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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
    Now the CoT maps with multiple Portals linking to other areas on the map just suck for MM's because the MM goes one place and who knows where the pets go. Sometimes it is best just to /releasepets and resummon.
    After all these years I still refuse to believe that the maps with the Random Destination Portals are working as intended and continue to /bug it whenever I see them. Especially when my work in AE has shown me that only a handful of the Oranbega maps contain this nonsense while the majority have portals that work properly.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    Any mission where the objective surprise changes from "Click the glowie", "Defeat the Boss" or "Rescue the person" to "Hahahaha... I really meant Kill All" deserves to be punched in the neck.
    I don't like "pseudo-defeat all" missions. You know, the ones with so many required objectives (Defeat the boss, Defeat his 12 lackeys, Rescue their 13 Hostages, Trim the hedges of many a small village...) that you end up killing nearly everything on the map anyway just to complete them all. Just simplify things and make it a Defeat All instead of a Defeat 95% Of.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dysmal View Post
    Correct. The forums, and the community relations/marketing people have always been NCSoft employees.
    Yep, we've had quite a few Community Reps in the past who moved to forums for different NCSoft games or even handled multiple NCSoft forums at once during the time before Cryptic sold CoH to NCSoft.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Each prisoner needs to be assigned at least two personal guards to scowl at him while he cowers. It gives that personal feel.
    True. Nothing gives that professional touch like Hired Goons.
  5. The only SG-recruiting that annoys me is when I get a tell out of the blue asking me to join an SG (usually very poorly written as well), only to turn around and see the sender standing more than close enough to target me and see that I already have an SG name.

    If one can't be bothered to even do a cursory check before sending the tell then I can't be bothered to even answer back.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
    We all remember the amount of towns that were in Final Fantasy VII. Yet, there weren't really any to be seen in XIII, and Square admitted that a lot of content (like an entire games worth of bonus dungeons) was cut from XIII to get it to be able to fit on the 360. Hence, no towns.

    If they didn't create one town for XIII, I doubt they'd create 10+ towns in a VII remake.
    Perhaps if they had focused more on gameplay than "oh pretty graphics" they'd have had enough room.
  7. You know what puzzles me?

    We have so many maps with prison cells in them yet the only missions that even use them for holding NPC prisoners are the mayhem missions and the level 30-40 vigilante morality mission. Why the heck doesn't anyone else ever think to lock their prisoners in the PRISON when it is available?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnnyKilowatt View Post
    No one brought up the Nemesis Mole Machines mission? aka "push attack buttons for an hour straight on inanimate objects."

    Of course, I won't blame anyone if they purged it from their mind.
    And of course that damn mission is not auto-completable either.

    Originally Posted by Lucky View Post
    My mosted hated mission is save the 4 MU mystics in St.Martial so many wailers so many ambushes it gets really really hairy on bigger teams with so much -res flying around.
    What I hate about that one is that the 4 Mu are randomized among the two destinations, so chances are very good that you will backtrack repeatedly just to get them all to where they need to go and cannot pick up more than one of them at a time despite some of them being close to each other.

    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Am I the only person who doesn't mind the Council/5th fish farm? There are other Council maps that are far worse, like those 4-way junction rooms with a hundred tiny little corridors and stairways which are always where the blinkies are hidden.
    I don't find the Council cistern to be problematic at all, I guess some people just have no sense of spatial awareness.

    The layer cake room is far, far worse with all the random holes that you (and your pets) can fall through, especially as those holes become nearly invisible depending on your camera angle since all the cave surfaces are the same damn color and there are no shadows being cast to give away the positions of the holes.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
    I think they need to take drastic measures and make culling arcs their first priority. When, more often than not, hitting the random button 10 times results in 10 old farm arcs, it tends to put off people who are new to AE looking for something to play.

    They need to put every arc, except for HoF and DC, into limbo. Retain their rating and plays but remain effectively unpublished until the author republishes them. It will mean some good arcs whose authors are gone will be lost, but, right now AE is infected with a cancer and some of the healthy tissue has to go with the bad. This seems the least time intensive solution for the devs to my mind.

    I doubt, unless circumstances create another farming rush, that future arc culling would be necessary once the damage from AE's launch is dealt with.

    Afterwards they can start looking at HoF requirements and making the search engine better.
    Many have said the same thing over and over for the past year. One can hope that the Devs will finally do something about this issue if they really want AE to pick up again.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
    Well crap. Looks like I will have to settle on a narrower level range and hand-pick my boss.
    That's generally for the better anyway. Level ranges wider than 10-15 levels tend to have atrocious balancing issues.
  11. Since I have an escort whom you lead to a glowie and is then supposed to continue to follow and fight beside you after you reach the glowie. As of issue 18 she just stops in her tracks when you arrive and even gets stuck in the pose she was in if she happened to have been fighting when you reach the destination.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Wow... that long ago already? That really shows how old that arc I made is. I just discovered that feature recently when I was helping a friend make a storyarc for our RP SG. Thanks.
    Yep. CheshireCat's "Tomorrownauts" arc even uses it for comedic effect with the recurring boss going from the "Dark Lord of the Moon" to the "Former Dark Lord of the Moon" to "Former Former Dark Lord..." and so on with each mission.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Somewhat of a tangent: When did they add the option to re-name a boss's enemy group?
    Issue 15. You can do that for Allies, Escorts, and Hostages as well.
  14. Eva is right about that.

    On a related note, sometimes the custom group will not show up in the list for the Surrounding Group. When that happens, try clicking "Edit Custom Group", then exit out of the screen that comes up and now the missing group should be in the list.
  15. Four of my eight arcs are levels 40-50. Take your pick of any of them.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    Ok, you have not played Willpower, I see.
    I have a level 50 Mace/WP Brute and a level 41 MA/WP Scrapper.

    If you get hit with -regen powers, you're screwed. Willpower depends on it's +regen more than anything else, which is why Willpower Tanks and Brutes are vastly more durable than Scrappers and Stalkers.

    If you get hit by a Sapper, you're screwed. No end drain resist means you are just as vulnerable to detoggling as any other resistance-based set. Your defense being typed rather than positional doesn't help here like it does on a SR or Ninjitsu.

    If you get hit with -resistance, you're in trouble. Major -res debuffs like Sonic Arrow and the Longbow Sonic Grenade ignore defense as well.

    You also don't have the same resistances to -defense as purely defense sets such SR. In one test against a number of customs with a variety of -defense powers I saw my defense numbers go from +24% to -64% within seconds. The +regen from Rise to the Challenge could not keep up with every enemy having a nearly guaranteed hit.

    As for those mezz resistances you keep touting? They'll be a big pain for a Controller or a Dominator; but Willpower can still be slowed and debuffed to death by Corruptors and Defenders; plus a melee AT player will generally not be affected by those mezz resistances at all since they will just be beating the bejeezus out of the critter rather than trying to mezz them.

    On top of it, all X/Willpower combos are not made the same! Do you expect the game to try to calculate the risk/reward for Mace/Willpower, SS/Willpower, Archery/Willpower, Thugs/Willpower, Fire Control/Willpower, and so on so on?

    You sir, just don't get the message.
  17. Sounds like time for more fun with Nagans! All that I ask is no ratings below 4 stars.

    "A Fistful of Suziku" (#440157)
  18. Battles occupy only two types of spawns: the ally/rescue/escort/defendable spawns and the "any" spawns. Rather annoyingly this means that most maps will not allow nearly as many battles as regular boss spawns and if you have too many captives/allies on the map it will crowd out the battles as rescues appear to have precedence.

    In my experience, battles appear to have the lowest precedence of any detail type and will be crowded out more often. This is likely due to them not being able to be marked as required, nor can they trigger a required detail (you'll see a circular dependence error).
  19. Now for some nominations from myself; in no particular order.

    The All-Seeing Eye (#57352)
    The Invasion of the Bikini-Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space (#61013)
    Of Sound Body and Mind (#13107)
    The Golden Age Secret of the Paragon Society (#344596)
    The Extadine Lab (#2595)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    And just to point out the blatantly obvious ... the only reason Teen Phalanx isn't on this list is because I'd rather it *not* get a Dev's Choice for the moment so that I can (with many others) have the pleasure of watching it become Hall of Fame.
    PW already has a Dev Choice, that disqualifies her from this thread anyway.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    I think this broke again. When I18 hit, Allies that were set not to follow FINALLY did as coded and didn't follow.
    It's broken again, they are not staying put.
  22. Shame that we lost all the previous nominations, hopefully people will repost them in due haste. I'll post some nominations of my own once I get a chance to check over my list of recommended arcs and make sure that they're in nomination-worthy condition!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dalghryn View Post
    Sometimes, it's all in the approach. Had Dr. A said something like...

    "Dr. Aeon here! Remember me? Sorry for seeming to be AWOL, folks, but Pratetoria has had us all doing other things. We've been keeping up wither everyone's concerns and are looking in to all sorts of things that'll spice up live here in AE, and make a lot of people happy, but while we're doing that, I thought a contest would be a great way to get people back through the doors. So... I’m here today to issue my Third ARCHITECT CHALLENGE! It’s been a long time coming, so I hope you’re all ready for this one..."

    I think another contest is hunky dory. I wish I had time to participate. The fact that it's just tossed out there after months of nothing (with not a comment about anything else people have been dicussing in all those other threads someone suggested we should start), tends to be irritating, however. It's presentation makes it look as if they're just trotting out another shiny while ignoring everything else.
    Well-stated. The presentation is one of the main things that put me off with this announcement, after months of silence from the man.

    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    I agree, Paragon needs to fully utilize the communication channels that they have.
    Also agreed. If they want more people to get involved then must promote it outside of this forum. Otherwise it's just preaching to the choir, a somewhat disgruntled choir as well.

    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Your simplification takes what's going on out of context; people aren't just blurting out "Fix a bug." and leaving people confused.

    I don't even think that's where most of the complaints are.

    Most of the issue that I'm seeing pertains to the general handling of MA/AE events and possibly having to axe long standing creations in order to participate.

    Anyway, that's besides the point... the issue is that both pros and cons are allowed to be discussed; ie. "We like the contest because..."/"We don't like the contest because...".

    It's really just too bad if you wish this discussion to be one-sided.

    As I said, if they wanted this just to be an Announcement (without all the pro/con discussion), then they should've treated it just like an Official Announcement and locked the thread.
    It's really sad that so many people think that the "constructive" part of constructive criticism implies that it has to be positive.

    Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
    The problem there, is Dr Aeon tends to post "in character" and that wouldn't exactly be in character.
    Posting in character has not stopped him in the past.

    Anyhow, I've said what I've wanted to say. Hopefully Aeon will address these concerns.

    EDIT: What do you know, the Dev Choice Suggestion thread has been restarted by Dr. Aeon.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    If the MA is ignored, it's ignored, but if it gets any attention it's suddenly bread and circuses.
    No, not all attention given to MA is bread and circuses, but distractions like this Aeon Challenge are when it acts as if "everything is fine and good, now go write me the kind of arcs I want to see."

    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    Of course we want them to fix all the issues we're having.
    And acting complacent is not an effective way to get something addressed. Did you forget that we are their customers, after all?

    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    Of course /they/ want to do something about it.
    So where is the rumor control about rewards in AE? Why was the Designated Helper hardly mentioned in the GR release notes? Why was the long-awaited fix to the Back/Middle glowie locations left out of the patch notes entirely? Why have Kinetic Attack and Electric Control not been added to AE critters yet over a month after GR's release when Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols were added immediately upon their release to the pre-purchase customers?

    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    Can they do everything at once? No they can't.
    No, but apparently doing nothing at all is not any more encouraging.

    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    Will another Aeon Contest solve the problems we're having? Probably not, but if enough people participate and it gets advertised even a little bit on the other parts of the forums it might make some people that don't play in the MA now to check it out. And when the MA gets enough people playing in it the devs will have more reason to do something about the other problems.
    How 'bout some contests that don't involve "you must have an open arc slot (or one you can sacrifice) and write only the type of arc that we want you to write"?

    Are we not getting an Architect Awards this year? They never confirm or deny that and seeing that Aeon's contest ends in November is not a good sign about that.

    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    The solution is never to quit using whatever it is that is causing problems. Look at pvp. Many PvPers stopped using it because they didn't like the new rules. There is now even less reason for the devs to ever do anything about it ever again.
    Who said anything about quitting MA over this contest? Those who have complained only said that they weren't participating in the contest itself.

    However if the neglect that is being complained about continues then that may very well change.

    Nor can you really compare this to the PvP situation, where an entire section of the playerbase had the rug literally pulled out from under them and a mile long list of suggestions for improving PvP utterly ignored.

    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    For a positive example, check out Nakayama's art threads. Everyone has an opinion about the art in the game, and especially the costume pieces, so when he asks for input from the players he gets 100s of pages of replies. If everyone had an opinon on the MA and a thread from Aeon asking what needed to be fixed first got 100s of pages of replies (that weren't all from the same five people)... well, it would be a miracle to begin with, but then the devs would have a reason to do something about it.
    That gets so many views and replies because art is universal and used everywhere in the game. Of course it's going to get more attention.

    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    The devs could help with more rumor control ("yes, you do get rewards in the MA") and better advertisement
    Which they are not bothering to. Not even the Designated Helper, that fixed the horrendous ally XP nerf, got any advertisement aside from what I and other players have given it. That should have been something for Aeon to announce and talk about himself right when i18 went live, rather than waiting for a player to do that job for him.

    Still no answers on the Hall of Fame issues that Wrong_Number has been presenting for months, or on why the Dev Choice nomination thread was deleted and never restored after the MA forums merge. Some Dev discourse on those matters would go a long way.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    Gotta say I agree completely with Fred here. I can't count the number of times I've (literally) seen the phrase "and when was the last time Dr. Aeon even did an Architect Challenge?" pop up here.

    So he gives us an Architect Challenge, and BAM! "How DARE you give us an Architect Challenge! What a crock!"
    Of all the things that have been asked for in MA, another Aeon Challenge was no anywhere near the top of the list. You must be hanging out in a different MA forum than the rest of us.

    You know how the Devs operate, if they are not frequently reminded of issues they tend to forget more and more about them over time until they take a lack of complaints as a sign that it's not an issue anymore. Sorry if some of us feel slighted when long-existing issues are ignored for another round of bread and circuses.