
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. Morac_Ex_Machina

    I'm out.

    While I don't think we've met (though I have seen your avatar around ), I am always sad to see people go. Good luck with whatever you move on to.
  2. Morac_Ex_Machina

    Hami Raid

    [ QUOTE ]
    HAMI RAID Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th -10 pm est. Blue side first! Red side if we have enough interest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Friday is the 29th, Saturday is the 30th, and Sunday is the 31st.

    ... kinda confused about which days you are running them on.
  3. Yes, Patent Leather has been around for a while.
  4. The "Dont have a team? Just show up and we will do our best to get you one" part implies that you can choose your own team.
  5. Ah, sorry, those two slipped through the cracks. Someone earlier had commented about the generic-ness of Toxana's and Frostwerks names, so I changed them. However, I missed the nav text. I'll change that right away.

    You are probably right about the third mission as well. I'll bump it down.
  6. Frozen Northman: Fog Of War, 138914

    Overall, I liked this arc. Well written, well thought out. Overall good use of the systems.

    I noticed for all of your missions you left the mission accept text as just "Accept". You should think about changing that to reflect an appropriate response from the player.

    Custom enemy design was overall really good. Loved their costumes. However, the two that caused me the most trouble were the Holier-than-thou's, due to their sonic bubble making them and everybody in their group very mez resistant (which is really mean to players who rely on mez as their main form of mitigation, like Controllers and Dominators) and the Moon Elves, as their Carrion Creepers got old, really fast. I would hate to see what would happen with three or four of them in a group.

    I am really not a fan of objectives that only appear once you have completed other objectives (which you did on the second mission), especially on outdoor maps, as they cause the player to have retread cleared areas. This breaks the flow. The instances where I have seen it work is where they appear once you have rescued an escort, so you run into them taking the escort out. This tactic won't work on an outdoor map though. Also, you should add in some clues or other indication that the attempt to force them out failed.

    The various patrols you have wandering about generally all have the same text. You should look into splitting them into separate objectives to get some different text in there.

    Having Dr. Aeon as the main villain felt really out of place. He did, after all, create the entire Architect Entertainment system. Selling it out just didn't seem like something he would do. Trading millions of dollars of profit for some powerleveling in a different game? Not likely.

    Anyways, good job!

    Now, my latest arc:

    Arc Name: Battlin' Tom's Murder Extravaganza!
    Arc ID: 99803
    Length: 4 missions
    Morality: Villainous
    Difficulty: A number of Elite Bosses in the third mission, and an AV in the last. Not impossible solo, but I'd recommend bringing friends if in doubt.
    Recommended Level: 35+
    Synopsis: Do you have what it takes to take part in one of the most notorious underground arenas? Violence and mayhem are sure to ensue, and if you can survive to be the last man standing fame and fortune will be yours! Providing, of course, you make it out alive.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    You heard it here folks, Issue 15 Beta is definitively going to Test on Monday, May 18th. And if not, the devs are lying liars who lie to continue their mad lying scheme of lying.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Them devs is out to get us!
  8. Wow. This is starting to get to the point where we should have a separate thread for each genre.
  9. AE System
    Welcome to Architect Entertainment -- Neutral
    Death for Dollars! -- Neutral
    Bare Knuckles of Rage (9304)
    Signal to Noise -- Neutral -- 67277

    Who is Kidnapping the World's Great Philosophers? -- Neutral -- 86347

    Character/Supergroup Origins
    Birth of a Fossil -- Heroic
    Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V (42221) - Heroic
    Noah Reborn -- Heroic (2370)
    Polar Emergence Neutral Government User Interface Network (PENGUIN) #29205 - Heroic
    Jumping in Feet First - Heroic - 1345
    Midnight Bells Toll ----Villanious
    A Hero is made, Not Born. -- Heroic -- Arc# 20863
    A Mother's Nightmare -- Heroic -- #6955
    A Rose's Thorns -- Heroic -- 113224

    Classic Super-Hero/Super-Villain
    THE BOMBER --- Heroic --- Arc 16607
    In The Shadow of Statesman --Neutral--1160
    A Show to Die For! --- Heroic --- 30645
    Check... and Mate #15095 - Heroic - Mini Task Force
    Teen Phalanx Forever! -- Heroic (67335)
    This Life Immortal - (5756) Heroic
    Paradox Paradox - (69221) Heroic Stop yourself and Stellar from being erased!
    Sidekicks Can Be A Pain In The Cape - (28430)
    'Tis Nobler in the Mind - Heroic
    Deadly Sins! - 99366: fairly tough arc, can be solo'd.
    Marketing Opportunity - Villainous - 83747
    To Save A Single World - Heroic - 83744

    The String Thief, Arc ID: 15726 Neutral 1-54
    Mean People, Arc ID:16690 Neutral 1-54
    The Extadine Lab -- Heroic (2595)
    MacGuffin Delivery Service (1567) -- Villainous
    ParaCon -- Heroic (1684)
    The new and improved Lord Recluse Strike Force -- Villainous (though I wouldn't recommend against a hero )
    The Fire Bunnies - Neutral, They are only bunnies after all...
    You Say It's Your Birthday! (3630) - Neutral
    Trademark Infringement -- Heroic (2220)
    Hail to the King Neutral (34640)
    Walk On the Wild Side - Neutral - 3580
    Shirley You Jest (25474) -- Neutral
    The Invasion of the Bikini Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! - Heroic - 61013
    Gnomish Madness (30204) - Heroic
    Doctor Nadir and the Hellion Heist (49661) - Heroic
    Laugh? I Thought I'd DIE! - Heroic
    The P.U.G. Strike force (arc 35585) -Villian
    A Translator is the Wind or the Thunder in Turns -- (2936) - Heroic
    What's in a Name? - Villainous
    None More Black, Dude! (#86312) Neutral
    Rise of the Drakule - Neutral
    Return of the Revenge of the Son of Drakule Part 2: First Blood - Neutral
    Martian Chimpanzees and the Cyborg Cheerleaders of DOOM! (Arc #69947) - Heroic
    Daytime Divas - #94504 Where else can you get a hair extension as a souvenir?
    Death to Disco! - (Neutral, 84420) A short arc that has time travel, silk shirts, platform shoes, Jimmy Carter and a chance to save Rock and Roll.
    Too Many Bunnygirls! - ID#101165(neutral). Time to stop them once and for all.
    Invasion on Earth BX1132! - Neutral - 45+ - #98943
    Ee=Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! - Neutral - 3662
    The foul-mouthed Handyman! - Neutral - 1076
    City of Norms - Neutral - 132944
    Killing The Meow Farm - 141625 - Neutral
    Shortbow - Arc ID: 143566 - Heroic Lvl: 30-38
    Kidnapping an Idol 136188 Neutral
    Fashion Apocalypse - Neutral - 14840
    The Running of the Bulls -- Heroic 29973
    A Super Team is Born -- Heroic
    Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings #1481 -- Neutral
    How to Survive a Robot Uprising -- Heroic (12669)
    Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare -- Neutral
    It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (9059) -- Neutral
    TURG FICTION: Ghost in the Machine, Act I - Heroic (althoughs romantic villains could try this too )
    Rum Runners of Bloody Bay (3691) - Heroic
    Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids! (2019)
    The Toypocalypse! (49280) - Heroic
    Fishing for Fame with Red Herring - Heroic (66861)
    Putting Out Fires: A Corporate Satire (20100) - Villainous
    The Rise and Refall of Pets'n' - Heroic - 1061
    The Cat's in the Cradle (8776) - Villainous
    Females for Hire - Neutral (Heroic and/or Mercenary motivations) (110723)

    Bricked Electronics -- Heroic (LIVE! 2180)
    The Bravuran Jobs -- Villainous (16809)
    The Black Flag Is On The Rise (Pirates!) - Villainous
    The Monstrous Regiment of Lesbian Hellions -- Heroic (27178)
    Win the 2009 Freak-Lympics (2150) - Villainous
    Ninja Crimewave! (2142) - Heroic
    Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
    The Internet is for Crime (53385) - Villains
    Plastic Pistol Peril (1135) - Heroic
    Friends in Need (Of Body Parts) - Villainous (31005)
    A Little RnR - Heroic (17523) click for Promotional Poster
    Mechanical Mayhem - Villainous (76721)
    Females for Hire (about a mercenary gang) - Neutral (Heroic and/or Mercenary motivations) (110723)
    Battlin' Tom's Murder Extravaganza! -- Villainous -- 99803

    The Conciliators: Simone -- Heroic (4010)
    The Fan Club -- Heroic
    Matchstick Women -- Heroic -- 3369
    Of Mentors and Legacy - Heroic - 1589
    Digital Love -- Neutral -- 3571
    A Flame the Burns Bright- 112548
    Clonus, Parts 1 & 2 - Arc ID: 21499 - Heroic Lvl 30-54

    Global Domination
    Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)

    Global Destruction
    The Twilight of this Blue Orb -- Villainous (98529)

    Celebrity Kidnapping -- Villainous (1388)
    Easy Money -- Villainous (31490)
    The Great Diamond Heist -- Villainous (96169)

    Historical (Realistic)
    Wrinkle in Time -- Heroic(68920)

    Historical (CoH Lore)
    The War on Superadine - The Regulators in their 1980's drug war (Heroic) (Arc 7959)
    Origins - Volume 1 (57077) -- Heroic
    The Once and Future King (#71601) - Heroic

    City of Ho Ho Ho #18775 - Heroic
    Hectic Holidays -- Heroic (36999) also comedy
    Santa's Missing List - 34961
    Santa's Workshop of Misfit Toys - heroic - 134140

    Astoria in D Minor (41565) -- Heroic
    Dark Dreams (3615)
    D!E COUNT DADDY MACULA D!E! (10619) -- Heroic (1970's Action/Horror)
    Don't Play With The Dead (31813) -- Neutral
    The Amulet of J'gara (1709) -- Heroic
    Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit (#3586) - Neutral (Unless you happen to be a mad cultist, in which case, go nuts!)
    Small Fears -- Heroic
    Lights, Camera, Scream! (#68627) - 3 Mission arc that get's you into the B-Horror film circuit.
    Duality --Heroic -- 84105
    Hunting the Hunters --Villainous -- 93362 - Help a vampire find out who is hunting his people
    Creepy Crawlers - Arc ID: 82553 (Lv 41 - 52, a short, solo-friendly ghost story. Best played alone.)
    I Will Dance On Your Grave - Arc ID 92630 – Any level, no EBs or AVs, Voodoo, Necromancy
    Movie Monster Madness.. - 102058
    Something Comes to Yarmouth(58812) - Heroic, levels 25+ (masearch link)
    The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force: Something wicked this way comes.

    Large-Scale Crisis
    Alpha and Omega (60015) -- Heroic
    Is it Live or is it Memory-X - Arc ID #70210 - Heroic
    This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz -- Neutral
    Win the Past, Own the Future - Heroic
    A Warrior's Friend - Heroic
    The Clockwork War -- Heroic (18672)
    Flight of the Valkyries - Precursor (20272) -- Neutral
    War of the Worlds - The Anakim Invasion - Part 1, Neutral (15006)
    War of the Worlds - The Anakim Invasion - Part 2, The Terran Revolt, Neutral (46711)
    url= p;page=0#Post13304455
    Bleed the Freak - Arc ID #6919 - Heroic
    The All-Seeing Eye - Arc ID #57352 - Heroic [SFMA, Soloable, No EB/AVs, Auto-SK to 30/41)

    The Magical Miss Fitz (5079) -- Heroic
    Chains of Blood (5492) -- Heroic
    A Deal with Destiny -- Heroic
    The Broken Chain (82378) -- heroic
    Croatoa's Great War: The Parfait Family Reunion -- Neutral -- 71880
    Rex is Missing! - Heroic - 51702
    The Tannhäuser Gate (Arc 96322)
    I Will Dance On Your Grave - Arc ID 92630 – Any level, no EBs or AVs, Voodoo, Necromancy

    Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago -- Heroic
    Red Typhoon (Arc 4912) -- Heroic
    Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
    Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)
    Vanguard AQUA (58475) -- Neutral
    Wings of Deception, 101926

    Misc. Adventure
    Impossible Kung Fu Mission -- Nuetral (111367)
    The Portal Bandits (3326) -- Heroic
    A Glitch in the Wyre- Arc 73197-- Neutral (Fun for both the good kids and the bad kids too!)
    The Council Cargo - Arc ID: 36951 (Heroic, Lv 26 - 31, solo or team)
    Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228

    Blowback (18575) -- Heroic
    Dream Paper -- Heroic (13030)
    Dream Paper 2: Restless Sleep -- Heroic (16797)
    Dream Paper 3: Broken Dreams -- Heroic (13064)
    Hunter of Beasts: It begins with a riot... Arc ID: 110465 - Heroic
    Females for Hire - Neutral (Heroic and/or Mercenary motivations) (110723)

    Atlantis Attacks! -- Neutral (30898) -- Click for Promotional Poster
    The Seelie War -- Heroic
    The Unseelie War -- Villainous
    [b] The Seeds of Yggdrasil[b/] -- heroic
    Tales of Cimerora, volume 1 : Of feathers and fur -- Heroic
    The Aegis Affair - Heroic - **** - 16376
    Witches and Warriors (53006)- Heroic
    Rites of the Maenads (61159) - Heroic
    The Parable of the Fruit Salad -- Heroic -- 65369
    The Eye of Balor (88176) - Heroic
    Madness And The Minotaur - Neutral - 90124

    Nemesis Plots
    Brass Reaver: Part 1 -- Neutral
    The Handbag Plot -- Heroicish -- 36414
    Rise and Fall of the Iron General -- Heroic -- 142200

    Player-Chosen Outcome
    Hunting the Dark Dragon -- Heroic
    Playing Gods -- Heroic (51106)
    Time's Maelstrom -- Heroic #147296

    Above Mars - Part 1: The Wellington -- Neutral (13215)
    Adventures of the Space Marines -- Neutral
    Adventures of the Space Marines 2 -- Neutral
    The Adventures of the United Earth Rangers -- Neutral (29549)
    The Continuing Adventures of the United Earth Rangers -- Neutral (70237)
    The Final Nemesis
    The Knights of Rularuu -- Heroic (75386)
    [color= #bbff88]Reach for the Stars -- Neutral (78904) [/color]
    Spaced Invaders --Heroic(56856)
    That Mysterious Buzzing Sound - 12774
    The Balance of Power - 26931 - Neutral
    welcome to donut world - 1233 heroic

    Un-themed Survival/AV/Time Challenges
    The Meatgrinder -- Neutral

    Grim Riddles (#1396) - Heroic
  10. Arc Name: Battlin' Tom's Murder Extravaganza!
    Arc ID: 99803
    Length: 4 missions
    Morality: Villainous
    Difficulty: A number of Elite Bosses in the third mission, and an AV in the last. Not impossible solo, but I'd recommend bringing friends if in doubt.
    Recommended Level: 35+
    Synopsis: Do you have what it takes to take part in one of the most notorious underground arenas? Violence and mayhem are sure to ensue, and if you can survive to be the last man standing fame and fortune will be yours! Providing, of course, you make it out alive.
  11. Yeh, I'm gonna do that at some point. I've been really busy.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    will forward the emails i recvd in game to you

    One's Horsey... the other is Morac, the one is citrus'

    in reverse order... the first 2 i can't remember off the top of my head

    [/ QUOTE ]
    To be honest, the arc that I emailed rose isn't as good as my other one, 99803: "Battlin' Tom's Murder Extravaganza". (The one I emailed rose was 31005: "Friends in need (of body parts)").

    I'll chuck another email at rose at some point. *throwing star noises*
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    It looked to me like Morac's post had a more up-to-date list than Decorum's, so I rolled back to Morac's post and tried to merge the additions since then.

    This Was Not Easy.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks. I was wondering what happened.
  14. AE System
    Welcome to Architect Entertainment -- Neutral
    Death for Dollars! -- Neutral
    Bare Knuckles of Rage (9304)
    Signal to Noise -- Neutral -- 67277

    Character/Supergroup Origins
    Birth of a Fossil -- Heroic
    Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V (42221) - Heroic
    Noah Reborn -- Heroic (2370)
    Jumping in Feet First - Heroic - 1345

    Classic Super-Hero/Super-Villain
    THE BOMBER --- Heroic --- 16607
    In The Shadow of Statesman --Neutral--1160
    A Show to Die For! --- Heroic --- 30645

    The Extadine Lab -- Heroic
    MacGuffin Delivery Service (1567) -- Villainous
    ParaCon -- Heroic
    The new and improved Lord Recluse Strike Force -- Villainous (though I wouldn't recommend against a hero )
    The Fire Bunnies - Neutral, They are only bunnies after all...
    You Say It's Your Birthday! (3630) - Neutral
    Trademark Infringement -- Heroic (2220)
    Hail to the King Neutral (34640)
    Walk On the Wild Side - Neutral - 3580
    Shirley You Jest (25474) -- Neutral
    The Invasion of the Bikini Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! - Heroic - 61013
    Gnomish Madness (30204) - Heroic
    Doctor Nadir and the Hellion Heist (49661) - Heroic

    A Super Team is Born -- Heroic
    Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings #1481 -- Neutral
    How to Survive a Robot Uprising -- Heroic (12669)
    Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare -- Neutral
    It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (9059) -- Neutral
    TURG FICTION: Ghost in the Machine, Act I - Heroic (althoughs romantic villains could try this too )
    Rum Runners of Bloody Bay (3691) - Heroic
    Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids! (2019)
    The Toypocalypse! (49280) - Heroic

    The Bravuran Jobs -- Villainous (16809)
    The Monstrous Regiment of Lesbian Hellions -- Heroic (27178)
    Win the 2009 Freak-Lympics (2150) - Villainous
    Ninja Crimewave! (2142) - Heroic
    Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
    The Internet is for Crime (53385) - Villains
    Plastic Pistol Peril (1135) - Heroic
    Friends in Need (Of Body Parts) - Villainous (31005)

    The Conciliators: Simone -- Heroic (4010)
    The Fan Club -- Heroic
    Matchstick Women -- Heroic -- 3369
    Of Mentors and Legacy - Heroic - 1589

    Global Domination
    Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)

    Celebrity Kidnapping -- Villainous (1388)
    Easy Money -- Villainous (31490)

    Historical (Realistic)

    Historical (CoH Lore)
    The War on Superadine - The Regulators in their 1980's drug war (Heroic) (Arc 7959)
    Origins - Volume 1 (57077) -- Heroic


    Astoria in D Minor (41565) -- Heroic
    Dark Dreams (3615)
    The Amulet of J'gara (1709) -- Heroic
    Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit (#3586) - Neutral (Unless you happen to be a mad cultist, in which case, go nuts!)
    Small Fears -- Heroic

    Large-Scale Crisis
    A Hero's Halo -- Heroic
    This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz -- Neutral
    Win the Past, Own the Future - Heroic
    A Warrior's Friend - Heroic
    The Clockwork War -- Heroic (18672)
    Flight of the Valkyries - Precursor (20272) -- Neutral
    The Human Hive (#1632) - Neutral

    The Magical Miss Fitz (5079) -- Heroic
    Chains of Blood (5492) -- Heroic
    A Deal with Destiny -- Heroic

    Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago -- Heroic
    Red Storm Rising (Arc 4912) -- Heroic
    Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
    Axis and Allies -- Villainous (1379)

    Misc. Adventure
    The Portal Bandits (3326) -- Heroic

    Blowback (18575) -- Heroic
    Dream Paper -- Heroic (13030)
    Dream Paper 2: Restless Sleep -- Heroic (16797)
    Dream Paper 3: Broken Dreams -- Heroic (13064)

    Atlantis Attacks! -- Neutral (30898) -- Click for Promotional Poster
    Anactoria's Descent Into the Underworld -- Villainous
    The Seelie War -- Heroic
    The Unseelie War -- Villainous
    Tales of Cimerora, volume 1 : Of feathers and fur -- Heroic
    The Aegis Affair - Heroic
    Witches and Warriors (53006)- Heroic
    The War of Fate(12220,46722)- Heroic
    Rites of the Maenads (61159) - Heroic

    Nemesis Plots
    Brass Reaver: Part 1 -- Neutral

    Player-Chosen Outcome
    Hunting the Dark Dragon -- Heroic
    Playing Gods -- Heroic (51106)

    Adventures of the Space Marines -- Neutral
    Adventures of the Space Marines 2 -- Neutral
    Above Mars - Part 1: The Wellington -- Neutral (13215)
    The Final Nemesis

    Un-themed Survival/AV/Time Challenges
    The Meatgrinder -- Neutral

    Grim Riddles (#1396) - Heroic
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    AH NUTS!!! The motes don't work when you're hovering or flying

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for the head’s up. A fix is on the way…

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Also doesn't work while one is under the effect of the Tarot power

    [/ QUOTE ]This one is inconsistent at best. Most of the time (when under a Tarot power) it works, but occasionally it glitches out. I have yet to do extensive testing to see if it is just when under a Tarot power though.
  16. Re: Sooner and Lord_D

    Thanks for the reviews! I'm gonna quote and reply to you guys in this thread to avoid discussion clutter.
  17. Arc Name: Friends in need (of body parts)
    Arc ID: 31005
    Faction: Villain
    Your global/forum name: @morac
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Recommended Team Size: Any (not recommended solo at lower levels).
    Typical duration: 45-60 minutes (5 missions)
    Arc Synopsis: Crey Industries has contacted you for a rather shady mission. However, it pays well, and morals aren't something that come to you naturally.
    Link to a more info/comments thread: Linky
  18. Mermoine:
    Overall, solid arc, I liked it. Good writing, short and sweet, and didn't fall into any of the obvious writing cliches. Concept is simple, but well executed.
    Second mission, when you rescue the Aide right at the beginning, have her do some sort of emote, as she runs off instantly.
    Last mission: tone down the EB you rescue at the beginning to a regular boss. She makes it too easy (and leaches XP) on solo.
    Due to all the Dark Melee attacks, I was chewing through a lot of yellows. (Solo, lvl 43 Fire/Shield Brute, Ruthless: difficulty 4). Not too hard, but definitely not easy mode, which is nice. I did have to turn it down, but I realize a) lolshields, and b) I haven't played the character for quite a while. The lieutenants seem to be just minions with more attacks. A bit of variation would be nice. Maybe give them ranged attacks instead of melee? Also, I didn't see any bosses when running solo. Maybe bump up the difficulty of the surrounding enemies for rescues?
    Minor nitpick: In the first mission description you have a word emphasized like so: *word*. Caps, like the way you do in the rest of the arc would be better.

    Arc Name: Friends in need (of body parts)
    Arc ID: 31005
    Faction: Villain
    Your global/forum name: @morac
    Difficulty Level: Medium
    Recommended Team Size: Any (not recommended solo at lower levels).
    Typical duration: 45-60 minutes (5 missions, none of them defeat all)
    Arc Synopsis: Crey Industries has contacted you for a rather shady mission. However, it pays well, and morals aren't something that come to you naturally.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Fixed issue where players could cause Lord Recluse to get stuck behind the tower during Statesman's Task Force mission.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So, have you guys given up on fixing the RSF? That tech has been broken for way too long.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought the Hostage was fixed?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I've never had a problem with it. Care to explain what the specific issue is?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Gimme all your gold!!! or imma cry!

    (just checkin to see if it works)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *holds a cup to Rose's eyes, to catch her tears*
    *pours in sub-zero Ketel One vodka, adds three olives*
    *relishes in Rose's misery as it adds the perfect bitterness to his Martini of Woe*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's one of the fabled Mixed Drinks of Torment, is it not? Lucky [censored], wish I had the complete recipe for that one.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    * Baby Bed
    * Diaper Djinnie
    * Rocker
    * toys

    Every hero can't be childless...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    And villains need to eat....