Screenshots + Printscreen




Just a quick one..

I have been taking SS's with printscreen, and they are saved in teh folder without ANY gui showing..even when I take them with teh gui up.

Was talking to a friend, and she did the same thing, and saw the GUI. I have no idea is some setting one of us changed? I actually remember trying shots aaages back and getting the gui.

Is there just a better way to take them altogether?



By default:

/screenshotui 0

This takes screenshots without the GUI.

If you want screenshots with the GUI do:

/screenshotui 1

After that, until you restart the game (or log off the toon, I'm not sure which), all your screenshots will include the GUI.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



While you're in the game, you can also go to Menu ==> Settings ==> Keymapping, scroll most of the way down to "Other" and "Toggle Screenshot UI" and select a button to use to toggle the UI on and off in screenshots. (I like the Pause button since it's up there by the PrtScn button.)

So, normally I've got it turned off, when I want to include the UI I hit "Pause," then "Printscreen" all the pictures I want with the UI added, and then hit "Pause" again to turn it off when I'm done.

...I think I do it this way because I learned it long before I learned about all the "slash commands" in the game -- I use slash commands for a LOT of other things now but never seemed to break the habit of using Keymapping for a UI toggle. Go figure. *shrug*

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



Oh, thanks guys!

I must have used the SS ui toggle ages ago and forgotten. That makes sense as to why she was seeing the UI all the time.




Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I must have used the SS ui toggle ages ago and forgotten. That makes sense as to why she was seeing the UI all the time.
Actually, I think you've got it backwards. I'm pretty sure it defaults to "No UI", and capturing the UI requires adjusting the settings.

If you really want to get creative, try this:

/bind sysrq "screenshotui 0$$screenshot"
/bind shift+sysrq "screenshotui 1$$screenshot"
Creating these two binds will make it so that Print Screen by itself takes a clean screenshot, and Shift+Print Screen takes a UI-enabled screenshot.
