545 -
Sounds like fun, but lately PJSA (my hubby's SG ) has had me hopping from toon to toon in RP..and I'm not joking..sometimes, I have to look at the toon to see which one I'm on, lol!
Good luck, though. If I know anyone who's free, I'll try to refer them.. -
Congrats to the winners! and this was fun
Even if I only got two different numbers off, heehee..
Let's hope this is lucky for me...
7..and grats, Vex -
(can't believe no one has taken this number yet...!) -
I have to admit, the Red Sonja is beautiful...and I can't decided if that's a taunt or a seduction...although I can see a man falling hard for it..
Oh yeah, I've tried to do that on several occasions. Usually ends in just bouncing off the roof of the car or truck...
Spiderman got to hitch rides on cars and subway trains, so have lot of others in comics, television and movies..(for some reason, TV's Beauty and the Beast's protagonist Vincent seemed especially prone to hitching rides on top of subway cars...) -
(Subject of LC's age covered already. Gonna let this go, so removing comment that was here.)
That was impressive. Can you actually find the designs in the game or did you have a Dev help you?
Quote:That, and it took me a few minutes, it being the middle of the night to realize 2 things.That better be a facepalm to keep your head exploding from the epic awesome!
A. LC in that picture looks like a guy I used to date back in the eighties, only the guy had more hair on his head..and didn't sing.
B. Wait..she's holding coconuts? (looks at picture again, finally gets MPatHG reference. Groans, facepalm with suppressed laughter. Woke up hubby with the laughing.)
And yes, it was epic awesome, Wassy! In more ways than you can ever imagine....I actually look forward to the finished version... -
Is it me or does it look like some staged production of Spamalot? (Which would explain some of the lighting..Stage lighting can produce some of the shadows we are seeing there, unless I am really really mistaken..) If it is, an hint of the lighting might not be bad..
If that's the case, why not also have some fake scenery (painted on flats) along with the fake castle?
And didn't Brave Sir Robin have some sort of design on his tabard? I didn't realize that was a tabard at first-it being late at night. At first, I thought it was some bizarre martial art thingy... -
Quote:Ok, let's pick on Oryo Ryouko (my toon of choice)Back in my Pen and Paper days of roleplaying, one of the games I played was a diceless RPG. That's right... diceless... as in pure roleplaying. Anyway, one of the things the game recommended, was to ask yourself some questions about your character that have no impact on stats, but on the character's individual personality.
Though I have long ago retired my Pen and Paper games, and the original list is long gone, I thought it may be useful for me to put together my own list here for CoX roleplayers. The purpose is not so much for people to respond with their answers for all to read (though, feel free to do so). It is more for them to get themselves to answer the questions for themselves and to think of the character from a roleplaying point of view--as an individual rather than as an extension of the player.
- Where does your character get his or her laundry done?
- In a philosophical discussion of death, how would your character describe the perfect death?
- What is your character's favorite food or drink? What food or drink do they absolutely hate?
- Describe your character's personal bedroom. Is it in your supergroup's base or somewhere else?
- How would your character's father describe him or her?
- Would the description be any different coming from his or her mother?
- If you (the player) were to meet the character, what would you most DISLIKE about the character, from a personality standpoint. (Do NOT think of what you don't like about limitations on pwoersets...think personality)
Have fun with it, and, as I said, feel free to expand on the list.
1: She does her day to day laundry in her apartment building's laundrymat, although her costumes tend to get sent out to Icon's cleaners-dang that impervium weave...
2: Oddly enough, it's not all lace (although there is some) and mirrored ceilings-despite her infamous 'party girl' reputation...It's more like an combination office/study-she keeps a computer there for research. Her walk in closet is packed with clothing and organized by seasons and occasions.
The bed is a nice little queensize- with a bookshelf in the back for her music. What everyone notices the most are her stuffed toys all over the bed-She has never quite grown up, and collects everything- bears dressed as various heroes to stuffed anime critters-although her most loved stuffed toy was one that she was given as a little child. Not many people get this far into her apartment, by the way-
3: To her, there is no such thing as the perfect death- but her death better be for a good cause, and not an empty death, for no reason.
4: For a long time, her drink of choice was Sake. However, this has changed. She now prefers chocolate milk. Yes, something she cannot order in the D without getting a few raised eyebrows. She's got no real favorite food, as her metabolism requires that she eat like a football player at her meals. Because of this, she doesn't have to eat like a pigeon to watch her figure. No dislikes food wise.
5. Since she has about 20 some odd 'parents' (she was originally created to be a 'lab rat' in a Crey experiment)- it's hard to say. Her foster family loves her, but wish she'd settle down and get married like her adopted sister did.!
6: She's arrogant at times, and brusque. I know she does that for a reason, but I really really wish she'd let her soft side loose more often.. -
If anyone goes Redside, it's going to be my emp/psionic defender...In roleplay, she leans towards neutral chaotic anyway. And a bit of a rogue..she'll probably go there to muck about in affairs there a while. Then, when she's done, she'll probably come back to Blueside. (Gotta love chaotic toons anyway
I'll also have a dominator going blueside for Rp purposes.. -
As a roleplayer, I tend to use music as a way to get into character, that is, when I'm not doing missions solo.
So a few characters have their own playlists. I try to rotate songs in and out every couple of months, but they're more likely to stay on there til the MP4 rots off the list...
Eg: Oryo Ryouko's playlist is heavy on anime soundtracks, mixed with music from the 80s, 90s, and the turn of this century. Just added "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perry, simply as a mood piece. Oh, and let's not forget the J-pop! (Yu Hayami rocks, by the way!)
Mellissandria's got different soundtracks (Background music from the new Doctor Who, and again 80's 90's and 2000's music...), which is a little more eclectic as well-given she was a musicologist at one point in her life.
I also have been known to listen to the Cape Radio station, being on Virtue. Also good for immersion, when hanging in the D some nights.
I do leave the sound effects on, but dampened down..(my loud is someone else's soft...), and turn down the ingame music. -
Quote:Maybe so. I run a 17 inch widescreen at 1440x900. Ideally, I should be sitting about a foot to a foot and a half away from the screen...but I often will be leaning over to get a closer look...I'll talk to the spousal unit and see if he thinks I can just change resolution on it without killing my monitor...And yes, I run XP. Scoffed at Vista.Yep. I'm only at 1064x768 on mine (according to the screen's properties), so I'm a huge step down from the rest of the modern world, I bet...
Demon! Don't let the prettiness decieve you! Your graphics card is probably fine!
And I want the graphics card so I can run Ultramode without it being a slideshow. Again, going to ask my husband. -
(Oh, this story's taken a fun turn...and gives new meaning to the phrase 'caterwauling'- and Tusker deserved what he got
/me grins as she's snugged.
"Ok, if you are The Puppeh, then how did you make yourself look like Fedor.." -
: comes in sneakly, but nerviously. She goes up to her usual beam in the ceiling to watch the action, after snagging coffee and a bagel with cream cheese.
I miss the days when you could stow stuff like that in a bag under the table, and have it remain untouched when you came back to it three hours later..(Yes, experienced it at conventions in Atlanta back in the eighties..and woe betide he who dared touch the bag while the owner was gone. Then again, back then, everyone knew everyone else. Kind of like a mobile small town going from con to con.)
Regardless of how it happened - I still feel sorry for the artist, hope that his portfolio will be returned to him as soon as possible, and it was an honest mistake. -
Nice screeny.
I thought at first it was a painting, so how did you get that effect? Is it your video card or ultraview or was it just luck? -
/me tries hard not to giggle.
/me tries hard not snicker.
/me fails her straight face roll.
That is one of the funniest screenies, ever.
Definitely an 'oops'. -
Soloing problems?
Been there, done that. Racked up the debt to go along with it.
If you ever need help, I have rerolled Mellissandria to be a empathic/psionic defender. Healing and she can kick butt as well. And I can always use the practice. Or, I have Warrior-Mage Luna who is kinetic/energy defender. Just let me know when and I'll show up to help if hubby isn't dragging me into SG activities online...
Also, temporary powers can help. If you're melee, grab a ranged recipe and start crafting or vice versa. Secondary Mutation you can put on yourself once you get the mutation pack. When all else fails, grab some of the really really large inspirations (and don't forget to bring a couple of wakies along. Also, the holiday inspirations are on sale at WW all year round..while random, they still could help.