Elec/Elec/Mu Mastery Dominator
Permadomination isn't worth chasing on a dominator in PvP, Elec/Elec has no good mez power that sets it apart from other doms. Beyond that, thanks to DR, the recharge needed is much too high and the sacrifices in other areas is too much.
MU mastery is pretty much worthless for Doms.
End drain is only something worth persuing if you are looking to 1 v 1 people in the arena, even then its questionable slotting for it over damage procs. If you want you could probably just slot without it and pick up an interface that lets you end drain people.
Okay, so i enjoy playing this toon. and i like pvp so im going to try make it work.
would anyone be able to help me with a build for it?
- perma domination
- good HP (i will be getting accolades)
- no limits on the cost of the build.
- good end drain
also any advice on incarnetes? i was thinking
- ALPHA: Musculature Radial Paragon,
- JUDGEMENT: Ion Radial Final Judgement
- INTERFACE: Preemptive Core Flawless Inferface
then the rest ill make up as i go along!