59 -
id say Street Justice! really powerful, i myself play a street justice/willpower
Okay, so i enjoy playing this toon. and i like pvp so im going to try make it work.
would anyone be able to help me with a build for it?
- perma domination
- good HP (i will be getting accolades)
- no limits on the cost of the build.
- good end drain
also any advice on incarnetes? i was thinking
- ALPHA: Musculature Radial Paragon,
- JUDGEMENT: Ion Radial Final Judgement
- INTERFACE: Preemptive Core Flawless Inferface
then the rest ill make up as i go along! -
Quote:its fine now! i think iv decided to go for scrapper... dont really want willpower or regen.. leaves fire, elec or energy, ill ask around and come to some kind of conclusion i guessIf you play on justice yes. If not, no. I play most evenings. Same global as the name here.
I will say I'm pretty partial to war mace, and believe it to be the best weapon set (titan weapons may be comparable).
BROADSWORD /...........
Quote:i dont suppose id be able to see your Energy Aura toon in action would i?Considering you do end up stacking a lot of different powers to get all your defense, yes it probably will suck in PVP zones due to DR. I haven't checked myself of course.
The endurance drain protection is OK, but nowhere near as good as it is on electric armor. On my electric armor builds, I can simply ignore drain. On EA, it just bothers you a good bit less, but still happens. The heal is nice as well, and the fact that you get a recharge bonus for being surrounded is great. -
Quote:thank you for that! iv heard alot of good things about energy aura, but the only thing putting me off is the fact that you lost like 25% of your defense as soon as you walk into a pvp zone, and energy aura is made up of pretty much equal quantities of resistance and defense!Just finished getting a WM/EA scrapper up to 50, and I will say I'm quite taken with the EA defensive set with the revisions. It's got a lot of nice toys, and is quite easy to softcap (even on the cheap which is what I've done).
Of your choices, I'd say Invuln, EA, and Willpower are likely your best PVE choices in terms of durability. Honestly I avoid PVP zones like the plague now since DR, so I can't offer much wisdom there.
the fact like endurance drain cant work on you, you have a nice fast heal and a source of energy regain/drain is great!
and the god mode is in my opinion, one of the best! -
im pretty sure when i said at the end of my last message money really isnt an issue, this means no limit.
Quote:well if you knew me in game you'd know i dont mess around when it comes to builds and when i say "ALOT" i mean... money really isnt an issue at all.How much is ALOT of inf to you? I have a BS/Inv scrapper that I enjoy quite a bit, but couldn't really tell you much about the PvP side of it. It's kind of hard to tell what you want. Maybe some specifics. "All around and ALOT of inf means much different things to different people."
ok sooo i really want to build a Broadsword toon BUT!!! i cant decide if it should be brute or scrapper, or if i should take willpower, energy aura, invul, elec or fire armour! they all have really good and bad points but if anyone could maybe help me tip towards a specific build/AT or even help rule out certain options id really appreciate it!
Please take into consideration that i will be building this as an all-round toon for both PVE and PVP and will be spending ALOT on the build and i mean ALOT!
This toon will probably become my main character i play on Freedom server which is why its a big decision for me, all i know is i LOVE broadsword and cant decide which route to take! -
sooo i wanna make a BS/invul but cant stop weighing up the good and bad of each build! can anyone help to tip me either waymy intent for this toon is to have a decent all round toon i can PVP and PVE with thats both survivable and can do decent damage... whilst carrying an awesome sword
this is 1st of many events m8, next 2 vs 2 then 3 vs 3's etc!
im thinking a Sunday night atm, because every1's drunk friday and saturday night, However... i find i play better drunk. just aswel theres a few bars in Pocket D
ok updated it, yeah m8 union servr m8, its the only server i play
ok guys, an update!
* 24 people will star in this event, they will all be 1 vs 1's.
*5 million influence/infamy enterance fee (none returnable if u cant make it once paid as ur spot is reserved and all money is prise money) 1st 24 people to pay, will be in this event, @Rent and @Alu and @Nebula have already paid and will therefore competein this event.
*this event will be in roughly 2 weeks time from now. no exact date (AS OF YET)
*I personally am not taking part, just organising it!
*Every competitors 5million inf adds upto make the prize money, im personally going to add a bonus 10 mil cash into the pot for the 3 winners to take a cut of. @Neoplasm has also donated 5 million inf to the pot! but does not wish to take part. so a big thanx to him!
*Inspirations ARE allowed!
*There will be no Travel Surpression!
*Every Fight will last 10mins!
*you use 1 character throughout the tournament!
*A Draw will result i a rematch! 1st kill wins!
* when all duels boil down to the final 3, they will all be entered into the area for a free for all! guy/girl with most kills comes 1st! and so on, iif 2 people draw, they will duel 1 on 1 in a fresh match, again if they draw... rematch 1st kill wins!
*when i have the names of all 24 contestants ill sort out who fights who and keep you updated (in game) who moves into the next round.
DONT FORGET GUYS/GIRLS! 1st to pay their entrance fee will be entered into the competiton, 21 spots left! (/t @MASSIVE MUSCLE)to pay ur fee and secure ur positon!
u use 1 toon throughout, not swap and change lol. choose ur toon, and do ur fights u gotta win 3 fights in a row to get in the final, then the 3 ppl fight for 1st 2nd and 3rd. thats how im working it out so far. ill explain more in detail later with Pics etc
wanna just save the hassle of the tournament and gimmi the money, save us all abit time or?......
ok iv worked out a system,we need 24 people for a nice tournament. if we cna get 24 people.. il host it, thats 12mil for the winner 7 and 5mil for the 3 winners roughly, but we could make it 5mil.. to enter, and have a nice cash prise of 60mil 30mil and 20mil etc.. this is just an idea currently. but it will be going foward, within 2 weeks is my estimate.
i wont be running it on test server. union live server arena m8,
ok, im planning on running an arena tournament, can any1 help me work out a system to rank ppl
"im thinking... if every contender pays million to me ill keep it on 1 toon, host the event, say who's fighting twho and ill record the info and at the end all of the fee money is split between the 3 winners 1st place gets 50% and 2nd place gets 30% and the 3rd place gets 20% of all the fee money, 1mil isnt alot, every1 can afford it.
please leave any comments about this idea both good or bad, will be taken into consideration, also please suggestions.