345 -
Yeah, regarding the use of Telemining? Tough, it's something that works, and likely the reasons the Brutes weren't TP'd is because they had proficiant protection from TP Foe, and the blaster knew this.
People always seem to be irked by being TP Foed, regardless of whether it is into drones/mines/Tar Patch etc.
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Yep, I dont think the blaster done anything wrong. I can see the point of this strategy if your seriously outnumbered but I wouldnt use it as it seems pretty boring. If he came on his spiner bragging about "uber pwnzooring" your dom though well he sounds like a muppet for that. Similarly I had a lovely discussion last night for droning a spine scrapper pushed right up next to the villain base. Apparently I'm a "looser" and "lame", despite the fact we were outnumbered 13 to 4 and this guy was in danger of droning himself anyway (one little hop and he would have been right over the railing and stood next to the flyer).
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I can get to that flyer and survive
Geting back tho...
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Saw a contrller jmup down to the flyer once, he was actually able to fight the villain who had been afk by it somehow, arrested him to, then got dropped by a mob.
that 5 hour badge is a stupid requirment tohugh, SC is pretty much build on the bounty system and with people standing afk in the base it kinda spoils it for everyone actually trying to PvP, im offf there to try and get control of the zone back to heroes now -
woot for holds, but we'll see for now, not as many trollers signed up currently as i would of hoped so lets hope we get some more before the raid.
My point is that a large section of the community must enter the PvP zones to acheive their objectives - [u]even if they don't want to.[u]
[/ QUOTE ]Since when does anyone HAVE to enter PvP zones?
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Villains, to get the badges required for the Villain version of the Atlas Medallion. Badgehunters and people just looking for an extra boost alike.
[/ QUOTE ]None of them are forced to enter.
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None of the above are forced to enter? Ah... My bad. I thought villains still had to go into the PvP zones for Accolades. I didn't realise they had changed that.
Well done Devs
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Far as i know they do, however its not like you need the accolades, you just want em -
it amazes me how many people make those kind of claims in PvP, some people seriously over compensate and a dom in PvP??!?!? I've only seen a couple in my time, bout psy/psy and both very good now i think bout it.
been having my form of fun with a brute in sirens call lately, he has a habit of activating power surge, the lvl 38 EA power befor entering sirens, then popping reds and tp foe killing people while on his little 3 mins of ubernage before running out to restock and repeat.
course everytime i see him i just head to the hospital and rest for a few mins.
The reaction is always funny -
glad to have you both with us, and failing the cotnroller i think the kinetics would be very nice, we could certainly use one to help with the PA and hold phases.
i've heard of you, nice ta have you along.
think its 47 i got counted as coming now, pretty good for under a week -
erm sausage
[Sorry, but you'd obviously bitten off more than you could chew for not allowing for the fact there would most likely be other villains helping them out too.
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Actually no we hadn't. We'd already killed Ghost Widow and Scirocco earlier, and was fighting Mako when the timer hit zero and reset, hence our need to make him appear again and try AGAIN to 'arrest' him.
As stated earlier, this is going to be, sorry is, one of those agree to disagree things. You all have your PoV, I have mine. I can live with that.
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and your other quote
And how exactly was he to know you lot were as honourable as you wanted him to be? You could get the badge and suddenly its "NN folks" and the lot of you log off or go do a PvE mission. Plus of course you'd slaughter him easily without Mako helping his cause.
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Not just Mako - Mako, plus Sciroc, um, however its spelt, AND Ghost Widow. Believe me, we were up against it anyway - this was ONE team, and not a full one.
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you claim to have needed him to leave you alone so you could defeat mako, complaining that it was tought dealing with all three of them.
Despite the fact that you also claim to have already killed makos 2 friends and thus one stalker surely couldnt be that bad. Since they respawned icant imagine why you would choose to fight all 3 at once again as opposed to if you used the pull tactic to face them one at a time i still don't see how it was nessecary for him to leave you alone, he's using the zoen the way he's meant to, its not player hug player or player vs player but only when both of the involved parties feel like it. you coulda always asked some on a global for backup, if none can then accept the fact that its off peak like you stated and this is the kinda thing you need to deal with.
Respect goes both ways, you may want him to respect your only here to kill an AV, but he could easily believe you were showing enough "respect" to use the zone for its intended purpose as opposed to hindering the enjoyment of those who would.
In the end its PvP, anything goes -
quite possibly although by the sounds of it the states tf will only make strong characters stronger, as all the gimps will not be able to complete it
hmmm, i just found this on wikipedia for noobs in internet gaming
A tendency to act like a certain place in a map belongs to an individual. This occurs very often in MMORPGs, as a lot of players want to level up their characters quickly without being bothered.
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that bout covers it right. pointless posting ftw
also how i mine 4 fish? -
i might be able to come along with lost kheldian my 50 PB
also shameless plug about the Hamidon raid thread in this section -
Right at the risk of getting back on topic, my 2 inf and this might turn into a long one.
Dont usually do this but since I am gonna express some pretty strong opinions a little background on myself and a disclaimer. I am a pretty balannced player I PvE plenty and have my 2 50s and various alts to show for it, I also involve myself in the community and having fun as often as I can. I am now I guess a fairly ardent PvPer and I am often in the zones or the arena, its something different to PvE for me and a good few close mates of mine PvP too and we have a blast mostly. The following are my opinions and experiences not intended to offend anyone but rather to further the disscussion at hand ...
I am pretty much beyond bored with this attitude from the non PvPers in PvP zones. I really fail to get it tbh the warnings are clear and honest from the PvP zone contacts how you can get from
Warning this is a Player v Player zone do not enter unless you are willing to be attacked by other players
Warning this is a Player v Player zone But if you want to badge/xp mine you can expect that you wont be attacked and are totally within your rights to get testy and whinge when you are
frankly escapes me.
I have had so many of these experiences that it can begin to do my head in, quick example to illustrate this is from a real experience but no names and these are paraphrased and may be badly remembered
-I site a target who is my bounty and my team and I procede to take them down
A: "I am badging dont attack me!"
Me: "You were my bounty sorry but this is a PvP zone"
A: "I am badging dont attack me!"
-This repeats a couple times with A as bounty at one point they offer to give inf if I dont attack, I explain bounty offers rewards that cant just be bought SOs and Strength of Will insps.
-Later same target is my bounty again and that of a teammate I warn the target that they are my bounty to avoid more repeats, we engage and my team win
A: "I am badging dont attack me go kill someone else!!!!"
Me: "You were my bounty!"
A: "You just dont get it do you, dont attack me I am badging!!!"
This sort of thing drives me off my head its ridiculous and tbh I am confused as to how it can happen. Its a PvP Zone for Pete's sake! its all explained.
To those who dont like to PvP:
I respect your choice PvP is not everyones cup of tea and you have the right to not PvP but and I cannot stress this enough never ever under any circumstances enter a PvP Zone and assume you have the right to complain when you are attacked, unless you are being griefed you dont, end of. As an aside if you are being griefed then its likely the "Evil hardcore PvPers" like me who will be first in line to defend you and offer apologies for the behaviour of the idiots that do that sort of thing, Why would we help/defend you? you ask. Because we want you to have good PvP experiences, that way you can come back and more fun can be had by all.
To the OP: I am sad that you had a bad experience but imo you had utterly unrealistic expectations of the zone and had ignored clear and visable warnings about the nature of the Zone, if the devs wanted RV to be a "PvP but only if you feel like it" Zone they would call it one and have a system to opt out of PvP in there, they dont so its free fire, the end. I deeply hope you can contiunue to enjoy CoH but PvP Zones are there for a reason.
Apologies if this post was longwinded but I feel very strongly about this stuff and I am only expressing my own views.
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i agree totally, similarly i hate the people who just sit in their base in sirens despite being the bounty because they want the time badge, i often go there to arrest at hotspots to try and get the zone to heroes, i don't like it when people attack me, generally cos its the npc that finishes me off (lvl 35 character btw so debt annoys me a bit). But i accept it, i agreed to it by entering the zone so i have to live with it, i'll get annoyed if they continualy weaken me for the NPCs to kill me but i just get em back afterwards, lotsa insps from those hotspots.
If you wanna fight NPCs for exp without being atacked by other players don't enter a PVP zone, its not rocket science -
i really wouldn't want you to waste a respec getting group fly
, hopefully we may get the christmas jet packs again this year
I've been keeping track off the thread, and tells, emails etc and by my count we have 45 people coming already!
not bad for less than a week ay.
At this rate Hami will be down in minutes (well technically after all the mitos are gone at least...) -
ill rad or grav kin, if the illusion has fly or group fly pls, think theres couple spots on the PA team still, otherwsie the grav cos the singularity could be a lfiesaver when attacking Hami
very nice roster btw -
Also a special thanks to Archy, Xanthus and firends for the guide in my first post, its already made this much easier to organse so big TYs everyone
kk nice to see so many of ya, taunt team is the hami tank team and we already have one, any last minute changes ill ask you, oherwise the mroe the merrier for mito clearing, gonna get to work on the team lists
yup, already got some designated leaders, few more will be added, need to find a couple of kins with SB and a group flyer for PA team still
yup sun pls and yes i maware of teh wii, its what keeps me going but i can wait if it means a success
yay! only a few days and already a few dozen, if i can find a few specific builds required were gonna breeze through this.
yay speaking of which memo to self, organize members of taunt team, put up another thread with hammie cossie details, time and date specifications, other teams and leaders, learn to type well and stop making memos in obscure locations
godspeed doom, godspeed
looking really good so far, bound to be atleast antoher 30 showing up on the day who dont know bout the forums -
brilliant, firstly bring okt please, seems most useful
secondly gona make myself a lsit of all he powers allwoed for holding phase, and currently recruiting the team leaders. -
purple santa signin up for jellybashing goodness!
(for those n00bs not knowing who/what i mean, bringin stage: 50 ill/ff)
oh and lost, you'll do fine leadin a raid I'm sure, leading aint really that hard, only requires people to keep the cool and the ability to make people listen.
...ok so it might be hard...
anyway, if you need any pointers, feel free to gimme a shout. Lead one before, co-leader in a few more, teamleader/PA leader in every other except PG's
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lol true, ty and any pointers appreciated, i best start getting the team leaders set up -
ty, we definetly will, im bringing my PB just for the hold.
also nother 29% chance of succes seeing as i'll be a PB and not lost samurai -
woot, some of unions best already signed up, just leave a bit for us king speedo
nice ta have you all along, remember hami cossies all, and also lets hope we have christmas jet packs for it
Also can anyone who has led a raid/ team, taunt hold etc please say so, need to start organizing the important bits