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  1. I walked into a Gamestop to see if they had any time cards. They did and some CoX stuff. The problem is in the Gamestop database the SKU numbers has been pulled so even if the store has them in stock, they can't sell it to you. My best advice is go to Amazon and hope for the best.
  2. Ya I was also thinking for the Vanguard version they could look like the natural inhert but glowing neon
  3. Hi all, I was building a base when out of nowhere this idea came to me xP Ya stack legos makes you think of crazy things

    Knife Throwing

    For: Blasters/Corrupter

    Knife Throwing is a short-mid to mid range attack power (around 50-70 range) Because of the short range compared to the other blaster/corrupter powers, it makes up with a little boost in end reduction compared to the other blaster powers. I’ve noticed with the new powers, they been making each power with unique abilities (TW with momentum, Street Justice with combo, etc) With knife throwing the unique ability is called rebound. Rebound has a % chance to fully recharge the power last used.

    -Knife Toss
    Type of Attack: Single Target
    Damage: low
    Recharge: fast
    Rebound: 12% chance
    Other Note: Knife toss like most tier 1 attack is a quick attack. Animation would be flicking the knife at the target

    -Backhand Toss
    Type of Attack: Single Target
    Damage: medium
    Recharge: medium
    Rebound: 8% chance
    Other Note: Backhand will be an attack that dose 2 damage. Animation will throw one knife with the left hand in a downward motion followed up by throwing another knife with the right hand with an upward animation.

    -Overhand Toss
    Type of Attack: Single Target
    Damage: High
    Recharge: low
    Rebound: 6% chance
    Other Note: Overhand has a chance to knock the target back. The animation would be the player throwing 2 knives over their heads with a downward thrust.

    Type of Attack: Self Buff
    Damage: +dmg +to hit special
    Recharge: Standard Aim recharge
    Rebound: N/A
    Other Note: Works like normal aim, but also for 5 seconds have the ability to 2x the change of rebound to every power

    -Fan of Knives
    Type of Attack: Cone
    Damage: medium
    Recharge: long
    Rebound: 5% chance
    Other Note: A cone attack with the animation with the left arm swinging from lower right to upper left

    -Pin Down
    Type of Attack: Single Target
    Damage: low
    Recharge: medium
    Rebound: 10% chance
    Other Note: Pin down will add a light imob and will slow the target. The animation will be the player aiming 2 knives in each of the target knees (or lower area if the target doesn’t have knees)

    -Explosive Knife
    Type of Attack: Target AoE
    Damage: high
    Recharge: long
    Rebound: 4% chance
    Other Note: The shortest range knife throw attack (so 50 range) The knife itself will have a grenade attached to it and upon impact will explode dealing fire/smashing damage in the aoe radius

    -Knife Spin
    Type of Attack: PB AoE
    Damage: medium
    Recharge: long
    Rebound: 4% chance
    Other Note: Player spins around and shoots knives around him.

    -Knife Torrent
    Type of Attack: Narrow Cone
    Damage: Extreme
    Recharge: long
    Rebound: 3% chance
    Other Note: A very narrow cone tier 9. Knife Torrent has a chance to knockdown the targets that get hit by it. The tier 9 won’t drain the entire players end. The animation would look like Kid’s Red Pin from Chrono Cross.
    Example here:

    Well there is my idea for knife throw. There is little to no chance this being made, but just throwing it out there :P
  4. Hey, it just seems like the game is trying to keep doms (and brutes) on villain side with the side +special Frenzy provides? Will they bring a frenzy type power to hero side?
  5. MM3Squints

    PL meh Cancer.

    You told me to +rep you so I did
  6. Hi I downloaded mids from, but when trying to instal the program, I keep getting error messages. Does the new mid work on Windows 7 x64?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Happy Birthday!

    [/ QUOTE ]
  8. Where is the slow field generator. I tried looking in the arcane and tech defense items it's not there. Is it an unlock?
  9. Hi. Is there a way to create water ponds in the base?
  10. Ok I appreciate it. Ya I actually did the research on the Arabic name, the word Al Tahira means pure, and the other names are Guardian, Boss, etc. I tried to keep it as dl as possible, (Probably didn't do enough research on Al Tahira though) Thanks for you consideration though.
  11. Hey MRCaptainMan can you replace Red Typhoon with Akhdar Blood, arc 247198. It's a newer creation of mine and I just got it done the other day. Thanks

  12. AE System
    5th Anniversary Flashback Smackdown (126896) -- Neutral
    Bare Knuckles of Rage (9304)
    'Captain Dynamic, the Great, Faces the Great Face' - Tryouts (190069) -- Heroic
    Death for Dollars! -- Neutral
    Mission Architect Playable Tutorial (28470)
    Signal to Noise (67277) -- Neutral
    Welcome to Architect Entertainment -- Neutral

    Character/Supergroup Origins
    A Hero is made, Not Born (20863) -- Heroic
    A Mother's Nightmare (6955) -- Heroic
    A Rose's Thorns (113224) -- Heroic
    Birth of a Fossil -- Heroic
    Jumping in Feet First (1345) -- Heroic
    Midnight Bells Toll -- Villainous
    New Flame Rising (161066) -- Heroic
    Noah Reborn (2370) -- Heroic
    Polar Emergence Neutral Government User Interface Network (PENGUIN) (29205) -- Heroic
    Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V (42221) -- Heroic
    The Amazing Rat Race (1144) -- Heroic

    Classic Super-Hero/Super-Villain
    A Crusher Crimewave #1 : Crisis at The Citadel (50271)
    A Crusher Crimewave #2 : Escape from The Zig! (83458)
    A Crusher Crimewave #3 : The Fall of Mocker (123613)
    A Show to Die For! (30645) -- Heroic
    Check... and Mate (15095) -- Heroic
    Deadly Sins! (99366)
    In The Shadow of Statesman (1160) -- Neutral
    Marketing Opportunity (83747) -- Villainous
    Paradox Paradox (69221) -- Heroic
    Sidekicks Can Be A Pain In The Cape (28430)
    Teen Phalanx Forever! (67335) -- Heroic
    THE BOMBER (16607) -- Heroic
    This Life Immortal (5756) -- Heroic
    To Save A Single World (83744) -- Heroic
    'Tis Nobler in the Mind -- Heroic

    The String Thief (15726) -- Neutral
    Mean People (16690) -- Neutral
    The Extadine Lab (2595) -- Heroic
    MacGuffin Delivery Service (1567) -- Villainous
    ParaCon (1684) -- Heroic
    The new and improved Lord Recluse Strike Force -- Villainous
    The Fire Bunnies - Neutral
    You Say It's Your Birthday! (3630) -- Neutral
    Trademark Infringement (2220) -- Heroic
    Hail to the King (34640) -- Neutral
    Walk On the Wild Side (3580) -- Neutral
    Shirley You Jest (25474) -- Neutral
    The Invasion of the Bikini Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space! (61013) -- Heroic
    Gnomish Madness (30204) -- Heroic
    Doctor Nadir and the Hellion Heist (49661) -- Heroic
    Laugh? I Thought I'd DIE! -- Heroic
    The P.U.G. Strike force (35585) -- Villianous
    A Translator is the Wind or the Thunder in Turns (2936) -- Heroic
    What's in a Name? -- Villainous
    None More Black, Dude! (86312) -- Neutral
    Rise of the Drakule -- Neutral
    Return of the Revenge of the Son of Drakule Part 2: First Blood -- Neutral
    Martian Chimpanzees and the Cyborg Cheerleaders of DOOM! (69947) -- Heroic
    Daytime Divas (94504)
    Death to Disco! (84420) -- Neutral
    Too Many Bunnygirls! (101165) -- Neutral
    Invasion on Earth BX1132! (98943) -- Neutral (poster version B)
    Ee=Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! (3662) -- Neutral
    The foul-mouthed Handyman! (1076) -- Neutral
    City of Norms (132994) -- Neutral
    Killing The Meow Farm (141625) -- Neutral
    Shortbow - (143566) -- Heroic
    Jerk Hackers! (162482) --Heroic

    Kidnapping an Idol (136188) -- Neutral
    Fashion Apocalypse (14840) -- Neutral
    The Running of the Bulls (29973) -- Heroic
    A Super Team is Born -- Heroic
    Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings (1481) -- Neutral
    How to Survive a Robot Uprising (12669) --
    Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare -- Neutral
    It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (9059) -- Neutral
    TURG FICTION: Ghost in the Machine, Act I -- Heroic
    Rum Runners of Bloody Bay (3691) -- Heroic
    Have a Blap, Blap, Blappy Day Kids! (2019)
    The Toypocalypse! (49280) -- Heroic
    Fishing for Fame with Red Herring (66861) -- Heroic
    Putting Out Fires: A Corporate Satire (20100) -- Villainous
    The Rise and Refall of Pets'n' (1061) -- Heroic
    The Cat's in the Cradle (8776) -- Villainous
    Females for Hire (110723) -- Neutral
    Freaks, Geeks and Men in Black (161629) -- Heroic
    Death by Snoo-Snoo! (247372) - Heroic

    Bricked Electronics (2180) -- Heroic
    The Bravuran Jobs (16809) -- Villainous
    The Black Flag Is On The Rise (Pirates!) -- Villainous
    Win the 2009 Freak-Lympics (2150) -- Villainous
    Ninja Crimewave! (2142) -- Heroic
    Whitehawks (Arc 49364) -- Heroic
    The Internet is for Crime (53385) -- Villainous
    Plastic Pistol Peril (1135) -- Heroic
    Friends in Need (Of Body Parts) (31005) -- Villainous
    A Little RnR (17523) -- Heroic click for Promotional Poster
    Mechanical Mayhem (76712) - -Villainous
    Females for Hire (110723) -- Neutral
    Battlin' Tom's Murder Extravaganza! (99803) -- Villainous
    Meet the Demon Spawn (151099) -- Heroic
    Slash DeMento and the Stolen Weapons (100045) -- Heroic
    [ZQ] Power Play (187269) -- Villainous
    Fatale Attraction - Part 1 of 3 (181264) -- Heroic
    Fatale Deception - Part 2 of 3 (227466) -- Heroic
    Fatale Corruption - Part 3 of 3 (232783) -- Heroic

    A Flame the Burns Bright (112548)
    Clonus, Parts 1 & 2 (21499) -- Heroic
    Digital Love (3571) -- Neutral
    Matchstick Women (3369) -- Heroic
    Of Mentors and Legacy (1589) -- Heroic
    The Conciliators: Simone (4010) -- Heroic
    The Fan Club -- Heroic

    Global Domination
    Axis and Allies (1379) -- Villainous

    Global Destruction
    The Twilight of this Blue Orb (98529) -- Villainous

    Celebrity Kidnapping (1388) -- Villainous
    Easy Money (31490) -- Villainous
    The Great Diamond Heist (96169) -- Villainous

    Historical (Realistic)
    Wrinkle in Time (68920) -- Heroic

    Historical (CoH Lore)
    Origins - Volume 1 (57077) -- Heroic
    The Consequences of War (212069 and 212073)
    The War on Superadine (7959) -- Heroic
    [ZQ] The Once and Future King (71601) -- Heroic

    City of Ho Ho Ho (18775) -- Heroic
    Hectic Holidays (36999) -- Heroic
    Santa's Missing List (34961)
    Santa's Workshop of Misfit Toys (134140) -- Heroic

    Astoria in D Minor (41565) -- Heroic
    Creepy Crawlers (82553)
    Dark Dreams (3615)
    D!E COUNT DADDY MACULA D!E! (10119) -- Heroic
    Duality (84105) -- Heroic
    Don't Play With The Dead (31813) -- Neutral
    Hunting the Hunters (93362) -- Villainous
    I Will Dance On Your Grave (92630)
    Lights, Camera, Scream! (68627)
    Movie Monster Madness.. (102058)
    Project: Perilous - Into the Chthonian Pit (#3586) -- Neutral
    Small Fears -- Heroic
    Something Comes to Yarmouth (58812) -- Heroic
    The Amulet of J'gara (1709) -- Heroic
    The Children of Astoria (217499) (masearch link)
    The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force: Something wicked this way comes.

    Large-Scale Crisis
    A Warrior's Friend -- Heroic
    Alpha and Omega (60015) -- Heroic
    Bleed the Freak (6919) -- Heroic
    Flight of the Valkyries - Precursor (20272) -- Neutral
    Is it Live or is it Memory-X (70210) -- Heroic
    The All-Seeing Eye (57352) -- Heroic
    The Clockwork War (18672) -- Heroic
    This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz -- Neutral
    War of the Worlds - The Anakim Invasion - Part 1 (15006) -- Neutral
    War of the Worlds - The Anakim Invasion - Part 2, The Terran Revolt (46711) -- Neutral
    Win the Past, Own the Future -- Heroic
    Akhdar Blood Arc: 247198
  13. Hey thanks for review.You actually the first to give this arc arc a detail review so I'll take it with a grain of salt.

    [ QUOTE ]
    First off, the contact says in the first couple of missions to avoid combat if you can, but the missions themselves don't really seem to give me any incentive, mechanically or in terms of story. The missions are just hunting for collectible objects, without much explanation other than "There is information here that we need." Also, since I'm fighting Malta, who are pretty much considered rogues by every Western nation, I don't really see how my actions could cause an international incident. The arc also bills itself as team oriented, and I can't really think of a way that a team of heroes would be well suited to espionage. At least, as well suited to espionage as a lone hero.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Like the mission say, it is best played in team, but 2 of the mission are espionage. Now that someone brought it to my attention, it really doesn't make sense to have that in. Thanks for noticing that.

    [ QUOTE ]
    At the end of the third mission, the AV says, and has a note, that suggests that he was working with your contact. The comment and the note really aren't all that convincing. Anybody could say that someone was their partner and have a note with the person's signature forged. However, the contact doesn't make all that impassioned of a defense of himself, mainly just saying "You gotta believe me."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ya that an issue I had from the beginning I tried working around. One of my friends told me that there is no "bond" or that connection to people who are playing the arc that don't know me to have any intensive to help me out. I've been tweaking with ideas, but none really seem to have that empathetic connection. If you can think of any I would appreciate it.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The arc bills itself as a challenge for solo characters, more meant for teams. On this front, it pretty much delivers. The main enemies are Malta, which a lot of characters have trouble with, and his custom group. The custom group features minions who heal, and minions with Ninjitsu. Thankfully, Ninjitsu's no longer as freakin' ridiculous as it used to be, but they can still pack a punch. One of the lieutenants have both Illusion and Sonic Resonance. The Illusion powers are turned up high enough to have Spectral Terror, which is frankly just plain irritating. Fear is something most characters don't have protection against, and their fear power has a pretty big tohit debuff, which stacks with itself. The sonic powers are also turned up high, with them shielding pretty much everything in sight. Combined with the healing minions, this can make fights a big chore. The other lieutenant has aim, as does one of the bosses, so anyone with defense as their main protection (like myself) is going to find those enemies particularly annoying.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ya the groups were meant to be team oriented, honestly I not problem on a ice/rad/psi controller when running it solo. But I can see where you are coming from, epically with the spec terrors. The shields and heal shouldn't be a problem with teams, but when solo you need to juggle your targets so I can understand. I'll modify those toons to make it more solo friendly.

    Again thanks for the review.
  14. For some reason they deleted my original Post

    Red Typhoon
    Arc: 4912

    Tension rises in the Pacific after a missile launch by North Korea. Can you deescalate the situation and prevent a nuclear war?
  15. Akhdar Blood
    Arc: 247198

    Just hours after the withdrawal of United States from the major cites in Iraq, a new uprising may threaten the stability of the country. Find out the cause of the problem, before the situation threatens the peace in the region.
  16. I guess mine could fall into this category. Red Typhoon Arc: 4912. Basically you save the US, and the world from a nuclear Holocaust from N. Korea and China.
  17. Arc Name: Red Typhoon

    Arc ID: 4912

    Morality: Heroic

    Enemy Group: Malta, Customs

    Descriptions: Tension rises after N. Korea test launches balistic missile. Descolate the situation before a potental nuclear holocaust can happen.
  18. MM3Squints

    APP for PvP

    Hey I've been gone awhile. With the new mez system in place, what would be the most effective APP?
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    11) Read a thread about what to do while waiting for the servers to come up, while waiting for the servers to come up.

    12) Reply to the thread about what to do while waiting for the servers to come up, after reading the thread about what to do while waiting for the servers to come up, while waiting for the servers to come up.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    13) start a quote pyramid after reading a reply to a post about what to do while waiting.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    14) Get upset about people expanding what was supposed to be a top TEN list... now I have to put it to a top 13 list.... D'OH! 14... ARGH!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    15) Adding to the fun
  20. Wow dude, seriously? If you have a personal beef with someone take it to PMing him instead of clogging up his review thread. I'm sure you don't like it when people shove crap in your thread. Show the guy the same common curtasy.