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  1. Well that is just a gosh darn good idea...
  2. Any ideas on how to make this? Every option I have tried has just looked a little silly once the spines pop....
  3. Marx thought labor was 'constant', meaning everyone works as hard as they can regardless of pay or benefit. They work for the good of the collective, you see.

    So in his economic models labor is never a variable, but a constant, thus showing a complete lack of understanding of basic human nature. And every version of Marxism has always failed.

    And now I am boring even myself....
  4. I think Icarium needs a hug.
  5. I want to make a dark/psi defender. The general concept is that she is a psychic who can take your worst fears and manifest them, e.g. Dark powers. So she is not the traditional Dark mage type.

    I have tried lots of looks for her, traditional spandex hero, street clothes, goth, etc and cannot get something that looks right.

    Any ideas?
  6. OK, so I had no idea where to post this. But I figure those of us that are obsessed with the art side of COH may be the most likely to also have Macs. Not sure.

    Anyway: what do I set the screen resolution to on my MacBook Pro?

    I am playing COH on my MacBook Pro in Boot Camp with XP. But since I have a funky screen size all my screenshots seems flattened.

    Oh yeah. I am also a moron. So I cannot figure out the whole math thing of which combination on X and Y axis numbers best fit my screen.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks for helping
  7. Cool - tyvm Soul - some great ideas there!
  8. I have a concept for a character but I'm having trouble getting the costume right. I want a female Earth/emp troller who is something of a 60's / 70's hippie type. every time I try to make it work it just looks ridiculous. It either looks like a technicolor mess or downright obscene

    Anyone care to take a stab at a hippie type costume? Not too over the top - sort of modern pagan witch neo hippie goth.

  9. CoH has always been two games for me. An MMO and a costume creation game. Frequently I'll log in, make costumes, and save them as screenshots with no real intention of playing the toon. Then I log in my Mind / Kin death machine and play MMO

    Anyhoo, when I look for alt ideas, I always browse this forum and am amazed at the creativity and skill displayed. I get great ideas for new costumes.

    So I thought I'd just link to a few that I made.


    Mind / Kin:

    Dark / Dark:

    Scrapper of some kind:

    Fire / Kin:

    Not sure - just liked this look:

    Grav / Emp:

    MA / SR:
  10. Is there a trick? When I center on my hero and zoom in, the screen seems to center pretty high on the hero. So when I try and get in close for a high res screen shot of just my hero, it crops the lower half. If I zoom out to get the feet and whole body shot, I have to go out so far that I am getting tiny screen shots of my hero.

    I have a beautiful 1440 x 900 screen. I do not want to crop my shots down to a 300 x 300 image

  11. Thank you all for the tips and advice. I have tried GIMP in the past and the learning curve was a bit steep for me - I recall mumbling to myself and babbling about layers for a bit...

    I have Irfan View and use it as my simple cut & crop ap - I have never looked at it for more deep features. Will do so now.

    Thanks again.
  12. I am a complete novice looking for some editing tools to learn about graphics editing. I do not really want to shell out a gazillion dollars for Photoshop.

    I'd like to be able to create some graphic images - very basic - I am a complete noobie. Maybe just something that let's me combine a few screenshots into a single wallpaper-ish image, etc.

    My MacBook Pro has iPhoto but it is geared towards editing a single image, not creating new images.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you.
  13. Thanks.

    Two follow up questions: first, in game the 'print screen' saves a jpeg to my Screenshots folder. Should it also dot his for the character creation screen? Or just the cut & paste method?

    Second, I can no longer alt-tab from COH to any other ap (yes, ATI woes). So I cannot alt-tab to InfraView, paste the image, and move on. Any ATI work around?

  14. How do you take a screenshot of the character generation screen? My 'Print Screen' works fine in game but not at the character generation screen.

  15. I found a guide a while back and cannot find it again. It laid out where to go in CoX as you level, explaining when XP got good in the PvP zones, which contacts gave temp travel powers, etc.

    Anyone know of one? I am a returning player and am unfamiliar with the PvP zones but would like to try them out.

  16. /bump for a very fun thread. This is my 5th MMO and I love reading this journal - keep it up please.
  17. I am not a DOOOM sort of person. However, I built a Burn tank beacuse I solo 99% of the time and they were solo machines. Overpowered and in need of a nerf, but great fun to solo.

    Now, according to statesman, the vision is that I cannot keep MOBs in the Burn patch with just my own taunt powers - I need someone to hold/mezz/stun them.

    This nerf changed my solo friendly tank into a team dependant tank. Not arguing with the concept or numbers, but it stinks for people who usually cannot team due to RL time constraints.

    Kinda stinks - my highest level toon is now team dependant - that is a major league nerf.

    I'll try to use the respec to build up my secondary attacks and maintain this as a solo tank, but it ain't as much fun.

    Ah well - back to the scrappers
  18. Just an alternate hunting spot, I am really cranking along with my level 24 fire/fire in Striga. Near the center of the map are lots of large groups of level 24-28 Banished Panth, Sky Raiders and Wolves. I find that pulling fast moving wolves into groups of slow moving BA is great - can get a huge number in the Burn.

    Just FYI as a different spot to change things up.
