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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Ace View Post
    Nobody is complaining
    The follow up question is: if they wanted to, could they?

    Originally Posted by Golden_Ace View Post
    I suggest you open it.
    Of course you'd suggest that, Dr. Evil Mastermind Person.

    It's a trap!
  2. With the addition of incarnate power and changes to how single target buff powers work, it may be time to make major revisions to this post, possibly even a complete replacement thread.
  3. Have you ever had one of those days (or evenings or nights) where everything seems to go right, and then at the very end... *poof* it gets screwed up.


    Sometimes you know why, sometimes you don't.

    Just one of those days...
  4. The common element required in Lambda, BAF, Keyes, MoM, and TPN (much like Hamidon 2.0) is having a good set of team leaders and a team coordinator. The Underground trial is the only trial that doesn't really need team coordination... it's more of a league-wide slugfest.

    In the previously mentioned iTrials, there are independent objectives that need to be accomplished in parallel. Once these objectives are identified, the team leaders need to know their roles, and lead their teams to success. If the teams are successful - in turn - the league will be successful.

    Septipheran, it appears that you haven't found competent team leaders to handle the objectives. I would recommend identifying knowledgeable players to handle the team lead roles on the leagues you run. Then...
    1. Assign them an objective - hopefully they are aware of the objective and can instruct their team on the objective.
    2. Load up their teams with toons that will help them achieve the assigned objective.
    3. Coordinate when the various teams execute their objectives.
    4. And lastly... watch the success roll in.

    That is how the previously mentioned iTrials have succeeded.
  5. I am glad to hear you're still alive and kicking.
  6. It's kind of sad that a thread that was started to show Z some appreciation has been marred by this little bit of drama, but I think some clarification is in order to bring the drama to a tidy close and move forward with the positivity.

    Sooner, I believe THB does not understand why you chose to use the Protector public forum versus using a PM or posting this thread in a more public forum, like the General discussion forum. Would you please elaborate for THB and the rest of the thread readers why you chose this method over all others.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    Ya know what... since it's so pointless.... feel free to move on.
    I think we all need to ignore the TwoHeadedBoy, it looks like the wrong head is talking.
  8. A "GG" post usually has the structure of a {useless comment} followed immediately by an {emoticon}.

    The useless comment is sometimes one word, a rather short post that contains no new or useful information, or (as you put it) is purely Dev/Mod brown-nosing. There are other variations, but these are atypical. The typical effect is that it inflates her post count, nothing more. Additionally, these are usually present in large numbers in a given thread at regular intervals.

    As Charnage noted, your first post does fit that pattern. Fortunately, your second in this thread does break the pattern. <silliness>I think it may have been a short term affliction, but you may want to have a professional take a look at that, just to be sure.</silliness>
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Janlee View Post
    There are three basic types of people in the world.

    Those that can. Those that do. And those that can do.

    This Friday, the 11th of November, we are reminded of the people that said "can do".

    They are your grandfather. They are you mother. They are your brother/sister/cousin/aunt/uncle.

    They, are the ones that said "I can do"., They stepped up, and joined something to protect you, your family, their family, themselves.

    This Friday, the 11th of November 2011, remember that someone, somewhere, some-how...decided that your life is worth more than than theirs and the only way they could be equaled....

    Was to be more than themselves.
  10. Happy Birthday!

    I didn't check the date on this thread! *shakes fist in MFA's general direction!*
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tigers_Rule View Post
  12. Interesting... it's a narrator-less transcription of a radio program.
  13. My brother has decided to change his handle from @Night Reaver to his original handle: @Silk Shocker
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lorax View Post
    1. No TF, so no massive re-code to kill him off. Considering that "more incarnate trails" are coming all the time, revamping another TF, as well as updating any arc that talks to a Surviving 8, none of which go to BAB, sounds like a heck of a large code-load.
    Not true...

    Although that already needs to be changed since they're doing away with Galaxy City as we now know it.