686 -
Ahhh so it's more a "hit things till they stop moving" type deal?
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Let's just say he talks softly. -
Why not use SS?
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Because the character doesn't have super strength. -
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Diamondskin, Invulnerability/War Mace Tanker. (He's only War Mace because there's no Louisville Slugger powerset.)
I suggest we do the organising in Atlas, it shouldn't be a big prob as long as we cooperate.
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Let's set up tentative teams here on the forums; otherwise we'll spend half an hour getting organised before getting around to doing anything. With only two hours bouts organising time makes a huge dent; let's try to work out as much as possible on the forums.
Oh, and please, could we have a moratorium on all caps and writing "you" as "u"? It's my personal kryptonite. Feels like a cheese-grater rubbing slowly down my spine. Not pleasant. Not pleasant at all. -
Well, I don't have a problem with Monday either, so we might as well go for that just to choose a day.
Two people need to volunteer to join team B and we'll bring that up to 8 players.Anyone willing to go on B Team list please say and i'll move the first two to volunteer.
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I can jump over to team Bravo. -
Death Penalties:
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Ugh. No. Really wouldn't work. You'll get situations where half the team couldn't make it to a session, somebody makes a blunder or two and suddenly you're down to two players. Where's the fun in that?
Don't choke this thing down with rules. It's just two hours every week and we're all in this for the fun. If there's all kinds of rules and "thou must" people won't bother to play and the whole thing will fall apart. -
I guess I ought'a start with my name, no? Get the introductions out of the way. It's Richard Coster, Rooster to my friends. Oh, and the newspapers back home call me 'Diamondskin'. That's on account'a my powers, right? Diamond-hard skin. I was once shot at point blank range with a shotgun and got nothing more than'a nasty bruise, and I don't nick myself when I'm shaving.
It all came about'a cause of a girl. Isn't that always the case, what? Two years ago when I was a sophomore at college, I was dating this girl, Linda Login, and her father is this famous scientist, right? And he was working on this experimental nano-tech armour thing for the army, or well I think it was the army, but it was all very hush-hush, you know?
Yeah, real comic book stuff, and it gets better. You see, Linda got kidnapped. Some kind of terrorists or spies or something, I don't know. All hush-hush, right? Anyway, the kidnappers, whoever they were, forced Doctor Login to sneak this secret prototype out of the labs where he worked. Except he never intended to give it to them, you know? He thought there must have been a traitor or something at the lab so he didn't trust the security people there, but he did trust me, right? Well, he sort of trusted me, I guess. He never did allow Linda to sleep over at my place. Anyway, he knew my address so he just suddenly appeared on my doorstep, hauling this huge metal suitcase.
"Linda is in danger," he told me. "We need to hook you into the prototype to save her." Yeah, that's the way he said it. Just like that, you know? You know, I'm as brave as the next guy, but if I hadn't been drunk out of my senses? He'd never have convinced me.
Anyway, he hooked me up to this prototype nano-injector whatsit, then I hid in the trunk of his car as he drove to meet the kidnappers. Yeah, I know, not much of a plan, but it worked and we got Linda back. And of course, afterwards he tells me the thing doesn't come off. Seems like they hadn't thought'a include an off-switch on the thing, as it was just a prototype. Super-geniuses and common sense, you know?
I don't really blame him; we had to save Linda and all, right? But I was attending on this football schoolarship? And this nano-stuff counts as illegal augumentation, right? So I was all-a-sudden disqualified from my scholarship, and had to find something else to do.
I got a job as a security guard at the college, so I could stay close to Linda, right? And the school was offering, since they felt bad about me losing my scholarship and all -- or at least they didn't want to seem to throw me out on my butt, what with me being this big local hero because I helped save Linda, right?
The job was okay, but kinda dull, and then things sort of cooled down between me and Linda. We're still friends, but we don't got that spark any more, you know? So I moved back home for a little bit, and spent my time helping my parents renovate their house while I was looking for a new job. I was thinking about the army or police school or something, but then you guys got in touch with me. And here I am. -
Please be putting some thought into your bio, and post the details so I can get a team roster together and we can start to get to know each other.
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We could always start a RP thread here on the forums for the group as well, if there's interest. -
Sign me up for a tanker. Never really played that AT much, so this looks like an excellent reason to try.
Well, I can't say i hate PvP, but I don't like it either. Based on my limited forays into the PvP zones and comparing to what I like or don't like from other games, here's why:
Dodgeball movement Gotta keep moving. Gotta keep moving. Can't stop. Gotta keep moving. Can't stand still, or the villains (/heroes) will get me. I just find the whole "running around" thing in PvP silly. There's tactical movement and then there's running around like a crazed cartoon character. *shrugs*
Tempo The PvP fights in CoH just moves too quickly for my liking. There's no time to pause and write a witty comment or discuss tactics, and once combat is joined it's all a matter of "See villain. Hunt villain." It's all action and reaction and there's no place for deliberation or thinking about how to do things.
Predetermination Related to the tempo, it seems to me that there's too many situations where you've either won or lost by default and there's really very little you can do to influence the outcome of a fight. The fight seems decided before it even starts, so why bother fighting it?
What's the point? There's no point to fighting in PvP. I don't mind so much that there's no experience or debt, but there's not really anything else there either. No storylines, no accomplishments, no gains -- just reputation as a good PvPer, which doesn't interest me in the slightest. Yes, I realise that the goal of PvP is the fun to be had in PvP, but that's slightly too nebulous for me. I'd like some sense of accomplishment or defeat for beyond "I totally rock" and (probably truer to form) "I totally suck."
Trash talk I find trash talk annoying in general, whether I'm involved in the situation or not. I'm here to have light-hearted fun with other people, not study the severly limited vocabulary of self-important homophobes with delusions of having "stones" the size of grapefruits, who are bad losers and worse winners and who wouldn't know the word "sportsmanship" if you bludgeoned them to death with it. -
You aggro 16 mobs
Some people say an alt is made out of mud
A blaster alt's made out of wild-fire blood.
Wild-fire blood and reckless elan,
A frame that's weak and an unerring aim.
Chorus: You aggro sixteen mobs
and what do you get?
Another door older
and deeper in debt.
Police-girl don't you call me
when they grab for your purse,
I owe my soul to a hospital nurse.
I was born one morning as the Rikti poured down.
I picked up my rifle and I walked into town.
I aggroed sixteen mobs of deep purple lost
And the team leader said "Well, now I am cross."
Born one morning already in pain.
Dying and Faceplant are my middle name
I was raised in the Hollows by an old Bertha gun
And no cautious leader's gonna ruin my fun.
Chorus. -
Main problem is, everywhere does it a little different. In open RP environments like GG, it's difficult to get a general opinion on how things should be done because everyone comes with their own preconseptions.
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'What's the good of Mercator's North Poles and Equators,
Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?"
So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply
"They are merely conventional signs!"
-- The Hunting of the Snark, Lewis Carrol -
So because some idiots have abused the system, you want to stop that branch completely by disallowing all use of it (no matter how IC it is); in effect, nerfing it?
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I don't think anyone has said they want to disallow emoticons, Silver; only that they personally don't like them and prefer that people don't use them.
There's no emoticon-police jackbooting around GG, pouncing on perpetrators and dragging them off to 1337 gulags. -
"I'm sure you're a good hero"
"I'm sure you're a good hero.", he added with a sarcastic tone to his voice.
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Well, to belatedly comment on this post, neither is good, but the second is better.
How about any of these?
"I'm sure you're a good hero," he said sarcastically.
"I'm sure you're a good hero," he said with a thin smile.
"I'm sure you're a good hero," he said with a sneer.
"I'm sure you're a good hero," he said with a smirk.
"I'm sure you're a good hero," he said with a dismissive wave.
"I'm sure you're a good hero," he said with a snort.
"I'm sure you're a good hero," he said and rolled his eyes.
I'm sure you get the point -- smileys are too generic to accurately convey emotion.might mean everything from "Why, you naughty, naughty man, you" to "I'm going to violently disagree with your position, call you names and jump on your values and your integrity with golf shoes; but don't take it personally. See? A smiley. That means you can't call me names back."
Of course, there's other ways to get the point across:
"I'm sure you're a good hero." His voice reeked of sarcasm.
"I'm sure you're a 'good hero'."
"Heh, yeah you're a good hero. Sure. I would _never_ doubt _that_." -
Agreed. I mean, how many people go around saying "colon bracket" to indicate that they're happy?
Semicolon P.
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Actually, I've been known to say "semicolon dash capital p" once in a while, but that was an inside joke sort of thing. -
The one thing that drives us up the wall is leet and text speak (and smilies) used in RP. Just don't do it.
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Limited dispansation can be granted for playing Freakshow characters. Contact your local Roleplaying Guild for more details. -
We'd like it if you can speak English accurately, but it's far more the passion/ideology that matters
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"Roleplayers around the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your brains! The class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the NPCs. Never, never, never believe any roleplay will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The player who yields to roleplay fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of his characters but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events, many involving lesbian cat-girls. Railroading is dead stories, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living stories, and lives the more, the more stories it sucks. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his plot-needs. Roleplay is the opium of the masses." -
As I was jumping over the sooth black Kings Row housings
I met with the Paladin and a lorry he was crushing.
I first produced my rifle and I then produced my taser,
Saying "Cease and desist, sir" for he were a fearsome reaver.
Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da,
watch fall the blaster-o, watch fall the blaster-o,
There's clockwork by the car.
I fir'd at his gearworks and it made a pretty jingling
I dreamt of inf and badges even as I were reloading.
He charged but I thought that another round would do him
But the devil take the clockwork for they never can die easy.
Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da,
face-plant the blaster-o, face-plant the blaster-o,
By clockwork to the jaw.
Now there's some take delight in the levelling an' teaming
and others take delight in the roleplay and the scheming
but I take delight in the juice of the morphine
and courting pretty nurses in the IC unit shiny.
Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da,
watch score the blaster-o, watch score the blaster-o,
Them's nurses in his car. -
Young weed! There's no need to feel down,
I said, young weed, pull your roots from the ground.
I said, young weed, 'cause you grow in a town
there's no need to be unhappy.
Young weed, there's a way you can fight.
I said, young weed, come be a flowery knight.
You can join up, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to kill the humans.
It's fun to fight for the De-vor-ing Earth,
It's fun to fight for the De-vor-ing Earth. -
That said, if you want your story to be read, you really should take the time to copy it into the post proper and reformat it as necessary. An external link to a word file is "extra work," and will cost you readers.
It depends on why no one likes them. If they use excessive force, they can kiss their licenses goodbye. I kind of see FBSA issued Hero Licenses as Bounty Hunter licenses in the US, they have to stick to rules.
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Of course, excessive force in a world of telekinetic mafia bosses, jetpack-wearing mercenary companies, superadyne mad trolls, rampaging redcaps and et cetera ad naseum is going to be quite a bit more excessive than excessive force in a world without such excu... *cough* threats. -
Personallly, beyond basic facial expressions or directions of glance, I don't use it... Some do to good effect, like Aisla and Lief Roar, but generally.. meh...
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Gabbleduck's purple?! Aw, man, I was so sure he was red.
On a serious note, though. Purple prose isn't the same as descriptive text (although it is typically descriptive text that turns purple.) Purple prose is prose that's filled with pointless euphemisms and indirections, long run-on sentences, needless details, thesaurus abuse (Paging doctor Montoya. Paging doctor Inigo Montoya), tired, overused idioms and, in particular, descriptions that are baroque and flowery to an excess. It's not only style before substance, it's bad style before substance.
A good example of purple prose in the fantasy genre would be the infamous The Eye of Argon. -
However, little known fact which a lot of people tend to forget (or don't know), a quantum computer is worth about zip without a standard silicon-based front end.
I rather suspect that Doc's rod-logic computers would need some form of ordinary computer interface system since rod-logic is a mechanical system and kind of difficult to interface to a holographic UI.
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Nja; it would be pretty difficult to interface an ordinary piece of bit-fiddling silicon to a holographic UI too. There's no reason why you couldn't do UI with quantum computing, steam-punk computers or others. Modern, "normal" computers aren't particularly good at UI with humans -- in fact, they pretty much give up and has to run their "thoughts" through a digitial-to-analog converter to present it, and an analog-to-digital converter to read it.
The reason why modern computers seem to be so good at UI is because we've spent a lot of time and effort in making them seem so -- remember that there's no fundamental difference in terms of computation model of the actual computer between an "old iron" holde-card / teletyper setup and a modern laptop. -
Or doesn't Paragon have libraries where people can read history in, or reports to look at gangs and areas?
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Of course Paragon has libraries. In fact, Paragon has the highest per-capita rate of libraries of any North-American city. Unfortunately, they're all only accessible by bus. -
Slightly more seriously, the background for CoH is dire. I heavily doubt it's internally consistent itself.
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Well, it wouldn't be much of a super-hero setting if it was, now would it? :-p