141 -
cool, not bad work... wish you were doing more than 2, but oh well...
You do ok work, but the detail stuff needs, well, work.... I have a reccomendation as I have repainted figs before. try doing small detail work with the tip of a sewing needle.... It's strangly easy to paint with and get those fine thin lines your work seems to be lacking.
Still, nice work. -
HAte to bump my own thread but I mislinked the first album Live From Hell. Fixed.
I agree with this. Wish they could do it, they probably won't but I like the idea.
Hmmm If Luptonius had a custom power...
Death Dance. It would be a AOE attack that would effect any enemies in a close vicinity. it would look like a black or maybe green version of a fire Tankers firey aura for a few seconds.
It would be set up where depending on how I used it it could be suicide (I'm a Necro/FF MM, attracting aggro probly not the best idea, but the risk is so worth the reward) -
Lptonius is a Rock Star from Port Oakes. He has had many albums, here ate his top three
Live From Hell - Luptonius's first megasmash hit album. it went tipple platinum in both Rogue and Paragon. ((This one was actually Made using the Mortal Kombat Anialation Wii character editor. I liked the screenshot of my city char so much I made an album cover out of it)
Now Luptonius has been around a long time, and after playing for a while he wanted to get back to his roots which is what he did in his album Port Oakes Days Revisited
And Last but not least is his latest album, Demonic Musings
Luptonius sure has a lot of albums, so go out and buy one today, available anywhere in the city where music is sold. -
Rock God Luptonis is a musician (technically his superpower is really just being able to air guitar and have music come out). He has been around since the early 90s and his fans even range into the supernatural (He is a necro/ff MM). Taking all of this into account please peruse his Lair the legendary Club Anarchy
Here is Luptonius doing one of his supernatural concerts in the Main concert hall. (thats my regular costume)
A picture of Luptonius on the stage ltaken just before the club closed in 1999 (Stage outfit)
Luptonius standing in front of his dressing room, taken in 1993 (hair metal costume)
Now lets go back outside the club, looking down the road you will notice that theres more to this club than what this club appears to be.
Theres a strange gazebo across from the club.
turning to go around the building you will see that the local kids love to leave their trash in the ally next to the club.
And around back the generators seem to have a demon problem. (Album Cover costume)
Now that I've given you the main tour, let me show you two maps. There are parts Xed out, these are walls... big thick walls.
This is a map of the in game rooms, how the game sees them.
And here is a map of what what you see when exploring my lair.
Not bad for a one man SG eh?
And one more thing, for all you heroes and villains of Paragon and the rogue Isles, Buy My Album -
I wish that NCSoft would do more than Mpogs with the licence. Really CoX is amazing, but I play it like a third person adventure, and without the online portion ou could make an awesome third person action game that would be as customizable as CoX and if done under the same flagship could bring in more players.
I love mayhem missions, I played them a bit on the test server. They are good, fun missions. I just played my first one on live, It started off perfect, I blew up some cop cars, terrorized some citicens and destroyes an entire row of boxes leading to the bank... When I walked in the door I had twice as much time as when I started... Perfect. My minions even came in fast. A first... Then my system crashed.... crashed crashed. I had to reboot crashed. so I rebotted and lost, oh, three minutes. then I logged in. the game took 30 minutes to LOAD... 26 or 27 to load the mayhem mission Iwas in, never even showed me the you failed message, after that I just reloaded sharkhead.... At least my broker wasn't an a.... nevermind lets just say If I had to get lip about failing a missoion that the game wouldn't let me complete I would have been more angry than I am now...
Who was the genious who thought lets combine a system crippling mission type with a time limit?
that being said, once they get the bugs worked out with these I hope we start to see more destructable terrain in regular missions. -
as a former broadcasting major allow me to give a few tips on Journalistic writing....
The inverted Pyramid. Most newspaper stories use the inverted pyramid as the style of chouce. It's a simple form really, all you do is say what the story is about in the first sentence. example
Liberty City, Famed rockstar Luptonius robbed a bank in front of Atlas Park yesterday afternoon.
Thats a good opener. Also notice what I did with the beginning. If it is not mentioned in the first sentence always begin with the name of the place this is happening. Now that sentence up there, that was the hardest part of this whole thing.
Next you put the details of the story in decending order of most important to least. Paragraphs are short and choppy at best, but this is news format. Allow me to write a wuick Piece on my first mayhem mission. I don't remember the hero who I bear so I just made the name up.
Rock Star Robs Bank
Liberty City, Famed rockstar Luptonius robbed a bank in Steel Canyon yesterday afternoon. Authorities were perplexed as the musician trashed three square blocks in his mad dash to the bank, leaving over ten-thousand dollars in property damage, and leaving famed heroine Rose Thorn in a coma.
"I don't know why he attacked me," said Bob Golfrey, a 23 year old stock broker who was out for an afternoon walk, "I only wanted his autograph."
Luptonius' most recent album, the self titled, Live From Hell has recently gone platnum. His single Red Rum With a Chainsaw has been numbar one on the Rock charts for the past 8 weeks.
See how that works? -
When I did in a Mayhem Mission it said goto Hospital. That confused me when I clicked it and was taken to jail.
Shouldn't it be "Goto Jail"?
[/ QUOTE ]
better than being booted out of the mission... -
when I coppied my character over it was a 15 FF Zombie MM (works to my fav, play style Send&Zap)
Now before I did the The Mayhem Mission I read very little about them. Honestly the fact that It broke my E key lock on bind actually is a good thing. It forced me to pay more attention to who I was hitting, what I was blowing up and whatnot.
My first task in this mission waqs to make everything between myself and the bank into a parking lot. I did this realativly easily, beat up quite a few detectives, and made my way into the bank with more time than when I started..
A quick Personal force field shielded me whuile my minnions cheared half the lobby, then I dropped it, rediummoned, cleared the other half of the lobby and made my way towards the back.I just want to say Kudos to the map designers whi I'm guessing finally got to see what the inside of a bank really looks like.
Ir felt like a real bank scaled up. rather than a few tellers and a maze so long and convoluted that it's a wonder that anyone would have to go back there to get anything.
I worked my way to the back, and started wacking at the door when the other cops showed up... When they hit me it didn't seem like much but they took out my minions like they were candy. I blasted them resummoned and GOD DAMN that door fricking sucked!
I eventually broke the fricking door (Is it me or have those things gotten stronger to the point where Superman would have to at least punch it twice before his godmoddy powers let him in.),
I then leisurly flew (I never walk on principal)to the loot and grabbed it. I then looked up and saw the objective "Defeat the hero> and thought, hmmm *THUNK*
next think I knew I was in Jail breaking another door (honestly, they should make these door half as strong as they are now... the image of a Brute smashing a bank or prison door like confetti, or a horde of minnions smashing their way in is so much more visually pleasing than *thiunk, thunk, thunk,,,,*200 thunks later* thunk, thunk, thunk, think... thunk, thunk BOOM! lso there should be a safecracing ability just for some veriety so you can have a character that just opens the vault. Plus it would look cool with certain characters.)
I then raced back to the bank, my minions couldn't keep up, the enemies in the bank ALL respawned, and I was beaten again and ran out of time before I could get back to the hero for a nice mission failed.
Honestly I think you should fight the hero before the robbery. or if you want to have it after, at least place the hero outside. you have to love the surprise blow to the back of your head before you can turn around.
All in all though, awesomw missions, I wish relgular missions had this much destructabuility... -
This will be fun, I've been fleshing out my luptonius character. A music based Mastermind on Liberty. Lets see how an interview goes down.
A picture for refrence
Interviewer: We have a very special Gues this evening, the master of rock, Luptonius
Luptonius: Great to be here, when do I play?
Interviewer: After the interview, so I understand your new CD, Live From Hell is selling wonderfully
Luptonius: Hell yeah, I've been on the top 40 in the Rogue Islands six weeks now, among other places.
Interviewer: other places?
Luptonius: Yeah, the afterlife, I'm huge in hell.
Interviewer: Really, thats interesting, so how did you end up playing music for the dead.
Luptonius: Interesting story, I was just sitting in my garage one day, just rocking out on my guitar when zombies invaded my home.
Interviewer: Were they attacking?
Luptonius: No man, they were rocking out. Sure they destroyed my garage door, pretty much totaled my car and ate my dog, but it was all about love for the music.
Interviewer: thats great, so what about those robot arms of yours?
Luptonius: oh these? my Guitar was too bulky to carry around with me everywhere, so I replaced it with these...
*Luptonius popsitions his hands like he is playing a guitar, Mives his fingers precicely almost as if he has a real insturment in his hands, in short, Air Guitar. Music is podiced from a speaker at his feet*
Luptonius: Wild isn't it, drives the ladies wild.
Interviewer: Thats great, and now with a song from his latest Album, Live from Hell, power rock master Luptonius
Death Shell come
Death shall kill
but death is a pal of mine
Zombie friends
play along
come and kill this guy for me
Interviewer, WHAT?
Luptonius: I shall entertain millions with songs of your demise!
*The audience is full of Zombies, they come down and kill the interviewer, all whoile rocking out to Luptonus' guitar solo*