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  1. Geez, don't stick my head in for a bit and folks think they can have a birthday....

    Happy Belated Birthday Arch.
  2. Day late and a dollar short......Happy Birthday T
  3. It wasn't still I got my main almost to 30 that I found out you could combine enhancements. So if I wanted to upgrade a yellow to a green or white enhancement I had to slot a different type of enhancement or wait till it turned red then I could slot the same enhancement type onto the red enhancement. Needless to say, I had lots of yellow and red enhancements and was almost always broke buying enhancements since I could never sell the enhancements since I needed them to replace the yellow and red one.
  4. Happy Belated Birthday...really late, kept getting one shotted in the hospital lobby on my way here.
  5. Man_From_AUNTIE

    New player here

    Welcome to the game and forums. As other have said, the wiki is a great source, Mids is awesome for planning builds, and globals are really good for teaming and questions.

    Pax will be by later to set the buffet table.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    OOooh... hmmm

    * The soon to occur server merge... oh yeah... I went there!
    I beat ya to it.
    * The Devs have an office pool bet on whether the servers will just wheeze and stop or explode.

    * Positron just fitted his signature character with the highest level Incarnate power... a zone-wide AoE attack... he needs targets... er... assistants to help judge if it's over-powered.

    * They need an excuse to fire the guy in charge of server maintenance... he has never.. not ONCE... refilled the employee office coffee maker when he takes the last cup... but HR won't accept that as a reason.

    * Now that they have Zwillinger to play buffer between them and an angry fan base, this is more of a stress test of HIM than the servers.
    I like your other ideas better though.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

    1) Quadruple XP, influence, prestige and normal drop chances during the event.

    2) 50th level characters will have incarnate salvage drop about the same rate as uncommon salvage for lower level characters.

    People just might call in sick to work for this kind of incentive.
    This, just this.
  8. Server merges? that is what popped into my mind when I seen the official reason for it just being freedum.
  9. Welcome back Nurse..nice to see some more old-timers returning.
  10. At the coffee talk D-R got a splaination from Posi that there were many others involved in the decision...and I still want to see a video of him reading the word, Numitron. I can just imagine his eyes bulging from the incoming facepalm.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Poor Anti-matter - the entire multiverse is against him

    In the video-call to Tyrant, I could imagine Neuron bouncing around in the background mouthing "owned" at him and making the "loser" gesture
    That is what I had pictured too.

    Hey D-R, Posi ain't going to stick around. He is all ready lying/hiding 'another' woman from the pasty.
  12. Man_From_AUNTIE

    DING! Seven!

    Congrats...hell of ride so far, but we ain't done with it yet.
  13. Welcome back Doogie. As far as where to start, I agree Prateria is a good place to start. The morality choice missions are a fun twist to the usual slog. Plus you can decide to take a blue/red side only AT to the opposite side without having to run the tip missions.
  14. Caltrops, nothing like only having the mob run away.

    Ignite, a burn I can place with nary a end cost-at least with my build.
  15. Happy Birthday Pax.

    About the base, I think we need to updat....oh yeah, birthday, right....

    *Gets a ice cream cake out of the freezer* Best of luck with RL.
  16. Hello, I am Man From AUNTIE but just call me MFA. I am the ar/dev that rarely uncloaks.
  17. Ah geez, I was hoping for a happy announcement also. I was only able to tune in for a few minutes and hearing you and Kyo talking I got the feeling it wasn't very good news. Anyhow, I am also hoping for the 20% for ya Charlie.
  18. DR, I love the last two.
  19. Yeah yeah, and get that prize too.
  20. Good one Steelclaw. I noticed ya kept mezzing him in the chat.
  21. Oz, 10 minutes before the show the red message of doom came up....In 10 minutes...ya know the rest.
  22. May not make D, but I will try to tune in. Glad to hear your improving, didn't know how bad it was, just that it wasn't good.
  23. I had fun on the team Wello was leading. Never completed the first stage of BAF, but it was fun. Only got 10% of Interface? but it was only 3 tries.

    Oh, Sooner, my girlfriend's cat leapt in my lap just after I hit reply...I blame you.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    What kind of bank operates out of a cave?
    Bedrock National?