury, domination) people ignore pets of course (MM) and unless, youre fire/rad or ice/rad you wont have enough damage to take on most people (corr). This is more of a problem for the other ATs needing buffs then stalkers needing a nerf.

    Why do you think we see so many more stalkers in PvP then any other AT, and yet in PvE all the ATs are around equal numbers?
  4. Mr_Jaytastic

    Placate Nerf

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think you'd have much better luck working with a team - and have your team attack another team.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh, I team as often as I can. Still doesnt change the fact that once Im spotted, Im usually splatted...unless I cherry pick the squishies isolated on the edges of battle.
  5. Mr_Jaytastic

    Placate Nerf

    [ QUOTE ]
    Stalkers' Placate ability no longer grants the same strength Stealth in PvP as Hide. It is now roughly 75\p of that value. This should reduce the ability of Stalkers to fade out of view of an entire group of players after attacking.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Let me be the first to say...


    Ah, that felt good.

    Seriously though, what do you guys think? Whenever Im attacking a team, I usually get beat down right away. Stalkers always get the most hero aggro. Even with placate, attacking a team that has half a brain and surviving is tough. Nerfing placate lowers my already low chance of survival.

    AS nerf, placate nerf...looks like all the stalker nerf callers are getting their way. Cant wait for the 40-50 zone and the scrapper/tanker focused accuracy party.

    What do you all think about the placate nerf?

    EDIT: Added the actual text from patch notes as suggested.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Super Leap was once Leap and Long Jump, the former being the height of a jump and the latter being the distance?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats pretty cool. I can only imagine how that might have played out in PvP.
  7. If _Castle_ reads this, I have a serious question...

    _Castle_, the blaster community has been told by the devs (pretty sure it was States himself) that blaster secondaries were getting fixed. Its been over a YEAR since we were told this. Why the long delay, why no progress report, why does it take so long, and how much longer, if ever, are we going to see the secondaries reworked?
  8. Answers:

    1. Wait till Issue 7 comes out on test server
    2. Wait till Issue 7 comes out on test server
    3. Wait till Issue 7 comes out on test server
    4. Wait till Issue 7 comes out on test server
    5. Wait till Issue 7 comes out on test server
    6. Wait till Issue 7 comes out on test server
    7. Wait till Issue 7 comes out on test server
  9. Mr_Jaytastic

    Blaster role

    [ QUOTE ]
    Blasters need their lackluster secondaries fixed.

    [/ QUOTE ]'ve hung us out to dry on this. Why? Swapping out a couple powers in the secondaries that need help (fire, ice, dev) shouldnt take a YEAR.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    No, I'm not wrong.

    I teach college-level writing for a living.

    I know "how to communicate effectively" in writing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seeing how you manage to alienate people wherever I read your posts...this is very scary to me.
  11. Mr_Jaytastic

    Blaster role

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I went away from the computer to check on some CoV stuff and *wham* I received 5 or so PM's asking "what is the Blaster's role?"

    Answer - Ranged damage. Now, the issue is more specifically - what does a Blaster do that a Scrapper can't already do? Or, even worse, is a Scrapper inherently "stronger" than a Blaster. We want each Archetype to have a well defined role, and part of our Scrapper testing is aimed directly at this.

    Secondly, I have no intention of removing melee attacks - it's just a "perception" by some Blasters that some of the Secondary Sets aren't as useful as Devices or Energy Manipulation. This is a rather frequent refrain in PM's (and the occasional forum post). This is something that we should also explore...we want all the Secondary sets to be fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A year later..... And meh. Let me guess... other priorites.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats not true...they said they were fixing blaster secondaries...err...wait a minute, how many months ago was that again? I stopped counting after six.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think I can sum up his point like this

    "Waaaa, Regen got nerfed in the past, I'm too lazy to tailor my build, team and tactics to counter something that presents me a challenge in PvP, and therefore I want that challenge nerfed"

    I think Kid might be more comfortable playing an FPS with godmode on. That seems like about the level of thought and effort he wants to expend on facing challenges in PvP here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's more like this..

    Storm Controller: "Wahhh, Regen's are too strong! Nerf them so they can't get past Hurricane so easily with perma Mog!"
    Regen Scrapper: "Learn how to play instead of whining, then you can beat me!"

    (nerfs occur for the xth time to regen)

    Storm Controller: "Yay, now I can beat you!"
    Scrapper: ""Hey Devs, Hurricane is too strong now that you're nerfed melee powers to get passed it! Waahh, nerf Hurricane so it's not Perma!!"
    Storm Controller: "Learn how to play instead of whining, then you can beat me!"

    Hmm. Deja Vu?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  13. Best way to deal with a nerf herder is just ignore him. He wont be convinced otherwise, even in the face of logic. And he wont be happy until he can pwn anything that moves. God forbid if the regen scrapper cant own every fight, or the stalker cant one-hit everyone.

    Responding to him just lets him spread his trolling some more.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Right now it's just way too overpowerered.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It cracks me up that someone who has a regen scrapper and a stalker (save your breath I have both) is complaining about hurricane being too powerful.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone who thinks Hurricane isn't eventually going to get nerfed somehow is living in a fantasy world. Even if they don't want to nerf it NOW they will eventually cave in and weaken it, particularly given only one side has it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dont think this can happen because of defenders. For Controllers, you take away hurricane and they still have all their tools from their primary to defend them. Take it away from defenders and...storm defenders get squished like all other defenders. Its literally their best and only defense.

    Only controllers, with holds and containment, make it seem overpowered. And considering how ive stood still with my /storm controller and let people try to beat me, only to find three melee people (a stalker and two scrappers who werent spine or claw) beat me. Its not just have to think about it. Ive been spanked with hurricane on PLENTY of times.
  16. I felt a bit ill after reading this too. Or maybe it was the buffalo wings...
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Blaster: Energy Manipulation: Bone Smasher (100% chance of dropping one toggle, 75% chance of dropping a second toggle 50% chance of dropping a third toggle)
    Blaster: Energy Manipulation: Energy Punch (100% chance of dropping one toggle, 20% chance of dropping a second toggle)
    Blaster: Fire Manipulation: Fire Sword (100% chance of dropping one toggle, 20% chance of dropping a second toggle)
    Blaster: Fire Manipulation: Fire Sword Circle (75% chance of dropping one toggle, 38% chance of dropping a second toggle 19% chance of dropping a third toggle)
    Blaster: Ice Manipulation: Frozen Fists (100% chance of dropping one toggle, 20% chance of dropping a second toggle)
    Blaster: Ice Manipulation: Ice Sword (100% chance of dropping one toggle, 40% chance of dropping a second toggle 15% chance of dropping a third toggle,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are these %'s strictly for Blasters, or do the Tank, Brute, Dom & other AT versions have the same chances?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Strictly for blasters.
  18. All im saying is that I think bfr's animation is to balance the power for reasons other then there is another hold in the set. Ice is all about redundancy (ice blast/bitter ice blast, fr/bfr, ice storm/blizzard). If that logic held true, they would for example have to balance bib with some kind of penalty.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Bitter Freeze Ray is a power that's routinely skipped, and when it is taken, its only real use is a combat opener, much like a snipe however it does really low damage incomparison to one too...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    BFR's animation used to be shared with Twilight Grasp, but it was changed because the animation made it too difficult to use TG as a heal.

    I suspect that BFR's long recharge/animation was intended to balance the fact that Ice has two single-target holds, which allowed you to hold a boss right off the bat.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But you still can hold them "right off the bat" if you open with bfr. I think bfr's animation is to balance its longer ranger, much more damage, and I believe stronger (in mag) hold.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    It is also felt by many, many Blasters that Fire Manipulation needs Greater Fire Sword. My personal suggestion would be to delete Blazing Aura - because I guarantee NOBODY will miss it - and reorganize the secondary set to include Greater Fire Sword. This set is sorely lacking in effective melee capability.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think this would be a great addition. /fire has one single-target attack, and nothing close to a heavy hitter attack. Something like this or a tf with fire hands would bring warmth to my heart.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    My other fix for Defiance will never see the light of day... but what the heck... give Scrappers Defiance and Blasters Critical Hit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Will never happen because of MoG and Elude and Invinciblity...powers that can buff defense to very high lvls.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey guys, don't be so hard on Castle, he's a new dev, remember?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  23. Here is what I can think of from my Ice/fire blaster.

    -Blasters in general-

    -Blasters have been told our secondaries are being reworked for several months and yet havent seen anything. Is this on the back back burner/low priority, almost ready, not happening anymore? The sheer number of /nrg blasters tells the story of the lack of secondary balance.
    -Defiance is too much cost for reward. We shouldnt have to almost die to use our inherit, especially since we are fragile to being with. Most controllers and defenders rightfully heal too when defiance kick in, further negating this power.

    - Blasters are considered the most difficult AT to play due to lack of mez protection, lack of damage mitigation, and lack of defense/resist that all the other ATs (including squishies) have.

    -Range is not damage mitigation. Almost every mob has a ranged attack, and the later game almost every mob has some kind of ranged mez effect.

    -Ice Blast-

    -If range was true damage mitigation, then ice blast needs to be buffed. Our blasts have a short range.

    1. Freeze Ray: If you go by primary>seconady>app, then freeze ray needs some kind of buff, because char is superior to fr. More damage, more range.
    2. Ice Storm and Blizzard dont use bu and aim, but we know thats coming
    3. Bitter Freeze Ray: The animation time makes this power lousy in PvP. By the time you see the windup, you can pop a bf and be fine, and start punishing the blaster to boot. The damage part of this power doesnt compensate for this.
    4. Blizzard: The -end after you use this power is too long.

    -Fire Manipulation-

    1. Combustion: This power doesnt work for blasters. The animation is long for someone without good defense or resistance or mez protection to stand in melee, and especially afterwards when you have a whole mob's attention. The damage not being frontloaded also means they will be alive for a little bit to hit you. This power is also redundant...most blasters take FSC instead if they want a PBAoE.

    2. Fire sword circle: The pause at the end of the power is dangerous since we are in melee..but I have a feeling it was designed that way.

    3. Blazing aura: Too many slots needed for not enough return. Power is a slow DoT that tends to miss and do not a lot of damage and takes a lot of end. Works for tanks because of the taunt on it...but we dont want/need a taunt, so this power isnt very helpful. Also, most blasters would take hot feet instead if they want an aura.

    4. Burn: Many blasters chose fire manipulation for this power before it was nerfed. Nothing at all was returned to balance the nerf. Following nerfs to damage and fear have gutted this power. Being able to stand in the middle of a mob and cast this is very dangerous. Every blaster has a better alternative in AoE and damage.

    5. Hot feet: Very slot-intensive for a blaster to make it work well.

    6. Consume: Very slot-intensive to make it work well. Melee range plus the AoE makes Cabs a better option. Again, easier for tanks to use because they can stand in melee.

    *Fire manipulation powers are redundant fsc/combustion, blazing aura/hot feet

    *Most fire manipulation powers are much much better designed for tankers then blasters

    *The PBAoE nature of these powers has most blasters skipping them

    *DoT is the worst effect for a blaster seconadary as it doesnt migate damage.
  24. Remember when States said he was most happy with Defenders and they were the most balanced? Seems like its been steady downhill ever since.

    As a storm controller, I think defenders should have stronger storm powers. Period. And even if defender storm powers > controller powers, I would think that storm controllers would still be stronger because of being able to hold or immobilize mobs inside freezing rain/ stopping knockback on tornado so it can do more DoT/ stopping knockback so that ls doesnt knock targets out of its range / hold or immobilize the snow storm anchor in the middle of a mob. Thats a huge deal. Who cares if Defender Tornado does more DoT? Controllers get much more damage out of Tornado by being able to immobilize. And Tornado's disorient being stronger? Ha. I have two disorient SOs in my tornado and it seems hit or miss, regardless of lvl. And with an AoE disorient, AoE hold, AoE immobilize PLUS I could have another AoE disorient from thunderclap...the tornado disorient being stronger really doesnt make a difference.

    All im trying to say is that before _Castle_ posted, I would have thought storm controllers were better then storm defenders. After the post, I would think the same and then some.

    Now, truly, is there any reason you want a storm defender over a storm controller? Something is definately out of whack.

    On a different note, I would be borderline insulted by the comments on ff. Half your powerset being highly situational? More damage in force bolt balances this power from the troller version? Lol, are you kidding me??????

    I know its the devs job to be pc and say the company line (which from other devs has ALWAYS been sing the virtues of ff), but come on!