7 -
Mace sounds best to me too, thanks for reply! -
hi all,
Any advice on which patron powerpool to take ?
I was thinking Mace Mastery for the extra holds.
Anyone have any of these powers and can tell me which is best for me?
Thanks -
I dont think getting from 32 - 40 is boring long as you can get a team the boring part for me is the no travel powers and taking an age to get around I'd rather have a temp travel power than a damage one they give you atm till level 10 this would help
Non of the powers appeal to me another upgrade or summon would have been nice though
I have a 40 ice/kin and as people have rightly pointed out bitter freeze ray is no good its strong but slow to pull off making it useless.
1 hold enh is good enough for freeze ray it lasts a while i put 2 recharges on this as its very handy and if you have sihpon speed sloted with 3 recharges it comes back before the first shot wears off
Blizzard needs damage enh or you will be the main target and your very easy to kill
I slotted my FS with 3 recharges this with hasten and sihpon speed can sometimes get 3 shots off with FS although the 3rd one wears off pretty quick still nice
Cant wait fro I7 so FS affects my blizzard dangerous
I like my cor hes great in a team and good at solo except for elite boss's he just cant seem to do enough damage on his own before getting face planted -
Fulcrum shift doesn't affect Blizzard, yet anyway. I gather damage buffs such as those from fulcrum shift should carry to 'pets' (summoned entities) such as Blizzard when i7 is introduced.
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blizzard isn't a pet, summoned entity? its an AoE attack and as far as i have noticed it gets stronger with FS -
i have an ice/kin its great solo or in a team i like this build a lot Fulcrum shift and blizzard work great together i use stealth to get close as i can to soak up all the power