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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngieB_Too View Post
    What: Hami Raid

    When: 11 EST
    Where: Hive
    Who: You!

    Impromptu Hami Raid tonight. Since a lot of ppl are going to be otherwise engaged on Super Bowl Sunday, I'll be running a raid tonight. Clear you insp bins and come get some Jello.
    TYVM for the raid, Angie, nice and smooth
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    It is really a toss up. I need 2-4 more brutes than we normally need for a raid. Then again we also need a few extra healers and kins. So its about equal in need this time.

    Anyone who has a brute, kin, pain or therm please bring them as a priority.
    Okay Kat, I've gotten everything on both my fire/kin corr and my fire/dark corr -- I'd prefer my dark but if you need kins that works for me!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
    Ditto. I don't think cruelty should be seen as funny, regardless of the species.
    Glad I'm not the only one!!!

    Just because a cat is known to land on its feet doesn't mean you can throw one off the Empire State building and expect it to be okay...I don't care if squirrels jump tree to tree, they don't fling themselves!
  4. Geni, you'll do great

    I'm ready for this, bringing my fire/dark corr
  5. Happy B-Day Yuki, hope it was full of fun & love
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurelius View Post

    I'd like to do that to the punks that thought up the contraption
  7. *atomic wedgie time*

    Happy B-Day Dinah, hope that you and your family enjoy a wonderful evening together and that you enjoy your friends and other family in celebrating your day!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    ...Give me another 12 slots that I can spend my money on and make new toons and have more fun! ...Please help me! Help me feed my addiction.


    I don't want to move my 50's but need more room to experiment!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arianes_Angel View Post
    I have theme song for some of my teammates on an ITF this weekend.

    for the Brute: "If I only had a Brain" - by Scarecrow, Wizard of OZ
    For the 2 toon never with the group - Nowhere Man - Pearl Jam
    For Meowtch - HOT HOT HOT - somebody Pointdexter - because well she was F*&#ing pissed.
    and my Widow - Been Caught Stealing - Jane addiction - because when the tells went flying, I told everyone I just put the team together to get me to the next level.

    oh way - for Newguy - I touch myself - Divinyls -- he really hates pugs
    Not sure how I missed this, haha NB, so true, I was for sure...I've been told I have...ummm...a "very low tolerance for stupidity" that appears to overflow into my game play, doh!

    Meow's theme song: JET - Cold Hard *****
    (main blueside)

    Balka's theme song: Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
    (main redside)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post

    Edit to add: Acey and I met in CoH and have been very very very happy ever since! =]
  11. Meowtch

    Champions united

    For me this thread is tl;dr other than to skim through it and see the same stupid **** as always...get over it, grow up, move along and so-on...geeeeezzz
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    My potent, potent corruptor musk.
    MUSK??? No no sir, that is not musk...just funk...plain everyday stinky
  13. Wow Star, you are soo much younger than I thought you were!

    And as for the babies pictured, they are all beautiful little ones that any mom and dad would want to boast about - hope each of you enjoy them to the fullest and keep them safe, happy and loved!

    This is our old-man boy:

    This is our younger brat:
  14. Wow, where would someone even begin here without getting wayyyy too mushtastic??

    Silas & Oz, meeting up with you two put life into vills for me long after Acey had given up and I had to solo ever single baddie I made, tyvm for the teaming, you two are awesome! (OH and Silas smells so beware of his villainous body funk )

    BM, you make me laugh ALWAYS because peeps either take you wrong and act like total jack ***** which is fun to watch - or they get all pissed off thinking you have no clue when really you're out to make 'em look silly for laughs - or those that just plain don't get you, too much you are there sir!! Best of all you being one of a few of Acey's oldest in-game friends, I luvs ya always!

    Amy, you ROCK and I'm glad that we've met, by far you are the best representation of selflessness and community that Champion could offer -you and everyone in your SG/VG are fantastic to team with and quality players, thanks for letting me tag along

    To all the oldies but goodies, Myrmy, Umann, Det, and so many more -- so many in BOSS, whenever I join up with you all I have fun and it is so nice to see peeps jump on every now and again that may not have been around much for the past year.

    Dinah and Si and Starfire are always nice to take a moment and chat, you guys always make me smile when I see you...or get a wedgie

    Whether you find CA good/bad/indifferent, he's pretty consistent and you have to give him that - he doesn't care what peeps think and he sure doesn't care whether or not someone gets a stick up their butt for being silenced. You don't have to agree with him ever or you can always, either way he's CA and has always been nice to me and Acey so...on a personal level that is all that counts!

    I've had a lot of fun with so many peeps that I'd not known before this past year/year and a half that are too numerous to mention so please forgive me for not laying it all out for you all! tl;dr and well, be safe, have fun and be good Champs!
  15. Meowtch

    Here's to 2010

    Hope everyone had a very safe & extremely funtastic NY's, Acey and I were very very busy entertaining this year...I know he posted some over the weekend but as for me, other than NY's eve I've been plain exhausted by about 8 or 9 o'clock the rest of the weekend!

    Also hope that everyone has a prosperous and truly happy new year, it HAS to get better peeps, it just has too!!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    Who else? I need atleast 15-20 people with shivans, nukes and heavies to pull this off, bare minimum.

    Most importantly I need an MM team leader? Who normally leads the MM team for regular villain raids?
    I've lead the MM team for the first several runs and then life got complicated, not sure who ran them after that -- this is the easiest lead, need two kins and 6 MM's, usually have more than 6 MM's show up so that I'm SB'ng the others gathered with us as well.

    The only time the MM team really gets splatted is if during the first wave of mitos if the brutes come to close to us when they're going boom or trying to run from splat, other than that it is a total breeze.

    I can do it if no one else wants to, this is a super easy lead -- our friendly neighborhood Geni would be a good candidate, hope she hops on the boards to see.

    Having said all of that I have other toons you may want there more though so up to you what I bring:

    dark/kin corr
    nrg/therm corr
    fire/kin corr
    fire/dark corr
    ice/ice dom
    thugs/pain mm

    Just tell me what you need - I'll be there for this one!

    (I'll work on getting shivans/nukes if I know what toon I will be bringing -- heavies I probably won't have enough to get unless we have several raids before then as I'm usually on my bubbler blue side for those)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    I'm going to be moving and starting my hospital rotations
    This is awesome, congratulations Amy! =]
  18. Meowtch

    Freeform Respecs

    Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
    Not to forget that all "old" powers get removed from all your trays at a respec too...

    Can you imagine if they could implement freeform respecs in such a way so your tray remains the same, except for the particular power you altered? SQUEEE!
  19. Meowtch


    Very nice indeed, gratzehs Oz!
  20. I have no valuable input at this time but felt the need to tell Shadowkitty how much I adore that avatar! omgsofreakincute

    OH and to say that Silas is almost too giddy in this thread...yuck...thoughtUwereAmeaniepants!
  21. Meowtch


    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    p.sure pics of Oz spanking anyone would be ban-worthy

    the dude has got no mercy
    Oz dun luv us no mores, he only spanks Freedumb nao

    and OMG HAI BOOMIE, who let you outta the diminished yet returned PWNZ thread huh?
  22. Happy that you've found something that you enjoy both RL and during relaxation time, take care of you, have fun out there and just be happy
  23. I hope I'm on and have the chance to do this, I've only done about 3 SFs and would really love to get them on my main vill (kin) -- thanks for hosting this Kat!

    Never done the LRSF either, have been really wanting to do one one, if anyone plans on having one and doesn't mind an LRSFnoobtasticKIN on their team, count me in!
  24. Gratzehs Kahlan, nice job