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  1. I read it all I tells ya! - ALL OF IT!.

    But then again I have the memory of a goldfish and so therefore look forward to the film with equal amounts of both great eagerness and curiosity.
  2. All this Higgs-Boson nonsense is completely obscuring the fact that (apparently) the boffins are also on the verge of two world-changing Antimatter discoveries.

    So it might be some scientists in a lab fiddling with all that and not anything higgs-boson'y that may be our DoOoOM !.

    [Add dramatic chipmunk meme here]
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    Let's not forget the Tauntaun sleeping bag, with special intestines-patterned lining, the joke product so ridiculous that it generated enough demand for its actual manufacture.
    Good ole

    I would proudly display the Cloudcity desklamp (if it was detailed enough) and the Jabba beanbag would be my guilty pleasure hidden away for lounging in (lol).
    When I think of the utter rubbish Lucas has greenlit in the past it beggers belief why these genius ideas where not seen through to fruition. I can only guess there were economic or technical problems with bringing them to mass market.
  4. Mothers_Love

    Issue 22...

    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Game and Gamestation are both one and the same (GAME own Gamestation), I never mentioned gameplay..... (I *DID* mention however!)
    Urgh... scratch that!, Gameplays gone under too!.
    Apparently it was a part of the parent group GAME too along with gamestation and gameplay. There goes my N7 pre-order!, I've had to resort to ebay prices.
  5. Hi Dink,

    I see similarities to CO's Retro-Sci-Fi pack (no bad thing) as the key iconic influences from 1940s/50's sci-fi films are well known & used, but if you fancied doing something their pack did not, how about a jetpack with wings that fold out on activation, players have ben crying out for a jetpack with foldable 2 stage (think F-15) wings since...err, well forever.
    Maybe something for FX but maybe they could have them recognise the afterburner power being activated and fold-back into the swept-back position. Obligatory overthrust and plenty of billowing smoke FX on take-off please.


    Other ideas;
    # A 'Gort'-esque (Day the Earth stood still) helmet-aura eye slit, perhaps with strobing (and colourable) glow in the slot.

    # A costume change animation that has a classic 1950s UFO decend to hover above our heads before a beam shoots out the bottom enveloping us (maybe lifting us up off our feet in the process) [costume change] - before beam ends and shooting back up and away.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
    Dam, freaking typo, I mean Which!
    Can't fix it...?

    Oh deary me!, I guess you'll be hoping our Lead Producer doesn't see this or else your toons might be amongst those "who will die". ^^
  7. Mothers_Love

    Issue 22...

    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    side note: Sucks that the major game retailer in the UK isnt going to be stocking it for financial reasons.... RIP Game/Gamestation
    Not AFAIK, the only ones affected are and their stores. I read they are pretty much bust and were negotiating a merger deal with Gamestop.

    It must be a different Gameplay you mention, but I ordered through, I got a reassuring email to my inbox and this is posted on their site;

    Originally Posted by
    Gameplay has merged with offer the same fantastic value and service that made Gameplay so great, so you'll be in safe hands - they really know their videogames!

    Please note that any preorders you have with us that are released before the 30th of April 2012 are totally safe, and will be despatched to you as normal. If you wish to check on or adjust any outstanding orders with us, please email our Customer Service department who will be happy to help.

    We've really enjoyed being part of the gaming landscape for the last decade or so, and we'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has shopped with us over the years.

    Thanks from us all,

    The Gameplay Team

    ...and on a CoH-related matter, I do believe that Gamestation Wycombe was where I did accidentally discover a certain 'City of Heroes' way back in 2005, so I have them to thank / blame [insert as appropriate].
  8. Mothers_Love

    Issue 22...

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    For the record, I'll be on CoH on the 6th....*snip*
    So will I, Mass Effect 3 doesn't launch worldwide till the 9th!. ^^
  9. Could be the Midgard Serpent, but the fins on him make me wonder its a variation on Fin Fang Foom.
    The mouth looks organic, I say that because if you pause it when the serpent is furthest right on screen and turning back towards chasing Iron-Man you can see that whatever it is it actually has needle-like teeth in a mouth. It also has on what looks like metal armour that carries the alien troops on its tail (as you saw them jumping from it on the previous trailer).
    Could be anything really at the moment, organic, cybernetic, whatever it is it looks great.

    The only worry I have about films of such scale and spectacle is the story pacing.
    I can only think of two films that are so well paced that they seem to fit a lifetime into a couple of hours; one is Superman the movie and the second was the original StarWars film.
    That said I doubt it will all be wrapped up as the film closes. Kevin Feige has already said that Disney/Marvel has greenlit IronMan 2, Thor 2, Captain America 2 and an Avengers sequel and that The Avengers™ films will most likely be a trilogy. So you never know this the first Avengers film could end up being a cliffhanger!...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
    That's you can get up to 20% more points if you pay for the largest amount of paragon points. They haven't changed that since Freedom launched.
    Sorry yes, that is what was confusing me.
    The offer on the bottom-right of the email is portrayed as if it is a limited-time offer, whereas the reality of it is the points are always 20% off as a bulk offer.

    Its just the presentation that is designed to make you think you are likely to get more points over any other time if you take advantage of and click on the promotional email.
  11. I dunno, I think these replica suits are fine for admiring yourself in the mirror or prancing about the house playing superhero, just don't go out in it! (unless its straight to and back from a cosplay event) ^^.

    The batman suit, well, I'd be feeling if you're going to wear it you may as well go the whole hog and put the ears on your helmet and wear the cape.
    The Captain America one?, gotta have the shield on your back and the WWII-inspired helmet from the film.

    Before you go out in it just think, "will I be laughed at if I were to walk in a biker's bar or if a bunch of kids pull up alongside at the traffic-lights".
    Would any roadside assistance be in stitches laughing if he has to radio in he is lending assistance to The Batman!.

    Yeahhh, clever 'n' all that, but just in private then. *(laughs)*
  12. Guy Pearce is definately doing an amazing John Hurt there character-wise, his old-world English accent, inflections and body language absolutely oozes confidence.

    I'm not a fan of most viral stuff but this is great and really helps set the scene for the movie.
  13. Loki'n good!.

    I don't know what the early screening reports of it not looking cinematic enough were on about? - I Thor't the cinematic scale of that looked absolutely ginormous!.
  14. I've just got the Imperial Dynasty promotion email alerting me to / reminding me of the pack's release, and the graphic on the bottom is also 20% off of Paragon Points bundles.

    So I go to the Paragon Store ready to buy, only to find that there is no such promotion currently active. Whats going on?.
  15. Mothers_Love

    Premium IO's?

    There is also a grey area of uncertainty with products like enhancement boosters from The Paragon Market.

    If you are below a certain tier for the Invention system, do they stop working if you drop to F2P? - do the enhancement boosters you have applied to your build stop working?, and if so then why?, seeing as you have paid real-world money for the points and said boosters! (and there is nothing on any of the market screens or product bio when buying to determine thus).
    If it were so (and I haven't seen any definitive statement from NCSoft yet on it) , Its like costume pieces you have bought from the market for real-world money being taken away from you on dropping to F2P.
    Personally, practices like that (in principle) I would be absolutely TOTALLY opposed to, and would re-appraise my supporting any Paragon Market purchases.

    I think the functionality of Enhancement Boosters should definately not be tied to either the subscription plan or the IO system and any potential gating, because you have paid real-world money for them.

    If its 'hiring' the enabling and functionality of any enhancement boosters for the duration of your subscription then it should definately state such on the product-description screen on The Paragon Market.
  16. I emailed customer support last night and am awaiting their reply and stance on the matter, but thanks for your advice Jak.
  17. Mothers_Love

    Last night...

    How about tonight?.... I'll ask later on tonight and see if there is any interest.
  18. I'll ask on this what seems to be the 'go-to' thread for all things enhancement booster;

    I am getting mixed results in-game asking about this; but when I buy on the Paragon Market, points on some 90 enhancement boosters for real-world money (£10.93 for 1800 points I think in my case), could somebody please tell me, if I were to let my subscription drop to the F2P level - I've heard that these enhancement boosters stop working!, is this true?.

    Because I'll be honest here, gating rewards, TFs, functionality or the ability to earn Incarnate salvage through the incarnate system is one thing, but taking away functionality on going F2P that I have paid real-world money for is quite different.

    Please could somebody confirm whether or not this is true before I spend further on enhancement boosters. Thanks.
  19. Hi FX,

    I was wondering, is there any reason why we haven't seen the improved Going Rogue moving cloudscape and pin-sharp star-field ported over for Paragon City?.

    (wasn't sure this belonged in this, art or building edition tbh)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    Street vendors, buses and taxis picking up and dropping off NPCs (Non-Powered Civilians), helicopters landing on the helipads. These are just a few things that would make the city more "alive". We could also use more reactive responses to street battles from NPCs, ie once I target an opponent and launch an attack, that should cause NPCs to flee, from the target and from me.
    Better NPC crowd interaction (especially at places like street-cafes) could be better, talking to one-another on street corners and generally having the crowds move in a more natural way and not mass-conga lines, would improve the realistic feel of the city.
    This is not solely CoH, this is something both superhero MMOs of note fall down on re: depicting a realistic city population.
    NPC reactions to roaming gang behaviour other than the the 'running away with arms flailing' animation would be good. I would love to see gangs approach npcs, push them to the ground, (audio) screams/cries for help coming from (within earshot) alleyway muggings etc.

    But back on topic, I'd go with Steel for a more Manhattan-feel with various architectual influences from your big Empire State first-gen skyscraper, to art-deco styles like the Chrysler building, but importantly try to shift the streetplan off of the original and strictly adhered-to grid-confined plan which has so little character at ground level.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
    The Hollows!

    My first character ever was a Fire/Fire Blaster. After terrorising the criminals of Atlas Park I got directed to the Hollows, and nearly quit the game. It suddenly seemed to jump from manageable encounters to taking on groups of ten trolls (including bosses) at once, and thus dying repeatedly.
    I was so relieved to discover Kings Row.

    It is one of those cool arcs, along with Striga, Croatoa and Faultline, that tend to get forgotten about. It's always cool to run one of these after a long break. But I do miss the old ultra-hard Hollows, in a kind of perverse way.
    I have spent thousands of hours on-duty in Eastgate, watching hundreds of heroes coming up through the ranks, so trust me when i say; alas, It was the ultra hard mobs (but more specifically their sheer numbers and placement, on the map) that made old skool Hollows what it was, a real hazard-zone.
    Old skool Hollows taught you patience and persistance, and my goodness! - when you did eventually reach your destination after falling 10ft from the mission door time and again that felt like an accomplishment in itself!, you literally had Heroes congratulating their team-mates on making it on their arrival!.

    Old skool Hollows taught you aggro distance (down to the Sq Ft), it taught you to look before you leap, and now sometimes it feels we have a whole generation of Heroes on-duty with less appreciation of and sense of aggro-distance.

    Wouldn't happen back in my day!.
    *mumbles away to herself*

    Appreciate what was attempted with The Hollows redux, but in repositioning and thinning the mobs WarWitch did neuter the very element, the sadistic thrill, that made The Hollows so very much fun in the first place!.

    Give it back it's sadistic thrill, upgrade the Igneous to use the earth powerset, redux the rewards and (enviroment-wise) the crater to make it a little more interesting and dangerous, but most importantly increase the mobs numbers again and their tricky placement - forcing Heroes to watch out or be caught out!, and I'm sure it would be fun again.
  22. Pocket D dancefloor redux (to be more like a club) - Lazorz!, a DJ actually spinning the decks!, waaay more clubbers dancing, limited visability (darker) did i mention more lazorz?, oh and dry-ice!.

    .... but yeah, I'd settle for someone changing the bloomin' record!. ^^
  23. Mothers_Love

    New Players

    Welcome to Paragon City RogerWilco, welcome to Union.

    Please feel free to contact me ingame for any channel invites, help, or indeed any questions you may have about the game.


    I look forward to seeing you (and indeed the rest of The Conclave) on-duty!.
