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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    you want nostalgia...i've been here sence i saw a tiny-tiny blip about an MMO with super heros in sepember 2001 and i found THIS site and got up to the minuite info too and droped EQ like a flaming leper

    ......but now its more like a musuem

    here are some things from the Faq some oldbies might remember
    [ QUOTE ]

    Q.How can Super Intelligence be used? How would my character be different with it, than without it?
    A.Super Intelligence will be very advantageous for skill-based heroes—those that use a lot of items. They will be able to figure out and use their skills more quickly and effectively.

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    Q.How many powers can I have?
    A.The number of powers you can have depends on the origin you choose but the range is between 3 and 8.

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    Q.So what are skills then?
    A.Skills are used to successfully attack and inflict damage with a power, or perform non-combat operations such as lock picking and bomb disarming.

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    and i also found.........

    THIS *dum dum dum!*

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    I want to know who Fear Factor and the Killing Crew were...
  2. Have Crey go down like the 5th column.. take it down.. take it down!
  3. Mei_Zhong

    Time Travel

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    We already implemented Time Travel...

    Wait, we haven't yet? What year is this? 2004! Oh... um, ignore me.

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    I don't care if it's time travel, dimension travel, flashback, flash-foward.... I just wanna fight a DINOSAUR!

    Yes, a Dinosaur.


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    We need super advanced reptoids......
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Just FYI for everyone who hasn't heard; The Incarnate are the ATs of both Statesman and Lord Recluse. That's the "Inner Will" mastery.

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    I am thinking more it might be a sort of nobilis/unknown armies type thing. They are that powerful because they are social arcthypes. Statesman is what we think of when we think archtypal hero and recluse villain.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    The second I think and nearly as blatant is Statesman and his awakening to human potential. This has been mentioned in the past as coming out after city of villains. I personally think Statesman's route will be the only route to this exaltation...

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    Statesman has already said in an interview that Statesman's powers is an Epic AT and it will be put into the game in a few issues.

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    I know its goiing in, but I suspect his method for becomiing will be the only way, perhaps even being only open to naturals..
  6. [ QUOTE ]

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    So it would be like prechristian rome where all the temples pulled that sort of thing? Or some Leiber stories? or discworld....

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    Hey, I have nothing against Discworld. I love it! But it's really not the kind of flavour I want seeping into City of Heroes.

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    Well alot of discworld's humor comes from treating fantasy cliches with a dose of realistic reaction. That's why I brought it up.

    Anyway t he point is moot... Incarnate sounds like something godliing oriented..
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I'll drop a hint: the name of an upcoming Epic Archetype.


    Heck - I'll do another....


    Happy Saturday!

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    comeon Reptoids..... we need reptoids.... everyone loves dinosaurs.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    Well, Heracles did all his adventuring while still a demigod, and Monkey did get pwned by Buddha.

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    I use monkey as a perfect example for the twin views of deities n myth. The gods are little more than superhumans while the budha is a trancendent deity.....

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    Still, Neil Gaiman quotes aside, people expect gods to be somewhere above ones self, no matter how powerful that self happens to be.

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    People expect the same of Heroes. Myth, fantasy and comics all tend to put the hero on the same level as the god.... and often the hero is the victor.

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    Statesman may be powerful, but it would be pure hubris to say he could [Censored] Ganesh.

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    Statesman's story isn't all that diffferent from those of the taoist immortals and they could hand Ganesh is trunk. Their kungfu is strong.

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    Reducing deities to a comfortable level cheapens them, and reducing them to a beatable level cheapens them even more.

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    and maintaining the untouchable nature of gods misses the story of Myths and some of the most interesting fantasy novels. Elric fought his gods kills them, the loss of the Aesir in ragnorok is fortold... THEY even need the greatest human champions to fight with them in that epic battle..

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    Make them PCs, and you'd might as well turn those temple into bargain depots! ("Redemption? Intervention? Wrath? We have it all! And now for a limited time, try our 90-day soul-back guarantee!" )

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    So it would be like prechristian rome where all the temples pulled that sort of thing? Or some Leiber stories? or discworld....
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, Muvians would be pretty cool. Not sure what their powers would be, but still, pretty cool.

    I'm personally against "God" as an Epic Archetype though. After all, to represent they appropriately they have to be downright godlike, which would make them far too powerful.

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    I point you unto hercules, he's a god and he didn't even have a travel power. Or Monkey who beat up all the gods of china.... God and superhero are not so different in power level...
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    An INV/SS tanker named Son of Krypton would be a pretty blatant ripoff, though, esp. if his costume looks anything like Superman.

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    Unless his powers came from the noble gas of the same name.....
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, they've already said many of today's magic heroes are descendants of Mu, so they can't be THAT special.

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    As I said that might be used as a game source for characters who are just born magical. The thing is Muish blood is the backbone of quite afew plots in game including being the the only source of rikti mages. It being a dangling plot point I thought I would mention it here.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I had a similar idea with the Mu guys being special super mages a la Dr. Fate/Strange. Kinda goes with the suggestion in my sig.

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    Tielekku might be a better source for epic sorcerers being the creator of magic in the cohverse..
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm...I'm not sure that the first two epic ATs having something to do with Paragon City history necessarily implies that all epic ATs will. I would actually find that rather disappointing, since I feel that it rather limits background creation for those characters ("Hey, I'm a Kheldian and I'm here...fighting crime for some reason. Oh, and both my parents were killed by Nictus.")

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    not quite what i meant. More like we knew something was going to come from the Nictus that show up around the fifth column in path of Darkness and hero of a thousand worlds, and dthe Kheldians were that thing.

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    The third potential source I see for an epic archtype is Tielekku. The story arc has you save her from a trap by the banished pantheon and send a message that will hopefully bring her back to help the world.

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    Hmm...while "god" as an epic AT would be pretty cool, I think that would lead to a pretty big pantheon. Demigod or angel or something would be cool, though, but those don't really have links to existing backstory (haven't heard of any angels of Tielekku).

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    Gods do all sorts of wierd things in mythology and comics. They grant magic items to invoke power, create childen out of clay, all sorts of wierd things.

    though tying Tielekku to the winged epic promised would be very interesting even if it would make all would be angels cry...
  14. We know now that epic archtypes will be about playing something intimately tied to the COH universe rather than something that could slide easily into any other universe. We also know that missions unveil bits and pieces of the COh universe even having heralded the comiing of the Kheldians in the story arcs, Path of the Dark, and hero of a thousand worlds.

    We also know that issue 3 will begin the progression of the coh "metaplot" building on old storyarcs to create new content. So we can safely assume that future epics will be based on those old story arcs or even the occasional throw away comment in missions. So based on this I have afew idea for the story if not the mechanics for future epics based on myteries left at the end of arcs and throw away comments.

    The first and most blatant story arc point would be the Rikti. They invaded, they changed the world and all it takes is one little process and anyone can be made into one. Now I don't think we will be seeing this one until city of villains, I think it would require starting as a villain to obtain.

    The second I think and nearly as blatant is Statesman and his awakening to human potential. This has been mentioned in the past as coming out after city of villains. I personally think Statesman's route will be the only route to this exaltation...

    The third potential source I see for an epic archtype is Tielekku. The story arc has you save her from a trap by the banished pantheon and send a message that will hopefully bring her back to help the world.

    In a similar vein to Tielekku's return we know to that a Emreeth(maybe misremembered name) patronized those who would someday debase themselves and become the circle of thorns. It is never said what truly happened to him it just seems he went away.

    Adding a third god playing with things, to the mix, Hequat the patron goddess of Mu supposed return drives the Circle of thorns forward in renewing its ties to the Envoy of Shadows. Her return may bring a decendents of Mu conspiracy enemy group... and also allow them as an epic archtype. The blood of Mu might be covered already by magical by birth heroes.

    Finally a throw away comment leads to my most questionable potential source of epicness. In the Scroll of Tielekku story arc when one raids the COT library one of the books is supposedly written by the ancient saurian sorcerers the first sentient life forms on the planet. This is really streatching it but.... dinosaurs are cool. Who wouldn't want their character to have the power of the ancient dinosaurs?

    Has anyone else noticed any other clues that might lead us to new epic characters?
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    Obviously you know what you're referring to much better than I, but I gotta say, if they're so unique why do the Warshade sound like an echo of the Goa'uld?

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    because you need to read more scifi?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Alien is the origin, as normal. The Peacebringer or Warshade is simply the AT itself. They define how they are played. Statesman said that their endurance is based on their team, thus its simple to conclude that the Peacebringers (who belive in voluntary merging) draw endurance from their team and thus are team based. The Warshade (who belive in taking over bodies) would naturally draw their endurance from everyone thus making them good for soloing.

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    I suspect the Kheldans will still get standard origins, either based on "this is what your character was before the alien Exalted her" or "I want to make myself and my buddy in my head stronger.. I think I will train/summon/expose myself to radiation". This way they won't have to make a whole new origin set of enhancers just for this small group.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I heard the sky was falling.

    And I heard that Elvis is still alive.

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    Elvis is alive, he just fought a mummy in a retirement home