Returning Player Quick Questions:
i believe 1 is true, that they did ad the new sets into AE (havent checked but i know definitly demons and DP are there, so most likely kin melee and elec control are there too)
the 2nd and 3rrd things, i dont think we can do those yet
the closest thing to the 2nd question is listing 2 bosses as optional and then after one is killed make them reappear as a required objective
the answer to your 3rd question as of now is flat "not yet"

Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning were each added when they came out for the GR pre-purchase players. Last I checked Electric Control and Kinetic Melee were still not added in yet.
<edit> Solved my own question.
A new question!
Is it possible to have dialogue be said without it being tied to a present mob?
IE, something similar to the Praetorian missions where your contact or allies will call you during the missions.
Currently you can't create "floating dialogue" directly. There is a way to fake it, though (I've seen it in a few arcs):
- create a custom mob, call it "Intercom" or "Mysterious Voice" or whatever
- give it stealth powers
- put it in its own group (don't need any other mobs in there)
- spawn a neutral / allied patrol as a trigger when the player clicks the glowie / kills the boss / etc
- put the things you want said in the patrol text
This works best if you know where the player is at the time so you can spawn the patrol far away and minimize the chance of accidentally bumping into the mobs.
Edit: a less convenient alternative is simply to use clues when your contact calls you / you hear a disembodied voice and put the text in there. It's less of a hassle this way, but it also fails the "show, don't tell" test. A way to make it work could be to include 'you receive a message from X' in the boss defeat text / glowie finished-interaction text; that way the player will know that the clue they just got IS the message.
-- Z.
New question!
Is there a way to have a captive/ally simply fall down and stay down upon rescue?
I tried to do this with the dead slab emote, but two results happen.
If it's a captive, they fall down, then immediately stand back up and run away.
If it's an ally, they fall down, then stand up, then fall down, then stand up, and eventually start following me. (Even when set to no combat and not set to follow)
The short version of a lot of your questions is this: Many of the new mission features that you see in GR are not available in AE/MA .... yet. As new issues are released, MA usually gets an update or upgrade or two to bring it closer to the tools that the Devs have in designing missions.
BUT! You can do a lot of the neat tricks and stunts that the "regular" non-GR content pulls off, usually with some fairly simple methods. And you can "fake" some of the newer content with some savvy work with the editor.
ALSO! Hi, welcome to the MA Forums and the MA Creator community. We are totally glad to answer questions and if you want a review or someone to help playtest a mission - let us know.
"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge
Yeah Im slowly banging my way through this.
Now the problem I have is with the nav bar.
Originally, i had 4 villains attacking a zone, and in the nav bar it said "Stop the Attack! Bob, Sue, Larry, Joe."
Then I changed the bosses to plural navigation objects so it says "Stop the Attack! 4 villains to defeat!" and reduces, with each completed objective, but the last one always has the nav bar say "Defeat Bob!" even if it's Sue, Larry, or Joe, and Bob was defeated first.
Yeah Im slowly banging my way through this.
Now the problem I have is with the nav bar. Originally, i had 4 villains attacking a zone, and in the nav bar it said "Stop the Attack! Bob, Sue, Larry, Joe." Then I changed the bosses to plural navigation objects so it says "Stop the Attack! 4 villains to defeat!" and reduces, with each completed objective, but the last one always has the nav bar say "Defeat Bob!" even if it's Sue, Larry, or Joe, and Bob was defeated first. |
the way to fix it is in the singul mish you have to say something like "defeat the last villain" instead of a specific name

Currently you can't create "floating dialogue" directly. There is a way to fake it, though (I've seen it in a few arcs):
- create a custom mob, call it "Intercom" or "Mysterious Voice" or whatever - give it stealth powers - put it in its own group (don't need any other mobs in there) - spawn a neutral / allied patrol as a trigger when the player clicks the glowie / kills the boss / etc - put the things you want said in the patrol text This works best if you know where the player is at the time so you can spawn the patrol far away and minimize the chance of accidentally bumping into the mobs. -- Z. |
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
1. Are the new powersets from Going Rogue available for custom creations in MA? IE, can I make a Kinetic Melee AT? This would apply for all 4 new sets.
2. Is there a way yet to set multiple win conditions?
IE: Defeat Commander Roger completes mission, OR, defeat Operative Wilco completes mission, on the same mission?
3. Is there a way to have actions from seperate missions in an arc carry over and impact later missions?
IE: I defeat Bob baddie in mission 1 on the way to beat up Operative Wilco, and this adds a clue "You defeated Bob Baddie". Later, in mission 3, I set up Bob baddie as a conditional spawn, with his objective being completed in the first mission being the trigger.