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  1. Lazarus

    The Lazarus Arcs

    Changes made to Void Demons group:
    * Shadowman: Removed Siphon Life.
    * Render: Removed Gash.
    * Soul Eater: Removed Sweeping Strike.
    * Lasher: Removed Siphon Life.
    * Pain Elemental: Removed Enforced Morale and Soothing Aura.
    * Mindskewer (Both versions): Removed Total Domination and Terrify.
  2. Lazarus

    Buy This

    <PatrickStewart>Is there any nudity in it?</PatrickStewart>
  3. Lazarus

    The Lazarus Arcs

    Changes made to "A Show of Hands":
    * Thinned out the spawns in mission 4, damn tech lab spawn-stacking issue.
    * Fixed some mixed up ambush triggers, not sure which patch broke those.
    * Retitled arc "The St. Martial Shuffle". I never did really like the previous title anyways.

    Changes made to critters:
    * Nagan Jaeger: Swapped Crippling Axe Kick for Storm Kick.
    * Nagan Powerfist: Removed Conductive Shield.
    * Nagan Shockfist: Removed Conductive Shield.
  4. I was going through the Villain 1-10 section on my new Stalker and noticed an was arc missing: "Unfair Trade" (ID 373846, L5-10). I know you've played it before, PW.
  5. Lazarus

    Excellent Arcs

    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    You guys mean shenanigans, right? You're talking about shenanigans?
    /pistolwhips Talen Lee
  6. Lazarus

    Excellent Arcs

    I'll pistolwhip the next man who says "shenanigans"!
  7. Lazarus

    who is 666?

    I don't use signatures, random numbers FTW!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Actually the badge seems very ironic. The apartments were once heavily sought after, and now no one in their right mind goes near it.
    That's not ironic, that's just sad.
  9. Lazarus

    SBP V: Mutant

    Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
    You'll get the Baron jacket when guys can wear the Witch hat.
    Sure, I don't want the witch hat myself. I want the cool hat with the skulls on it.
  10. Lazarus

    The Lazarus Arcs

    Changes made to "MacGuffin Delivery Service":
    * Redid all mission intros, send offs, and debriefings to be in the 1st-person. It flows a bit better that way. Clues are still in 3rd-person.
    * Retitled the arc "The Curse of the Emerald Parakeet" as an experiment to see if the new title helps it get more plays. The original title may have sounded too much like an in-joke to most people.
  11. Lazarus

    SBP V: Mutant

    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    I've bought all of the SBP except the Science one, I'd say that's my least favorite as it had nothing I really wanted.
    That's the only pack I have bought. None of the costume pieces are gender-locked (I'm looking at you, Magic Booster with your awesome male-only jackets) and the ability to fix character heights after all this time was very welcome.

    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Will there be jet packs?
    Yes PLEASE. I want an option other than wings and rocket boots. And there better be options for Sky Raider, Goldbricker, Longbow, and Wyvernn jetpack styles.

    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    I imagine that stems from the whole palava with the Mutant pack, people expecting animal parts (well we got one, the wolf tail, which is the entire reason I bought the pack) and instead got a rather different, but not less correct, intepretation of mutant?
    The wolf tail being rolled into that pack instead of being given to everyone pisses me off. I don't like anything else in that pack and am not going to spend $10 on a single costume part. I can live without making wolf characters.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
    Hi Samuel!

    Well... first thing I would considerate is: She is stronger... but why people on that planet evolved to be stronger?

    If they are that way because of too many extremes of the planet Biome, I would try making her as strong (and big) as I could get, maxing every slide.

    But one concept that I would also consider is "density"... I think (with no science basis whatsoever, just pseudo-considerations) I would make her a little (some 30%) SMALLER than an average person, but at the same time maxing all the other sliders (except legs, as it would actually make her bigger, and that isnt the idea) to the max. I would think on a very tough woman, shaped by her world to be really hard. She would be brutish, but not hulking brutish...
    A heavy-worlder should be shorter than a person from a 1G planet. Under stronger gravity being tall would place extra stress on the body, not just the skeleton but pulmonary system as well (extra distance from heart to lower extremities means extra stress on the heart, greater blood pressure, etc..)

    The only example I've seen of a tall heavy-worlder is Buck Godot and he's almost as wide as he is tall just to have the skeleton and muscle to support it all.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
    Finally, has anyone given any thought to paid arc slots being a possible disincentive for devs to expand HOF availability? If HOF stays unattainable, what are you going to do about it? Buy arc slots, but click angrily while doing so?
    A lot of us bought the extra 5 slots a long time ago, and have long since filled them all up. Without the extra slot from a HoF or DC you won't be seeing any more stories from us unless we can decide which of our children is our least favorite and deserves to be drowned.
  14. What's even more annoying is when the leader informs the team "Everyone fights in this TF!" but then you all enter the first mission and are right away told to stand at the door while someone stealths the map. Yeah, we're all doing so much fighting...

    It's even worse than the old days when the team isn't allowed to do anything, not even the scrappers, because the Tank has to go and herd up the every spawn in the entire room, and do that for EVERY room.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
    Speed runs serve the purposes of those that do them but I tend to avoid them simply because I always wonder what I may have missed getting that would add to my wealth or what recipe MIGHT have dropped that would make me tougher because we skipped so much to get done FAST.
    Every enemy you don't kill is one less chance at a purple drop.

    Speed runs really annoyed me back in the days of the random recipe at the end instead of merits. I had such horrible luck with that drop that I knew I would reliably make much more inf steamrolling the TF instead of hoping for some lucky drop at the end.
  16. I'm more annoyed by the unadvertised Speed Runs, the TFs where the leader just assumes that everyone speeds TFs no matter what and then acts surprised when the team is trying to steamroll the first mission while he's running off to TP people to the end. Then he gets even more surprised that the sub-50's he invited actually want the XP that he's trying to make them skip and quit out of frustration.

    Originally Posted by Cyberknight View Post
    Had a very similar experience on LGTF the other week, i was on a lvl 50 troller slotted with mid expense IO sets to get perma hasten and got an invite so i went along.
    The tank was continually cursing at people and was annoyed when the hostage did not die on the 1st mission and he faceplanted with the clock king.

    The 2 starter members obviously had a plan yet did not bother to tell anyone else, just moaned a lot if thing did not go to their plan,then after the 1 st mission completes they decide to restart for some reason?.
    I left leaving their granite tank on go -slow mode
    Yep, been there. Even better when the two guys are obviously on teamspeak the entire time and never communicate with the rest of them team.
  17. Personally I think that the interface should have been designed so that an arc that is flagged "Work in Progress" shouldn't be able to gain ratings during that time. A WiP is not ready for public consumption and it's a rather dick move for someone to play an obviously unfinished arc and then nail it with a poor rating because it's unfinished.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    You realize that the whole electrocution thing was AC vs. DC, not free vs. profit, right? And on top of that, Edison killed animals (and paid a guy to invent the electric chair) because Tesla was working with Westinghouse to commercialize AC power, which would usurp Edison's existing DC power distribution.

    Repeat: Tesla wanted to sell AC power. Topsy the elephant was killed with AC to discourage the use of AC, not to promote paying for it. You claim doesn't even make sense.
    Edison never invented jack, he was just really good at screwing his employees out of the credit that they deserved. That's how the whole rivalry between him and Tesla began, when Edison patented his ideas as his own and caused Tesla to quit. Unfortunately Tesla was not as good of a businessman as he was scientist.

    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Einstein failed mathematics in school. He didn't suck at math.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Well, yeah, that's what it's for. That's 57,000 arcs in progress though...
    And many of which have been "in progress" for a year or so.

    53,320 have been "in progress" for 2 months or more.

    47,320 of which have been "in progress" for over 6 months.

    30,100 of which have been "in progress" for over 1 year.

    Out of that 57,000 there are 18,166 which are "Work in Progress" and 0-stars.
  20. What I find more interesting is the 20,440 0-star arcs. That's a LOT of arcs that nobody has ever played and quite a number of them are several months old.

    And yes, a large percentage of them are very obvious farms.

    Trivia fact: 1,824 arcs with the word "farm" right in their title or description.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    Dumple, if the Devs followed Arcana's suggestions we wouldn't have a merged market...The Devs make the end decisions. Arcana is one of many that have contributed to the game. Nothing more nothing less.
    I never got why anyone makes such a big deal about Arcana either. Sure she has a head for numbers, but often totally misses the human factor in things.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
    Sorry guys! Better luck next time. Only 10 codes though, otherwise our lawyer would kill us.
    Everyone knows that Lawyers are soul-less killing machines. Just like bears.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    57,040 "Works in Progress." That's a lot of people publishing stuff that isn't ready for public consumption...
    And a lot of dead, abandoned arcs from between issues 14 and 15. Issue 15 was when that flag was added, so a lot of arcs have it by default. That "Work in Progress" list includes 1 DC and 3 HoF arcs even.
  24. Lazarus

    Buy This

    Originally Posted by Sheline View Post
    Oh, that's me. Awesome piece of art. Thanks Battlewraith.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    You are using codes that are fairly similar to each other. Maybe you need to rethink how these contests work in the future, because most of us can't even download the image before it is claimed.
    I've seen 3 codes now there the first 3 sequences were the same. It might slow down now as I've finally seen one that had a totally new sequence.

    But yeah, they need to randomize this stuff a LOT more.