1510 -
Dear Everyone,
First of all thank you for your patience. Three of our judges had some real life issues this week, including a complete computer blow up. We did indeed look at every single entry and give it a score. However, in light of recent events, we feel that out of respect for all of the players who spent valuable time and effort on their entries, we feel it is best to say simply that everyone is a winner. We will be giving prizes to each and every single entrant of this contest in hopes that they may use it and enjoy it before the servers go down. These will be mailed out via email on Tuesday-Thursday of next week.
Some people may be a little disappointed with this decision, as they wish to know where they "ranked" but in overall fairness for the community, we feel this is the best course of action. Everyone put heart and soul into their entries and they are all simply fantastic. Thank you all for your participation and the members of PERC could not be happier with all of the responses. We are truly saddened about current news but hope that you have enjoyed our contests and events.
With respect and admiration,
MP & the 2012 PERC Representatives/Officers -
I made a contact list so that we could all keep in touch via email and if we move to a new game or whatever we could all stick together (if we want to). Please don't edit anyone else's info or delete anything. Thank you. It has been a pleasure truly.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...U40MkIwWU8yU1E -
I remember...
- Meeting the love of my life.
- Having fun with some of my best friends irl.
- Meeting DC and then seeing him through the end of his too short life.
- Leading trials and having so much fun
- Sticking with PERC for over 4 years despite it being rough
- So many other things but I can't even type right now.
Oh, carp. I started working on this and forgot about it. I wanted to give it a go, too. Oh well. Keen to see what other people came up with.
I was super impressed to see what everyone did! I will definitely be borrowing some of the ideasCheck out the submission thread/gallery.
Because there were SO many amazing submissions, we are going to need a little bit longer than expected to judge them all. We appreciate your patience! Arkyaeon has set up a gallery of all the submissions so that anyone may view them. Here is the link: http://vindicators.coh-perc.com/gallery/
Thank you again to all who participated! -
September Hami Schedule:
9/1- No Raid, Happy Labor day weekend!
9/8- Themed Raid! Theme is Fairy Tales!
9/15- Regular Raid.
9/22- Themed Raid! Theme is Clash Day!
9/29- Regular Raid.
Quote:Info: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=260548I was on Victory Badges for a long time, but I do not know Victory Limitless. What's the difference between the two?
Yeah, like I'm gonna come right out and say "Which one doesn't have the Hamster?" Whoops!
WB! -
Reminder that the raid on 8/25 is themed! The theme is Masquerade ball!
Quote:We are reserving up to 1 week for judging/scoring, but will hopefully be finished before then. We will update this post with winnersJust curious as I couldnt seem to find it in the original post... whats the turn around on the judging? As in the when will we know, will you post it here, dates, etc, etc, etc...
Just curious so I can be sure to check out the post and see how it all went down!
Thanks for putting it on, it was loads of fun! -
Surprised no one mentioned electric. Lightning seems to fit nicely with nature.
Today is the last day to enter this contest. I know from seeing other contests on Protector that there are lots of creative folks here
Hope to see some great entries!
Today is the last day to enter! Hope to see lots of entries from Victory!
Just a reminder, today is the last day to enter this contest
Just a reminder, today is the last day to enter! There have been many amazingly creative entries so far!
Just a week left to enter! There are some amazing entries already posted, would love to see some work from Victory! I know we have some fashionistas here!
I did what my husband (Medieval Power) did on the 1 to 50 team. I played a Bots/Time MM. Also got 2-3 levels on like 10 or so chars by running Mortimer Kals. I so love that sf!
Then also blame yourself:
And Voodoo:
Well... I thought we were supposed to blame Voodoo no matter what! The thread titling was HIS suggestion! -
2 double xps ago we had moonfire/renault as the wst. It was silly amounts of xp. Who can't use an extra full level I guess?
Technically 4 right? The new TAoE set, ATO sets 1 and 2, and the Overwhelming force set. I know those three are not specifically TAoE, but they can be slotted in those powers which at least gives more options!
All prizes have been sent out! Please check your in game emails for them. Also please check your RL email and respond ASAP! THANKS!
August Hami Schedule:
8/4- Speed raid, please bring your incarnated level 50s, shivans, nukes, and other temps.
8/11- Themed Raid! Theme is Olympics!
8/18- Raid led by @Alpha XBS (subject to change)
8/25- Themed Raid! Theme is Masquerade Ball!