421 -
I really loved your costume in the sticky thread in this forum and your character looks awesome in this drawing!
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Thank you. I've been very pleased with Nike IX's look in game, but JCSD really does bring it to life. I ordered this right before I was hoping to pick up the Neutron Bomb attack (Nike is a Rad/Rad). I ended up being a little disapointed with the in-game look of the power, so I asked him draw it the way I had imagined it - this leaping, back-arched, about-to-slam-dunk with a big ball o' green death attack!
After that I needed an opponent to hit with it and I've always loved the Gunslingers - those are some bosses I could respect! I sent in a real simple description and the artist evidently went and researched the Malta Group on his own and came back asking if he could put the whole thing inside a Kronos Titan hanger. I said 'yes' pretty durn quick (duh!), and this is where it went.
For folks looking for memorable art for their favorite characters, I really have to recommend JCSD. Prices seem to generally be in what I think of upper mid-range ($100-$200) and he's been very good about presenting concepts/pencils/stages of inking for approvals and making small changes as requested. Attention to detail taken from screenshots has been superior (look at those touches on the Gunslingers!). He's also very prompt with communication and works fairly fast. Payment is a little odd (he doesn't take Paypal, so you need to wire the money) but the overall experience has been [u]very[u] professional. -
You just have to catch the damn thing while it's still in the hanger...
Sweet! I love the depth of field and rich colors.
I am really enjoying this gentleman's work. The detail on the fingers is remarkable, and he went and did some research of his own on the villians I wanted in the piece (the diabolical Malta Group) and came back with a request to change the backdrop to a Kronos Titan hanger - just awesome. Here's an intermediate step
JCSD is at it again -
Heh. That's an interesting variation on an old glitch
(*chuckle* Terry Bogard .sig. Neat.) -
I totally would too. Unfortunately it's hard to find people that make them where I am happy with the faces. The couple that I did find were so far out of my price range I'd have to win the lottery to consider it.
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Heh. When Figure-print or someone similar expands to games other than WoW, I am SO gonna be out a few (hundred) dollars. License to print money, that is. That is THE add-on industry for the MMO boom. -
$100-$150 is not unussual at SDCC, but that's for artists generally doing titles for the two big companies right this moment - meaning most of the commisions they are expecting to get are from the books being published that they draw for. The Pat Gleason pice in my gallery just clips the bottom of that range and I had to stare at his samples a long, LONG time before I decided to go there. I'm sort of a bargain hunter at heart, so $40-$65 is where I can ussually find some nice work. It helps to come in early at the show and bee-line for the artist alley. Many of the big name folks who are doing comparitively cheap pricing have a short list of spaces for each day and it's first come, first served up to the daily limit. If you go again, I TOTALLY recomend the Moy brothers. They do stellar con pricing. I'm sure you've noticed coloring, background, and multiple characters can run the range up fast. I'm fortunate with Nike that she looks good in B&W. If it was a color-intensive design I'd have been out a -lot- more money
Most of my pieces have been in the $40-$80 range. Honestly, for $150 I would hope you get something extraordinary.
that's an amazing collection, just sheer number and the quality of them is astounding.
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For the most part I've been very fortunate. I have to recomend staring at an artist's work for a bit before commiting.
...it reminds me of the size of the sketch collections I've seen that year after year con goers build up.
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Well, San Diego is a BIG show, but mostly the internet makes things faster. I also participated in a lot of holiday sales.
One thing I love about large art collections of the same character, be it sketches or commissions or a mix of both is the see the variety of ways the same character looks drawn by so many different people.
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That has been cool to see. There are definite trends with Nike from the cute heroine to the warrior woman.
I've built up my own mini collection of sketches of Maggie (the lady in my avatar) from con and comic book store appearances, but its no where close to the collections here.
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It'll grow. If looking at these gives you some ideas on who to contact, that's great!
Cool. Looks like that should color up nicely
Ha! And you thought you were rid of me!
Both of these to be colored eventually.
Nike IX by John Becaro
Nike IX by Adam Withers
Plus I'm stilll working my super-secret oh-how-I-hope-it-happens commison. Soon. Soon... -
Oh, wait. Did you just want the gold lines? I can do that really quickly too.
That'll take like 4 minutes. Hang on a sec.
And after saving the day at the Atlas Park Fashion Show in 'Smoke and Mirrors' Nike IX hung around to give the photographers a little thrill
Nike IX by Javier Kisic -
And now an excellent rendition by our fellow forumite, MachineManX!
Nike IX by MachineManX
You can check out his Deviant Art page here. -
Not Nike IX, but a quick shout out to Bokuman who created this little glimpse at my new Fire/Fire Blaster.
...Think of this as what happens when a Hellions' ritual to promote a new Dammed goes horribly wrong (or right).
Divine Blaze by Bokuman
(We so need fortunata-style butt capes)
Lookin' good. I like the mesh for easy animation on the skirt. -
He's grinding his heel on you. He must like you!
Does the lightning chest emblem shade to grey at the top? It looks like a smidgeon of color got missed.