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  1. Testing out Throw Sand.
    Seems to hit a lot and have an ok duration.

    But..by 35, most blast sets are gonna have the aoes to shred a pack on minions anyway. Also, the low rech ruins the use an a -per too every mob, in the same way as flash arrow. Not to mention the short range/cone.

    Apparently InnerWill boosts your mez powers..+50% duration. Which is nice..but the power, TS, is STILL a crap mag 2. Perhaps if IW increased the mag of your mez instead..so you could be fighting a boss, get hurt, use IW to heal up, them your stun would be able to hold said boss.
  2. Oh..interesting. Headed to GV for my patron..and the main tower no longer has all the people in it. I assume its that npc/world changing active mission thingy.
  3. Oh, thanks guys!

    I must have used the SS ui toggle ages ago and forgotten. That makes sense as to why she was seeing the UI all the time.

  4. The 'problem' is NOT exactly why you get the respec from the arc. How do I know? Well..look at how it used to be, with the arc unlocking at 40.

    You hit 40, train up with more slots..and get your Patron pop up. Then you do the first part of the arc, still at 40, so by the time you hit 41, and can pick a POWER...it is already unlocked.

    If the whole point of the arcs was to get a respec (I dont think it is..the point is to open the powers..the respec is a bonus)...why would the arcs have started earlier before? Also, it is rather unfair to a new player (not that it matters now) to expect them to somehow know that CAN see Rein before training, to access the powers. And then expecting them to burn that free, and valuable, respec, if they want to get a PP at 35.

    Again..look at Blueside. Sure, they dont get a free respec from an arc..since they DONT need on..the silly hero epic pools just magically open.

    Maybe a better idea to the patron/epic discussion..on hitting 35 a Villain could pick any one of the t1 and t2 patron powers...representing the Patrons offering people a 'teaser' of their powers. That would make sense.
    Of course..then many people would just skip the arc altogether..but then you miss the badge and respec.

    On another note..Photobucket is working again!
    Uploading my pics from MrG's 2 and 3 arcs from Beta.


    The Mrg and lowbie hero folders are the new ones.
  5. Just a quick one..

    I have been taking SS's with printscreen, and they are saved in teh folder without ANY gui showing..even when I take them with teh gui up.

    Was talking to a friend, and she did the same thing, and saw the GUI. I have no idea why..it is some setting one of us changed? I actually remember trying shots aaages back and getting the gui.

    Is there just a better way to take them altogether?
  6. Yes doing the patron arcs gives a respec..but you should NOT have to use it, just to reorder your powers, cause they are too stupid to have the contact pop up when you hit 35..not just 'train' to 35. Im sure some other contacts work in that way.
  7. Ok..got an error message,...
    Upload failed for C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSoft\CohBeta\screenshots\screenshot_120912-18-09-57.jpg with error: {HTTP request headers=POST /album/sch511%2FLowbie hero beta/upload User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1-rc1 Host: api185.photobucket.com Content-Length: 235124 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=28MIh-gbFnelO2rXw6h2s4jsvgIRjS1jvCfko , HTTP status=500, HTTP response=HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2012 08:00:39 GMT Server: Apache Set-Cookie: flash=deleted; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/; domain=.photobucket.com X-Forwarded-Server: den2ws043 Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html , ErrorResponse=, URL=http://api185.photobucket.com/album/sch511%2FLowbie hero beta/upload}

    Anyone know what THAT means? Other than..its ******?
    Or that my cache is full of porn..
  8. Blaster at 35.
    Throw Sand. The description..is..meh.
    You grab some nearby debris and fling it towards a nearby foe, obstructing their vision and dazing them. Recharge: Long

    Yeah, ok. Cause throwing random debris at people always stuns them. Oh, wait..no it doesnt..maybe that why its a crap mag 2. The -Perception might have actually been handy on a squishy..but since its tied with a junk stun and the power causes aggro. Wtf..

    Also, its retardly dumb that at 35, we can start and pick out patron powers..BUT..I dont actually get to start them (the contact pop up) until I level up to 35! Meaning I have to wait another 3 lvls, or respec later. Stupid.

    In keeping with ttural order of things, when it comes to new powers...my first usage, 95% to hit..MISSED!
  9. Photobucket has removed the storage limits for free accounts!
    Now you can upload all your photos and up to 500 videos!

    That is what it says when I check teh usage. SO..clearly I have not used all my storage. And since the upload worked fine like..3 hours ago..
  10. A free one.
    I assumed there was SOME kinda limits...but the error says jack ****. It would be kinda handy to know why they wont work.
    Looking through their help and account tools..nothing so far to just tell me what those limits are. Cause that would be..helpful and stuff! Silly site.
  11. I have been uploading pics here from my Tales from beta thread, but for some reason..I keep getting errors with the latest batch.
    Even trying to reupload ones that worked fine days past..error.

    Well..its an Unknown Error. So I dont even know why.

    I really am clueless about the site itself. Is there an upload limit? A size limit? File amount limit? It would actually help if it told me..
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
    Question: I'm stuck at premium, but I want to play around on Beta. On "Live" I currently have four global slots left to unlock, and their use is wholly dependent on whether or not we get everything unlocked as a goodbye present(complicated by a couple of beloved Time characters I'm locked out of). I don't want to waste them on any new toons.

    When I logged into beta, it showed that I had 2 global slots, and by clicking one of them I was informed that I would be unlocking a slot on Justice of all places(I play exclusively on Virtue & Freedom). Is this truly a seperate group of slots that just defaults to saying Justice for some reason, or will it detract from the four precious slots I have remaining?
    Unlocking slots on Beta shouldn't do anything to Live. In the same way that me respending reward points on beta, did nothing to the ones I have left, on Live.
    Also, just checked on Beta, and it DOES say you are adding on to Justice, not idea why. But..when ON beta, and global friends you have will be shown as 'on Justice'. When it clearly isnt Justice. So yeah..pretty sure thats just a name clash, it wont do anything to your Live slots.
  13. Woohoo, Psimon is talking. Spoilers again.

    He mentions he can sense us in St Marts, and asks about Penny and the Awakened. Nice, he is gonna help us kidnap the awakened. After that, we are on our own. Mission is on a lil boat in Shark.

    And..what. The boats in shark, the mission map is outdoor St. Not sure why we needed to take a boat there..3 bosses to kill, awakened. Clever,..the awakened leaders are named..Awakened Leaders. Just in case we couldnt figure it out.

    Neat attacks..Psionic Thrust DoT (Lethal), -Rech, -Regen, -Rec, -ToHit, Chance for Taunt

    Im not sure how Psimon is helping here. Enter the sewers, to find teh tech teh Yins are using. Or something. Oh! Psimon is with me as an Ally now. Cool. He is a kin/psi blast it seems. No sb though. *******.
    Time to capture an Empowered Awakened. Im scared. Why is there an Hospital Icon on my map..in the sewer. Just a boss..Psi used FS though.

    Next mission! Looking for a way to power up Subby5. Going to try steal a smaller version of the Jade Spider to boost him!
    Umm..no idea where the mission door is! Theres nothing there! Stupid thing..was pointing to the total opposite corner of a building. Inside now.
    6 glowies, 3 min timer..kill 30 guys to stop Silver Mantis showing up. Yay killed her. NPCs talking about Scirocco and ice mistral..something about order of teh winds. Wonder if they were planning on making IM wind control. That was easy enough.

    Time to take on Penny and her awakened. Subby5 is powered up and ready. MrG warns us we may need to fight her on her own psychic plane. A plane! Fwooosh. Mission door points to a cave in shark..although we are going to a warehouse in st. Of course.

    OMG. No idea wtf just happened. There Enlightened Awakened baddies. Look like purply psi gremlines..some of their attacks are insane! One is like a psi whirlpool, like the pink patches on MoM. The boss also spawns Fragment of Immanence, like the living hellfire from Demons, but psi colored. Oh, here it is... Psionic Void.

    You create a field of psionic energy at the feet of up to two targets. This field deals continuous psionic damage over time.

    Back to it. His hold looks super cool. I think I got a screeny. Eep, enlightennig subjugator awakeneds. Dial it up to 11.

    Oh WOW. Penny has tp'd us into her mind! Looks awesome! Wow, what a fight. She keeps spawning mobs and bosses every 20% hp or so. Ends with a cutescene after you win, showing penny and wu yin talking. Penny flips out, trying to control the awakened, and goes mad, becoming..Penelope Mayhem! She looks nasty! And cool!

    Some of her powers were awesome..looking for them. Ok, seems to be the same stuff.

    Next mission.
    It would appear you have a very strong image in this Penelope Mayhem's mind, according to Subjugator 5. She says that Penelope Mayhem sees you as a sort of creator, a god of sorts. You were the one in her mind before the trigger happened. In fact, you were the one who caused the trigger in the first place!
    I would have thought that Penelope Yin would back away once she lost control, yes, back away to save herself. Instead, she chose to do the heroic option to try to sacrifice herself, and look at what it did for her.
    I think our work is done here with the Awakened... now, we just have ourselves some fun.

    Fun time! Oh, PennyM is off in faultline, fighting Penny (our primal penny). Off I go.

    PennyM is winning! Oh mad, Mirron Spirit has jumped in! And PennyM died? Or something..I assume thats meant to occur, so now we fight PennyY. The ppd bosses are called..Head Support. Sounds like a bed or ergonomic chair. Mirror's floating book/rock aura thing looks pretty.
    Talking to PennyM after
    How could I forget you, Cleric D? You are the Creator of hatred, the one who united the Awakened in us. Everything is owed to you, everything. Without you, the hatred would be shattered, broken, controlled. You even aided in the defeat of the Other Yin and the annoying Spirit girl. The power of our hatred is weakened, however, from their assault. We must retreat to repower ourselves.

    That was cool..bombs went bang, fire, and then the atmosphere in FL was all foggy and smokey. After MrG says..
    A hero could stand being defeated... they would simply bounce back, fight the good fight and all that nonsense. Oh, but now... now you've instilled fear that the heroes never knew existed. You've shown that you will not only defeat anyone that comes after you, but that you will twist them into a nightmarish version of themselves. It is a fate that could be considered worse than death, and far worse than defeat.

    Creepy. Then he says he has a last job..robbing a Vanguard safehouse. Its a simple job..hmmm..sounds like MrG is being dodgy, maybe setting us up somehow. I dont trust him.

    Tangent..pic of Scrapyard talking to miners in potters field. Never seen that. SOmething new?

    Yes of course a grave in Potters will get us in Vanguards safehouse..in St Marts. Ok then. Go in..theres a Vanguard rep just inside the door. He says he will freely give us all the cash..if I hand over teh war criminals. Hmmm. Let's hand em over!
    And..thats it. lol. Now to rob the safe.

    Bah. The lab looked a bit high tech..like the vator etc. And yet..the vault is EXACTLY like teh normal bank vaults? Come on guys.

    The Rep shows up again.
    Do you mind if I tell you something, Cleric D, on behalf of Vanguard?
    He just says to leave them alone.

    MrG pops up! Time to fight him..Kat/Sr it seems.

    So I win! I wonder what happens if you dont turn em in..guess Ill have to redo it!
    Mayhem's Creator badge.

    Mr. G is not picking up his phone.
    No ****..I just sent him to jail!

    Wu Yins personal arc!
    Wu Yin was still shaken by what he saw. His daughter, his baby girl, the one who he spent so long trying to save from Mother Mayhem's clutches, was turned into one of the Awakened. He could hardly believe it, he didn't want to believe it.
    Wu Yin could sense someone was following him. It was both a familiar presence and a strange one. The woman known as Desdemona, who had the essence of his former wife, Vanessa DeVore, in the mask that she wore. Needless to say, the entire situation was... somewhat awkward. He did not have the time to event see his wife, though some of that was deliberate on Wu Yin's part.

    Mmm sounds like a freaky threesome in teh offing..like Ghost. Patrick, the chick, and Whoopie. Still..at least Desy is hot.

    In TubCis hospital room. Ha, the brief said he was badly beaten..he looks fine.
    Talknig to Dessy/Vanessa. V speaks into our (Wu's) mind.
    He was going to tell his wife to take all of his memories of Penelope, from when he raised her as a child, taught her how to read, how to write... Vanessa would rip all of them out of Wu Yin's mind to one day place back into what was now Penelope Mayhem. Wu Yin would have no more memory of his daughter. When he looked upon her, she would just be another stranger.

    Aww That's awful. And sad.
    Without another word, Vanessa began the process. Wu Yin saw all the memories he had of Penelope leaving his mind; the first time she scraped her knee, her favorite toys from the propaganda cartoon shows. They all left Wu Yin's mind, until even her very name was gone. It all happened in a matter of seconds. When Wu Yin thought of Penelope, he could think of nothing. It was a connection that did not make sense. Why did he form the Syndicate? What happened to the daughter that he had with his wife?

    Father Badge.
    That was a great ending Poor Wu.
  14. Thats cool. had not heard of teh PvP website..but reading about how the guy made his cox comics and stuff..interesting stuff.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I refer there to the original spate of trolling, not this post-ban troll-pology.

    But your affection for the troll is noted and my weighting of your future comments has been adjusted accordingly.
    I have no specific affection for the Trollina (you forgot that already?). Just that your comments came off like an ******. Maybe you aren't one. But hey I look forward to not seeing your comments. Also hilarious that you attack someone for being semi literate when your own sig location is 'in ur base'. Goodera english there. Oh wait..you must be semi literate too!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    _Viridian_, actually. Doc Aeon was responsible for everything dealing with SSA1. You can tell because everyone kept dying anticlimactically.
    Lol, nice. Was not a fan of SSA1...2 though, very fun.
  17. Oh, my bad. Apparently that was not the end of MrG's 2nd arc.

    Yin's are using awakened against us, and our pet Subby is all in a dither.

    Oh..ok, it WAS the end of the arc. This is his 3rd one..totally knew that!
    Plan is to stop Penny controlling the Awakened so they all go nuts and flip out. Then we use Subby to control them, gaining an army. It mentions going to see Psimon Omega, if you worked with him. I havent..but hey, lets see what happens.

    Ok, he wont talk to me. Let's see if I can unlock him.
  18. Nice one Goat..troll teh troll? Is that worse, or better? Funny that you call tehm semi literate..yet when I spell checked that post, there was nothing wrong, just a few silly ms word hiccups.
    Get over yourself.
  19. I missed it..what did you say? PM me if you cant say it again in the thread.

    Neat idea btw. Sounds pretty cool and easy.
  20. really cant speak highly enough of these arcs. If the WHOLE game was like this..wow.

    Great maps, great stories, neat enemies, good pacing, varied objectives, new stuff, tying new stuff WITH old stuff, bits of expanded plot for people who did the arcs, the list goes on.

    Totally recommend everyone goes to Beta to try them. Nc suck for not getting all this out.
  21. Yeah these arcs are crazy awesome. So good. I dont think there has been any bits I didnt like, or bad spots in the writing.
    Did you get ssa2.4 and 5 open earlier BPP? I am keen to do them.
    Anyway, more spoilers follow!

    Mr G, part 2.

    Cleric D (or you) Vs the Rogue Isles

    We are going to make a tv show about beating everyone up, to scare of the bounty hunters. Off to kidnap a News team! Cool. Kicks off in oro, at Lazurus' Portal.
    Mission 1.

    Cap Au mission map, just like the one inDark Watchers arc. Bit stupid that the Generator trucks are still there..with nothing on them. Got the camera man..not I need 3 bits of equipment. Oh, I have to head into the building.

    Arachnos baddies chatting about things like DA, scirocco, needing prea technology etc. Sound Director! Funny since I dont play with sound. Now I have to kidnap Amanda Vines! Poor lass, never gets any peace. Annoying..doesnt tell me if shes in the building or back outside. And..she tells me to get lost! Rude.
    Caption] You might not want the job, Ms. Vines, but I'll GLADLY take it!
    [NPC] Amanda Vines: ... Great.
    [NPC] John Houston: John Houston here, former reporter for TPN, new reporter to WSPDR!
    Tada, we have a news team.

    2nd Mission. G talks about staging an attack on Paragon, to get attention before we broadcast. Neat..we are going to attack the New Preatorians, from Marchy's arc. Off to Bricks we go in da chopper. Via Tesseract's oro portal this time.

    Brickstown map, a tracker keeping count of Total Infamy, with a camcorder watching us!
    [Caption] John Houston here folks, bringing LIVE to you Cleric D's destruction of Brickstown!

    [Caption] Now, the key here for Cleric D is to show his strength against the authorities.

    Ha, if I attack Civvies..they cant die, but they run around on fire due to my Incend ammo. I have NO doubt..showing me constantly slowed to **** by damn gluenades..will truly scare paragon. Robber it..now the New Praetorians are coming. They are all EBs! Wonder if they scale to av's too. Oo, got teh Bricks mayhem badge in here too! Thats neat..I wonder if it was a start of them giving us a way to flashback the mayhem badges.

    Aurora now! She can whip me anytime. Her attacks look so awesome. Aww she was the only NP to show up. Mission done. She had some new attacks..Psi SLow, an immob and Psi Lightning, a ranged blast. Also doing -end. Psi Vortex, just a renamed psinado I think. Psionic Sear! Sounds neat..

    You hold your target with your psionic whip, preventing them from moving. While they helplessly tremble under your gaze, you are healed while they suffer psionic and fire damage over time. The affected target is also made highly resistant to healing.
    Psionic Pulse..like a combo of repel and psy shockwave it seems. Think thats it..moving on.

    Mission 3. Woot, I am trending on blog sites. Yay me. Oh, and our Vanguard boss helper? Apparently he took on the lubbites, skulls and hellions. Cheers mate, way to handle the 'tough' mobs there. Carnies, primal ones, are planning to attack us. Vanessa wants the media attention. She should just make a homemade porn film then.

    Oro mission again, Twilight's portal. St marts map, gain fame by causing chaos meter, 4 bombs, 3 boss..and Dean to rescue! My bro!
    Congratulations! You earned the Honorary Bro badge.

    [NPC] Dean MacArthur: Thanks for the save, Cleric D. Those chicks saw my totally awesome broadcast and thought they'd try to ransom me off to you!

    Yay. Gah stupid mask of vitiation. Oh...after blowing it up..which is cool, tents on fire..the carnies pull out a Shadow Sim of us! That was cool..lucky he didnt seem to have all my haxs Amplifiers too.

    Next Mission. Sky Raiders call of an attack on us, Splice nukes the computers of rogue arachnos. Oh, neat. The Family have hired the Crimson Revenant to hunt us. Oro mission..Pilgrims portal. I think this could have been better..why am I using a portal to then fly to wherever in a chopper?

    St Marts map, plan is to just wreck **** till teh Family get all mad. Crimson Rev as an NPC near teh entry..talknig to him. Start fighting..after killing him once, he multiples into 2! Bashed him again. Now I take a truck from inside this map to Jackpot, to blow up thrie cars. Oh, and..rescue Vincent Ross! Nice. Saved him..Remebers their Friends badge. The new family look cool..Consigs are all fat now. And they have grav/time powers. Woo..time to fight Vitto Marcone. He is Tw/Regen! And gets KoV attacks. All done.

    Mission..um..5? Last one..time to beat up teh Yins! Including Penny and Tub Ci it seems. Not to sure why they would want to help Wu Win..unless..its prea penny and tub ci? Not primal? Unsure. Killed Tubby, prea tubby that is. Cutscene of Wu and Penny, as seen in Aeons video. Prea penny..dressed exactly the same as Primal Pen..but purple? Bit silly.
    Then they run off and leave some affro headed chick to fight me. Oh, Awakened baddies. Cool. They seem to have some new attacks..awesome stuff.

    Arc done..Villain of the Month badge! That was fun stuff. Really cool how the old contacts pop up..I wonder if its any different if you havent done their arcs.
  22. First Villain arc. Spoilers

    Starting teh first Villain side arc. New one that inside.
    It drops as an Inside information tip when you hit 30. Well..hot 30 and earn a tip.
    Some of your contacts within the Rogue Isles have been sending you bits of pieces of information regarding Arachnos and Praetoria. Separately, the information means nothing at all. However, if you start to put all the little clues together, you start to see the big picture about a possible move that Arachnos is planning...
    Du dun dun.

    Talks about how arachnos is trying to move in on Prea, work with the Carnival of light, and get resistance members into its ranks. Mentions how Recluse led an army into Nova, like you see in Belladona's arc, cole;s personal mission.

    Plan is to jump into a destiny portal, zap over there, and steal stuff. I think. Let's see.

    Mission 1. In GV. Hmm..a bit dumb, since im lvl 30! AT least all of Marchands arc was in a realistic lvl zone. In the main tower..I guess thats why its in GV. Ooo, neat! First time I have been in here on Test..it is all happening! Getting some screenies. That carnie wench's top is one of the most unbelieveable things I have seen! How are they contained??

    That was cool..seeing Aeon looking at the BCUs..now those archnos BCUs I saw make sense. Oh Red Widow is there..cool. Makes the place look a lot more interesting. Sands! And..um..Cuda. Inside...but..isnt she still the TF contact..you know..outside? Must be cause of Qantum. And Grant is here too..more quantum. It is catchiiiing. In I go.

    Same map as Marchy's first. Not quite as mind blowing since I have seen it..but still awesome. And I dont have a squad of uber lvl 40 bosses to leech xp off here. SUch is life. Arachnos npc mobs fighting though..as allies. Nice to have them not attack you for once.
    A gazebo! Of course..even if the midst of chaos and doom..there is always time for a good gazebo. Aww with poor Tami Baker (prea contact) looking a lil dead. Killed by a katana apparently! Ah ha, a ninja got her. Note..gazebo is retarded..theres no way to actually get up there..for normal people. Maybe tami died trying to get up and see the sights.

    Oh! Go inside into a destroyed Prae Lab mab..looks nifty. With..like a room of Tami clones, all dead? And Mr G, alive, Sinclair, seemingly dead. Screenshotted. Chatting to him..
    Have you heard of Doppelganger? I'm sure you've heard of... Protean. He is Primal Earth's version of Doppelganger. That would... hah... happen to be me. Surprise, eh...? I was the one... who trained Sinclair. I assumed... I would be the one who killed him, too, though I have grown... old, unlike Protean.

    Cue spooky music.
    I cloned the members of Project Phoenix before Sinclair... disposed of them. I would have made... an army... eventually... ruled Praetoria from the shadows... Obviously, that project has been... shattered. Sinclair sought me out... in his last moments, believed he could try to... deliver some justice upon me, but I showed him, showed him what... I could still do.
    I can help you... with your plots... and schemes... gather information that you need. I can even suggest... one for you... which involves recovering criminals of... Praetoria... that Vanguard... has arrested. They would all be under... your command... owing you a debt... we would all work... to help you with your... plots. I have... a small warehouse... in St. Martial... that we could use. My own plots are over... Cleric D... and I don't believe... I will ever fully recover from my wounds. Just help me... teleport out of here... and I'll be in your debt.

    Cool plot. Dodgy mr G. End mission.

    Next mission. Off to find him in St Marts. Woo..new building. Like, an open one I mean, not a mission.

    Instead, I suggest we break out those who would be in your debt and be quite easy to control. I have it on good authority that Bobcat, Transmuter, and Splice were all captured.
    Time to revoer some Vanguard General who is gonna help us bust those 3 out. taking a truck there. Trying to remember, but I think this guy is mention is Gaussains arc..maybe. Have to beat up a few bosses. gah I hate these guys..so OP. Stupid wizards should just **** off back to Hogwarts. I do love this Preventative Med proc though..slots in a heal power, adn gives a chance for Absorb, triggering more often at lower hp.

    Gives me a choice of helping him alone, or waiting until after he fights another group of vanguard. Ill jump in and see. Oooo ****.2 HVAS to fight! Lucky I had my placate.

    Still..they spam that stupid tear gas like every 5 bloody seconds. Woot, he is working for us now..off to steal a chopper so he can fly us to the prison base.

    Outdoor map 'in' st marts now. Some gets captured..or something, and we have to beat more people up. Go in a cave, in that same outdoor map. Get a transmission for old Dean! He wants a call. talknig to teh commander, idf guy, who has the vanguard guy with the codes. We can work with him, attack, or promise to resuce some OTHER guy of his who has been captured. Getting a head ache. Just let me blow **** up. Ok, I am working with him. Looks a bit dodgy up ahead..I took a pic. Lucky the soldier was not standing in front of teh kneeling guy..

    You use your unique abilities to extract the codes that General Alito needs to pilot the Vanguard helicopter. Now that you have the codes, you don't necessarily need this man any longer.

    Umm..what now? WTF does that even mean? We torture him? Told him about our favourite movie? Oh, unique abilities..I showed him how good I am with ballon animals..and he cracked. Mission done..not sure what is going on!

    Attack the prison base! Yay, sounds easy. For some reason, I can't use the newspaper and get a mission from it, right now. Not sure if that is a bug. Back into out lil lab with Mr G, into his magic tunnel. Sounds a lil..obscene.

    neat map..we are in the middle of the pacific apparently..odd, but they have the EXACT same builders as Agincourt..Have to rescue the 3 prea dudes, optional to free the guy's guy from the last mission. Oh ****..I think I was meant to talk to Dean!..exiting.

    YO! Cleric D! What up! It's been a while, man! I bet you're wondering, 'Dean, what is someone so cool like you doing calling me out of the blue?'

    Ah ha, more cluuues. He says he is keeping a look out for us. Back to the rescue. Go inside and its a big Prea lab map. Not sure why it looks like that..when its a vanguard base, but hey. rescued teh guy's guy guy dude, whoever he was. I forget. Moving on. Hear the vanguard guys talking about where Battle Maiden is, and how there was a malta mole in the V. bah, killed by 3 minions. Stupid bloody haxs -res claw attacks. Apparently Splice helped with the attack on teh Baf...not sure if it mentions here during that.

    Yay freed Bobcat. She wants to team..says Berry betrayed her. What a jerk. Oh..then she just tps away. yeah thanks for the help pussycat.

    I love how using Ki push, after storm kick puts them on their ***, and it makes then slide along the floor. Looks really neat. Transmuter tells me about some uber secret prisoner downstairs..Subjugator 5. Another Hvas to kill before I can get in. Pet subjugator! Score.
    Awesome. Now they are all in my 'base'. And Bobcat has claimed the couch. *****.

    Attending a 'meeting'. Going in..WOW..they actually turned the damn lights on for the meeting. GJ..I can see **** now. SubbyG is damn creeepy. Apparently Kitty is no longer a fighter..not sure why, yet.

    Ha, cool! As G is about to tell you targets, a cutscene starts. It is the one Aeon posted, shjowing Yin (prea Yin, Wu Yin?) offering a bounty of 20 million for us. Then Dean haxzors teh connection, and says no one better take the job, or them mess with the Macster. really neat stuff.

    War Criminal badge!
    That was a cool arc. Now time for sleep, 2nd part tomorrow.

    Oh..and 5 merits for that? Lucky I dont need them anymore!

  23. Doing a random mission full of Longbow..

    The LB Menders (think new clockwork mender with red and white colors) are really neat! Same powers and all..just cool to see them in LB mobs..that honestly, have little variation. The story of how longbow gets em is partly explained as background in Marchand's arc.
  24. Neat!
    Didn't get a screenshot, and its not a newer thing..but I remember when the Enter Midnighter mission at teh end of Wade's arc would drop you down under the floor into that blue nether realm your first shot shows.
  25. Not sure I like the whole conditions thing to activate IW.

    If you are fighting a boss or hard target, and they hit you with a 'moderate' attack, that cna very often put you just above 50% hp..and unable to use IW. Yet...you KNOW (from past experience) that if said boss hits you, with one of his big attacks..you are going to lose MORE than 50% hp..and die, instantly.

    Also..the slow in Reaction Time is pretty darn good! Was slowing Metal SHift to a crawl!