545 -
Quote:Well...read it and prepare for the invasion!http://www.cityofheroes.com/news/new...s_is_nigh.htmlomg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg *gets the invasion outfit ready* omg omg omg omg omg omg
Oh yeah, I do intend to come over for a visit... -
Well, had problems with my credit card, so sent them...basically a beg to please give me my pack...
Hope it works. -
You can call me Mellie if you prefer. I know Mellissandria is a mouthful: pours you warm herbal tea.
Just take a load off, relax now. (makes every chair in the place turn into recliners...)
: pours tea for Rad as well.... -
Even so, there is no harm in trying to make them last as long as possible. Comic were meant to be enjoyed and read, not hoarded like Midas' gold.
Quote:Thank you, Seldom. I just checked for my miniscule art collection on line, happily, no hits for Ebay.A fun tool for monitoring and tracking images online:
I've used it, as has a photographer friend. It's a 'reverse' image search, so you enter the image and it finds where on the internet the image pops up. If it's your work, and on a site you don't want, you can then contact them and/or take action.
Also, checked that seller's website, looks like he's taken down at least the art that was complained about (and I didn't recognize anyone else's stuff.)
By the way, if you have IE, Chrome, or Firefox, you can get the Tineye extension at the tineye website. Just downloaded in...because you never know when it might come in handy..... -
Hearing about Lis Sladen's death hit me hard.
She's going to be missed....but somehow, if there is a Heaven, she was met by old friends.... -
Quote:The Tin Mage was fun, even if my rad/archer made up about 80 percent of those deaths....and it was my first time on it. I have to thank you and the others for putting up with my noobishness!And by certain people, I mean myself!
I always say I'm not going to do it, and then I wind up putting one together that is as bumpy a ride as it gets.
So with that, major thanks to everyone who stayed for the Tin Mage run last night.
After the first mission, we lost our 8th but the remaining folks pressed on.
Just over an hour and 84 deaths later... a winner was us!
... and no more Zombie-led task forces for a while :P
(btw, this is @Mellissandria!) -
Quote:Awwww, she's adorable...may I credit you and put her on my DA account as well? (I'm Mellissandria there.) It's where I keep my gallery (such as it is)..She may like the trap bad guys in lightning fences, but she's still a nine-year old, and I bet she likes ponies.
And if she likes the color pink and breaking the laws of Nature, I can guess which pony would be her favourite.
So here you go, a picture of a nine-year-old girl playing with a pony- I mean, Pink Pika & Pinkie Pie! -
Quote:((Keep in mind she's an Amazon also, and that her people are athletes and warriors, even if her powers are somewhat magical in nature, strength, skill, and athleticism are all part of her culture. She would not be skinny.
Oh, Lucy Lawless -- where are you when we need you?))
I have no idea, and while the new WW costume is ok, why can't she get something resembling the picture above? -
Someone got his days mixed up...." /e floats down from the ceiling to grab coffee and a bagel with green cream cheese..."and started a Friday thread."
"Which reminds me...I changed my global to @Mellissandria, which is my original handle in other games.Gonna keep the DemonCaller handle for here though for the moment..so if you see 'Mellissandria' in the Rookery thread..that's me!" -
Oooh, this could be fun...I may have to move a toon or two over to Union...and I've always wanted to play there....
Definitely will have to roll up another Mellissandria, maybe Oryo Ryou as well (any chance I can get Oryo there as a name?) -
You said fun, right?
Here is my youngest character currently (at age 9!)-Pink Pika
An avid collectable card gamer, Pika purchased a rare card online...which turned out to have a spell on it- the end result was that she gained the powers on the card- electric powers, as it turned out. She then took the name of the character on the card-
She's currently learning to control her powers at Paragon Junior Supers Academy- if only so she can shock the bad guys instead of frying them...
Her favorite 'move' so far is the ability to encircle others (usually bad guys and bullies) in a pink electric fence.
(btw, did you know there is actually a critter called the Pika? Yup, it's true, just click here for details!) -
I just can't help but think it's gonna be nice to be finally able to visit the legendary Union server...I hear a lot of cool RP happens over that way!
:brings in all new litter boxes, shiny plastic with privacy covers, complete with state of the art scoopable kitty litter.
:then brings in a droid programmed to scoop said litter boxes.... -
I am sad for your loss.
May God bless you and look after you in this time of grief.
Hope to see you back here soon. -
Quote:I would shoot off an email to Avatea or Zwill to try to reserve a spot at the meet and greet...that was what I did last year (nearly made it but circumstances at the last minute prevented me from going..and this year isn't looking so great either...). If I guessed wrong about who to send the email to, they'll be glad to let you know who to send it tois there a way to reserve a spot JUST for the meet and greet?
As Queen Deleen has said "The Mayor" should be there. -
Looking through these threads, I'm a bit shocked that no one turned down my rad emission/archery defender for the Khan TFs a couple of weeks back...and did I say at the time she was lvl 42-44?
That was when I was starting to realize just how powerful rad could be...until then, had been using my arrows most of the time (so guessing I was taken for a blaster) with no one saying anything...
Of course, of all my defenders, only one is emp/psi. The rest are debuffers (with the exclusion of one bubble defender I take out once in a blue moon)...I think a lot of it is that quite a few people see the emp defenders and equate that with the healing class or buffing class, then think ALL defenders should be like that.
And rad emission can be deadly! Don't believe me, ask the mobs I helped steamroll with my friend's emp/dark defender last night! -
:joins into the dancing, turning into a cabbit (the closest she can get to a cat!)!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaeeNjnZaPo -
She swore when she realized she'd missed the funeral.
Ryou had just gotten done dealing with a crisis: several kids had been ice skating on a frozen pond that wasn't so frozen after all, as the surface had cracked and broken apart abruptly-
She'd dived in without thinking of the risk to herself..any flames she tried to use would heat and thaw ice, but wouldn't last long in water...
Which was long enough for her and other rescue workers to pull the kids to safety, and at least try to make the tail end of the funeral.
She'd never met Rose Maiden, but knew her by reputation..and one chance encounter...in Pocket D.
One night, she'd come across two costumed figures basically reenacting the "Who's on First" routine. They'd gathered a small crowd.
The first one she knew by the green and white uniform as Nurse White. The other, she later found out was Rose Maiden...and they were close friends, and apparently prone to breaking out in comedy routines..
Ryou smiled now, remembering how random...and ultimately how silly it had seemed to come across the impromptu comedy routine. The superhero profession seemed to attract quite a few colorful characters, but not many of them stood in the middle of the D reciting Abbot and Costello.
And maybe that's why they had done it...to bring a smile to the (often too serious) heroes.
She finally landed at the cemetery, after flying from Paragon City to Boston, and realized just how much she stuck out in the black and red costume she'd recently started wearing again. Not that many were here to see her; at this point, it was mostly a couple of workmen crouching near the grave of the Rose Maiden.
As she walked towards them, she realized what the problem had to be- they were crouched near a pilot light for an 'eternal flame' memorial. One, a National Grid employee, was trying to light it, and having no success.
Ryou bent over them..."Here, let me try.." She extended a hand, and a small flower of flame appeared in it..which then seemed to flicker towards the memorial.
After a moment, a rose, made of flame, seemed to grow out of the memorial. Ryou stood back.
*Rest in peace, Rose*, Ryou thought to herself, *I just wish I'd stopped to get to know you.*
(The scene in the D actually did happen in game one night; and is one of me as player's fondest memories- I just hope Nurse White forgives me for mentioning her in this post, but as she was the other half of that comedy routine...well, I couldn't mention one without the other, could I? And Lady C, I do hope we will meet someday somewhere on the 'net.) -
I've got two on the bottom rung of Incarnates at the moment. Looking at two more to go Incarnate-before I put on the brakes..
When I looked at my toons, I asked myself, so how would it make sense for this or that toon to go the Incarnate route in roleplay. (I am obviously on Virtue.).
Not all of them have made the grade so far. A couple are being held back for RP purposes, the rest are in the 'wait and see' catagory. (Although one got her alpha slot through a fluke..right place at the right time while helping others..)
So, if one of the Incarnates I have turns out to be a 'SuperMurdoc' (think that guy from the ATeam in tights and cape), it won't be through design! -
I'm just wondering how many magical girls are suddenly going to have talking animal guardians/mentors...
And if this is an Amerikatt approved product.... -
Quote:I agree with the trial account names- Those should be purged if the account is not paid up at the end of the ten days.The name purge thing? I can see both sides of the argument. I don't see any reason to NOT purge all trial accounts though. They could do it automatically a week after they expire, and they could tell people this is going to happen when they sign up for a trial, and if they want to keep the name, they can go ahead and subscribe before that week is up.
As far as paid accounts? I think if someone played for a year and has been gone for four or five, it's a safe bet they're probably not coming back. And if they do, they can start from scratch.
I also think that if an account is inactive for two years or more, it's a safe bet that the player isn't coming back or isn't able to come back..so two years at least is a reasonable limit. One year might mean that there is still a chance to come back, even for a free weekend. -
Good luck in the contest, regardless of what happens if you win!
Quote:I debated about entering. Nearly didn't, but in the end, decided to send my references to Attache anyway. Don't think I'll be picked, but couldn't pass up the chance for a BAKART piece...I agree that's a very nice gesture and I'm terribly sorry for your loss. Personally I can't take advantage of the offer as it wouldn't feel right to me, but that's my own personal hang-up.
And it is one of the sweetest things Attache or anyone can ever do!