2537 -
Duo run netted me my first Rare!
My partner got a Common. -
One of the very first robots I made in game, Kintetic Flux, was already level 18 before someone pointed out his origin was Natural.
I'd just been messing around in the creator and forgot to change it! /Doh.
I quickly came up with a background, since I was loving the character and name.
I decided he was a sentient robot from a dimension were machines were the dominant lifeforms. Natural origin robot! -
Uncommon (resulting in my very first level shift!)
Indeed, I have no issue with basic IO's being used, to keep from having to re buy every few levels.
I'd be willing to say I was okay with sets being used, as long as they were the same for both, if it wasn't for the base levels being different that is. -
Not only Dream Doc, but new Tsoo in DA have them as well, they're quite effective against players.
Yeah, just pointing out, for the record. Last night the curiosity over the Stalker buff got me and not having anything else I wanted to play...
I turned my Staff concept into a Stalker instead.
That's another lost or significantly delayed sale...
Just sayin'
(How sad is it that I'm hoping not to enjoy him so I do end up rerolling him as Staff.)
I thought the trials didn't get adjusted based on the difficulty slider, but rather team size though.
Good to know. -
Hopefully a dedicated LF... Wait, I don't wanna get redacted, lets just say hopefully the next issue might solve some of these concerns. -
Guys, I seriously doubt any of our Mods would outright Ban someone for posting a build in the wrong section.
In fact, I'm willing to bet money they wouldn't.
The most they would do is move it to the appropriate section and or delete it outright, if that isn't an option and send a warning PM to the poster. -
What I'm getting at is, I don't think us vets are getting a true picture of the current teaming dynamic, due to our;
A)Knowledge of the game and systems.
B) Core group of friends/SG's to roll with.
Even taking Freedom into consideration, being the default top pop server, finding teams is nowhere near as easy as it used to be, if you don't already have that pre-built social connection in game.
Various reasons for this, none of which have to do with dwindling population numbers, rather things like I-trials and ouro portals etc spreading us out.
It's easy for us to assume that finding teams is a breeze, because for us it is, for new players though, the reality if much different.
If you aren't already established and active in a global channel you might as well not bother requesting a team there.
9/10 your request will be ignored entirely as the players that know each other continue conversations without missing a beat. So then you have the choice of spamming the request, or just joining in the conversation and hoping to get another chance to ask. This is relayed from a friend that was brand new, after giving him the advice to join some Globals.
So I taught him how to use the team window to search for members, he'd bought some points so he could send tells even... He could form teams for DfB in seconds flat, so I knew he wasn't having trouble. Forming teams for regular content though? Not so much. He ended up rage quitting over it, much to my shock.
It was that shock that made me realize how different it is now. Long gone are the days of rampant blind invites. We form teams with ease because we've been doing it for years and know all the ins and outs, not to mention having a good size group of global friends.
Just pointing out that it isn't that cut and dry. Telling new players to join Globals isn't the end all solution we want to think it is sadly. There is a distinct lack of teaming going on these days, outside of regular play groups, simply due to the fact that we have global lists to go to first, thereby taking us out of the equation.
So if you've got a tip for finding teams without relying on those pre-existing foundations, please share! I'd love to be able to help others with it. Issue 23 may bring some help for this though.
(Reminder: I'm in no way saying the population is down, just that the dynamics of teaming have changed.) -
There is a reason it's against the law to yell Fire! in a public space...
Text mediums are even worse, as they leave very little method of sarcasm or impersonation detection. With the demographic of FB users... I can imagine a few grandmas that had never even heard of the Joker taking it seriously. -
That remains the most confusing part for me. Everyone on Beta was screaming for them to be reversed in release order, even the ones that had no desire for Staff and only wanted BM.
They were willing to wait to get the kinks worked out.
For my own theory, I think the bad vibe surrounding BM, with the whole Bear ordeal et al, really soured the Dev's on it and at that point, they just wanted to be done with it. As they have altered the 'set in stone' releases in the past, notably Incarnates from GR, I don't see that being the issue. It not being ready for primetime but getting pushed live regardless while something that is ready goes into hiding, is a bit of a head scratcher.
*Shrugs* -
The Tsoo in DA using Staff appear to still have the orignal updated sounds still.
That said, in the chaos of most battles, it's barely worth noting. -
This was never intended to be a scientific study.
This, if I'm correct, was more intended to be a 'how do they compare in feeling and performance to me' kind of journal.
One we can continue to use as a catalyst for discussion.
I happen to find this experiment to be interesting and useful just for my own perceptions, YMMV. -
Quote:The leaked video is what got me so hyped to begin with. This one set was something I've wanted since 2005 and that video looked amazing!What?
Judging from people's reactions on beta and the general desire to have staff fighting expressed in this thread, I find it hard to say that any of the hype has been lost. The leaked video showed some very nice animations and interesting powers which, if anything, has bolstered the desire for it.
Then when it came to Beta and everyone was going gaga over it, my excitement reached a new level, so many cool concepts started coming to mind. I can wait patiently, no worries.
4 months later...
I now find myself, with each passing week, growing less and less interested in it for a myriad of reasons.
Most notably, holding out for it has me not wanting to play anything else atm, as I'd just end up abandoning them when it hits.
At this point the hype is turning into resentment. Though it may be of my own doing, and the earlier than normal leak, it doesn't change the fact that, if Staff fighting isn't released this month I doubt I'll bother for quite some time. Just out of general bad sentiment.
I can hold out for another 2 or 3 weeks, only playing my 50, at that point though I'll end up taking a break or rolling a new alt. If I end up making a new alt...
It'll be months, literal months, before I even think about making a Staff toon.
I'm not angry, this is a game afterall, just explaining my perception on the issue. The excitement I've had brewing for months is starting to turn toxic, even though I'm smart enough to understand the reasons for holding it back, it doesn't lessen the impact. -
Old habits die hard?
Back in 'tha day™' the area under Atlas' globe was the spot to hang out.
No matter what time you logged in, or server for that matter, you would never see less than 20 or so Heroes milling about. I still recall how amazed I was that very first time I zoned into Atlas and looked up at the Globe. There must've been a hundred or so Heroes on the platform, with numerous others flying and leaping about. Really made a great visual impact.
Over the years though, advents like easier access to travel powers/ more temp travels, Ouro portals and numerous new zones, the platform gradually started seeing less and less traffic.
AE, GR and Incarnate trials put the final nail in the 'glory day's coffin, finally spreading out the population enough.
These days, it's not uncommon to log into Virtue's Atlas at 4pm and only see 2 others in the area. Until the DfB teams reappear that is.
So, the lone 50 silent sentinels? Speaking for myself, it's a habit I haven't managed to fully break yet. When I get done for the day playing wise, I do what I used to and head over to Atlas. Finding nobody else just standing there... I usually pull up /ah and do some shopping. -
Quote:I took note of the fact that it states,"Take down the Well's Champion"Also, no mention of the Praetorian Hamidon. Though they say 'climax' and not 'conclusion' too.
Instead of "Take down Tyrant/Cole"
This has me thinking, we could end up fighting a Hamiyrant, ala Rulu-Wade in the final showdown.
Either the Well, sensing it's Champion weakening, merges the two entities, or Cole does so in a process of losing his mind entirely.
I seriously doubt Praetoria will end with an entire league pilling onto the rahter plain white suited dictator, but rather will be his 'modified' form... -
My playtime has been significantly reduced, while awaiting Staff, as well.
I started to roll up a new Scrapper the other night when I hit the 20 hour wall in DA, then I realized I'd be making a new one a week later with Staff, so I held off. Having nothing else appealing... I logged.
So, what *did* hit the store today? -
I would imagine some of it has to do with the ability to Hide, making stealthing such a viable option on the Stalker, bypassing some mobs more than the blaster.
The Blaster on the other hand, would have to approach each mob more carefully and in the end, that adds time that the Stalker doesn't have to take. -
Correct me if I'm wrong but we can't actually be shocked by anything on 'Live' before the secret is known by virtue of the open Beta these days, right?
Anything that hits the market, would have to be on Beta first and therefor would be known well in advance, unless they have an internal Beta that they could...
Hmm... -
Technically speaking, you aren't.
Honestly, us Vets are so far up the Reward Tier (all slots full for me) that even going Premium doesn't have much impact.
Trust me, I convinced a handful of friends to join me when we went F2P and they all left within 2 months due to the littany of restrictions.
I can look at it from the viewpoint of "Hey, it's great, you get all this wonderful stuff."
While all they saw was, "Pay for this to do this, thats locked, thats locked. Pay here. You want to use that nifty thing that just dropped? Pay up.."
Coming into this game without any background on it, is actually jarring to those that are more used to built from the ground up F2P games.
Games built from day 1 to be Free don't feel as restricted by default. CoX had 8 years worth of paid for content to be fairly divided. 8 years worth of stuff us vets have default access to by virtue of the Reward tree. Since we have that foundation already, the amount of things to buy for us is significantly lower than it is for true newbies.
I think they reached a happy medium, while I would've preferred things like the /tell feature to have been removed, to facilitate getting new players hooked, overall they've balanced it out pretty fairly.
That said, they do need to make it evident from the start that it's a premium feature. -
Think you nailed it with the last half of your last sentence.
The WST was set-up to get the seldom played TFs more action. No need to have it be one that gets routinely run regardless.
That said, isn't Terra Volta a 'trial'? Bah, I haven't bothered with it since Vetspecs were introduced...