2463 -
Hey all, I recently got some free time and am interested in collecting Incarnate Salvage. What tips can people give me on hunting it? Is it better to go Solo or Team? If I can't get a team, where can I go?
Thanks! -
Hm. Hard numbers on peoples' preference for Heroism over Villainy. Interesting...
Relevant: Women in Refrigerators, the phenomenon wherein it is hazardous to one's health to be a woman.
Anyway, I've made my views on this known for years. Political debates aren't allowed on these boards. Depending on to whom you speak, social issues may or may not be congruently political issues.
So... I'm retired. Gorndt, I haven't seen you around these parts, but I wish you well and welcome you to the boards. -
All my years focusing exclusively on Villains with "Natural" origins is about to pay off! (And yes, that is, far and away, where I put my focus)
Quote:Everything this guy just said right here.While this doesn't effect Cole directly, there is still plenty of "Eww" in the existence of the whole "Dominatrix" character as part of his group. I'm not a prude, but having the alt of the emblem of Atlas Park turn out to be a... well, a dominatrix... just really didn't work for me. It's just as subtle as a bulldozer. "She's a dominatrix, get it? And her name is Dominatrix! Wink, wink, nod, headbutt." At least they decided to relabel her "Praetor Duncan" so I don't have to think about it.
Edit: To expound, I've always hated Dominatrix, because she was always very blatantly "If we put more sluts in our game, will you stay subscribed?" I mean, her name was a sexual preference and her original bio ended in an implication of incest. In a certain official comic, it was pretty much about that behavior (panty shots galore!). I was completely in favor of their saying "We replaced her with a character that didn't suck. Also, giggity."
Double Edit: People have contacted me out of the forums to tell me they found the subject matter in this thread inappropriate. I find it hilarious that the closer we get to discussing official canon, the more inappropriate it is. -
Quote:The only line that was originally there was "She serves her grandfather in every capacity". Obviously, it can be taken that way, but it was never explicitly stated.If the Devs are stating they retconned it then that doesn't mean that it wasn't originally intended to be so. It means they changed their minds.
The only retcon they did was delete that line from the official game bible. -
I take it that Mako/Black Scorpion will never be accepted here.
Welcome back, Prof! How can I ever forget that avatar?
Quote:They were busy studying something else.I'm just thrilled I had a hand in this. This is one of the events that college professors study.
I'll give a dollar to anyone that can remember what this thread was actually about without flipping back to the first page.
Quote:Get to work, Golden Girl.The only character in the game that I get any kind of romantic vibe for Statesman now is Desdemona. She is basically in the same place in her life that Marcus Cole was when he first became Statesman-- leaving behind a life of crime with a possible future career as a hero.