159 -
Athlon 64 3400 (Socket 754, no overclock)
DFI LanParty NF3 250gb mobo
2 GB ocz titanium pc3200 ram
evga 7800 GS Superclock (factory overclock, 93.71 drivers)
Creative X-Fi Extreme Music
Fortron 510 watt PSU
1280 X 1024 resolution
CoH used to run pretty darn well at max settings (minus DoF and Bloom). I'd average around 55fps in missions, around 25 fps on a full team with lots of powers (indoors).
Now, with my settings neutered (character textures from very high to high, world detail from 200 to 100, character detail from 100 to 80, particle from 50k to 17k, FSAA from 4 to 2, aniso from 16 to 4), I can still get around 50-60 fps indoors, but only when standing around doing nothing. If I'm on a small team, my fps can drop to around 11 while fighting. Playing on a big team is basically impossible - I'll bottom out at around 3 fps (3!!!).
Plus the CONSTANT rubberbanding! Jeez that s--t is annoying! Trying to reposition for a cone attack and I keep popping back every 10 feet - for 15 seconds or so. That was so rare for me pre-I8.
Also, frequent base kicks and completely borked Warshade graphics (first reverting to human graphics while still in dwarf or nova, then having the base portal "zoning" graphics and the croatoa fairy ring "zoning" graphics flashing, then finally turning invisible), broken Citadel TF, crashes while zoning...
I sure like the content of I8, but damn, the implementation is...um...less than stellar. -
It looks like Singularity got dropped from Peroxisome Exposure:
Controller Gravity Control: Singularity
It's one of the better uses of a Peroxisome IMHO, as the damage and mez capabilities of Sing are significant.
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Sorry to post right after myself.
Excellent call on the peroxisomes, AD! Don't know why I didn't think of this for my grav/ff. My singy is currently slotted 3 dam, 3 hold. Since singy also spams immobs, 3 peroxi's would be like having 9 slots for the cost of 3. While immobs aren't the MOST useful mezzes, they can certainly help, especially considering I'd be getting the benefit of them while being able to REMOVE 3 slots, lol. Awesome! -
Does anyone know if the "mez" portion of hami-o's affects slows? Ideally I could slot endoplasm (acc/mez) in lingering rad (visions of slotting for the equivalent of 3 acc, 3 slow, 3 recharge...mmm, PvP nastiness...) Somehow I doubt this would work, since slows are generally considered a debuff.
Perhaps microfilaments would work (thinking the travel power buff is treated the same as tohit/def buff/debuff i.e. interchangeable)? I don't really need the end reduction on LR, though.
Any help is appreciated.
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The reply I got to the question was vague ("Not that I'm aware of... "), but I'm fairly certain that it does not affect Slows.
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Thanks for looking into it, HeyTiny. It was just a stab in the dark. It's not like LR isn't awesome with "merely" SO's anyway, lol. I appreciate the effort! -
Does anyone know if the "mez" portion of hami-o's affects slows? Ideally I could slot endoplasm (acc/mez) in lingering rad (visions of slotting for the equivalent of 3 acc, 3 slow, 3 recharge...mmm, PvP nastiness...) Somehow I doubt this would work, since slows are generally considered a debuff.
Perhaps microfilaments would work (thinking the travel power buff is treated the same as tohit/def buff/debuff i.e. interchangeable)? I don't really need the end reduction on LR, though.
Any help is appreciated. -
First of all, nice guide for folks new to CoH/CoV!
Regarding fear: The true Fear powers (terrify, cloak of fear, touch of fear, spectral terror, fearsome stare, etc.) definitely have magnitude. Certain mobs, notably Nemesis, require mulitple fears to be stacked on them for the fear to affect them (so that they cower in place until attacked). My spectral terror's cloak of fear effect won't fear Nemesis by itself, but once ST stacks its cone terrify on them, they will be. Same with many bosses.
I think the "fear" you have listed under soft controls is the "Avoid" effect associated with powers like the various rains and caltrops. This affect does not make them cower until attacked like true fear. When within the radius of those powers mobs will try to get out of the radius. They can stop and attack while still within the radius, although attacks will be less frequent. Once out of the radius they will attack as normal. These powers are very useful as area-denial tools. Also, contrary to your description, many AV's and monsters/giant monsters will in fact attempt to get out of the radius (frequently to the chagrin of teammates that have dropped location-based debuffs like Quicksand, lol).
A small but significant distinction. -
Horrible performance in CoV has never been acknowledged. THAT should be a Top Issue. I have a brand new Nvidia 7800GS vid card and far above the minimum hardware needed for this game. There are many, MANY people that are high end players that tweak the heck out of their systems for performance...that just doesn't transfer to CoX.
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Yep, gotta agree with you on this one.
My comp is far from being a $7000, boutique-built, polygon-crushing monster, but it's no PIII-256 mb ram-onboard video email machine, either.
DFI Lanparty nForce3 250 mobo
AMD 64 3400
2 gigs OCZ platinum pc3200 ram
evga 7800gs superclock
X-Fi Music soundcard
510 watt power supply
CoV runs fairly poorly in open zones (at least it FEELS poor compared to my performance in other demanding games like HL2 Ep. 1, Oblivion, etc). I have to turn my settings down significantly every time I switch to villains. Quite frankly, I haven't spent much time in CoV SPECIFICALLY because of the performance issues.
Just kind of frustrating, that's all -
My top issue:
Stop giving your morning customers the shaft.
Can we get an explanation why you continue to make the exact same customers bear 100% of the disadvantage of these downtimes?
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Since I work the night shift at my job, I don't usually get home until around 4am, mountain time. That means that the servers drop 3 hrs after I get home.
While it's hardly the end of the world, nor does it happen every day, it is frustrating that I have to put up with it whenever they go down.
It would be nice (maybe not realistic, though) to stagger the times of maintenance so that the same folks don't have to endure the downtime every time it happens. Just a few minutes ago the servers dropped in the middle of our Siege mish. Yes, we saw the warnings. No, the fight didnt go as quickly as we'd hoped. So, yet again, I get punked by the maintenance.
And to those posters telling us night/early a.m. players to "just get over it", spare me, OK? I've been playing this game for almost 2.5 years, working night shift the whole time. When you have to deal with the downtime during the middle of your peak playtime every single time they do maintenance, for 2.5 years, then you can tell me to get over it.
OK, sorry for the hostility. I just don't like having our concerns dismissed so carelessly by people who most likely deal with the downtime rarely, if ever. -
Wow, these things suck. Wish I'd read this thread BEFORE I placed 'em, lol.
Actually, having them placed will just keep other SG members from blowing salvage by creating them as personal items.
I was so looking forward to these, but it seems inspirations trump them EVERY time.
And are cheaper.
And can be saved.
And are easier and quicker to get.
Seriously, why are they so weak (and expensive)? Some rationale explaining it would be nice. -
Wow, great post! First time I've really grasped how these changes work.
Thanks for explaining it so methodically.