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  1. Strange...I don't seem to be able to import the data?

    Anyone else getting this?

    Mids either says the data's corrupt or reports a major error.
  2. I need to get back and check that in mids, so I can have an idea on what an IO-ed out DM/Nin can do.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Quick Startup: If you really want to burn through with a new character, you can have said character to level 10 in 3 hours -- sewers and any level 5-10 story arc will get you 20% of the way to 50.

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    Well, not quite as I see, the way I see it is more like: you're a Hero/Villain from the get-go!
    Your powers look good (ok, the high level powers are cooler, but the low level ones don't look bad in any way!).

    In most (if not all) other games, you start as some sort of wandering peasant with no past or objective in life besides getting stronger to raid and killing everything in sight. Even NPCs if possible.

    You start your career harassing the local natural life instead of fighting actual threats (about the same as going in Real Life Online and killing your neighbor's poodle to level up....and it drops some sort of gear/weapon!).

    Not only that, but almost always, the low level weapons/armors suck so bad you wanna puke......wait, it gets WORSE! The gear looks are totally arbitrary and usually lack alot of sense, which means that perhaps on the high end of your career, you might end up with a sucky looking gear just 'cus the devs thought it would look cool (I believe that many WoW Paladins didn't feel exactly cool when they discovered that they would turn into some kind of fantasy-world pink power ranger with the Tier4 and the classical "look, me has golden wingz in me sucky blue/goodish armor Paladin dude who doesn't look half interesting" with the Tier5).

    Not to mention nonsensical quests that, while make sense in the instanced-world, is usually in the open field; like when I was using a WoW trial with an Orc Hunter, I had this quest to get some Troll guy's head from some other Troll people who were bad or whatever; while doing it, a Troll Priest joined me, we proceed to the Troll guy's grave and I grab his head, then the Priest goes and grab his head.....when it struck me like a Blaster in PvP from very far away using a snipe with BU+Aim+a bunch of reds: just HOW MANY heads does the Troll guy have????
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    Other things such as class/power balance, combat mechanics, etc are really low points in my opinion and something I really hope the devs take some hard looks at for major overhauls if they ever do a CoX 2.

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    Really? Not that I'm knocking it, but I'm curious what games you're referring to for Class/Power Balance and Combat Mechanics? I haven't run into any I felt were better, but I haven't played everything either, so I might end up with more things on my plate to try.

    Not that I think CoX is the best balanced game ever (it's not) but as far as MMO's I've played go, it seems in the upper 50% to me.

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    Too true, as bad as balance in this game might be (either between ATs or sides), from what I've seen so far, it's worse elsewhere.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    You forgot the godly customization, in almost every other MMO out there chances are you'll look at least 97% exactly like everyone else from your level, class and race (if this does apply).

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    I didn't forget about it. It may not be the default, it may not be the norm? But this game is not even vaguely the first, or the only, MMO to offer it. As I said earlier in the thread, I ought to know; I was a master tailor in Star Wars: Galaxies (pre-NGE), and had a thriving side business selling good quality cloth to a master armorsmith on the same moon. Puzzle Pirates gives you fairly broad control over your character's appearance, too, if not anywhere near to the extent that this one does.

    So trust me, I'm not knocking the costume creator in this game, I praise it every day, I think it would be easier to recruit people into this game if they would re-release (in English) that stand-alone costume creator that they gave out as a demo for the Korean version City of Hero. But what I wanted to call attention to, a week ago, were the things that City of Heroes/Villains got right that nobody else gets right. Amazingly, not even other games from the same corporation share those technologies. Why not? "Because that's how all other MMOs are."

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    Ah, yes, yes, got yer point.

    But indeed, the Sidekick system is still very unique, the only thing remotely similar to it that I've ever seen is FFXI system, where your level doesn't matter as much as the level of your class, so if a friend just joined the game, you can change your class and start with him from lvl1; still, not really the same.
  6. You forgot the godly customization, in almost every other MMO out there chances are you'll look at least 97% exactly like everyone else from your level, class and race (if this does apply).
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Normally, I would agree. However, have the developers not stated that placate is now working as intended, meaning that when Hero vs. Villain pvp was launched that the placate available then was bugged? If this be the case, then it is a shame that it was not addressed prior to going live.

    (Personally, I believe that it could use some adjusting still. Things like ninja blades’ defense debuffs should not cancel placate. On the other hand, things like stun, impale, and web grenade should cancel it. I disagree with being able to effect someone’s status, and then being able to placate them. Of course, this is only my opinion, and is open to being challenged by a well thought out rebuttal.)

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    Yes, 'cus it's really harder to enter a blindspot to attack an weak part of an opponent who is stunned or immobed!
    Flawless logic!
  8. Well, IMHO, the first costume would look cooler with Tights Sleek (not sure if you're already using that on the top, but the bottom doesn't seem to be it);
    Also, for the gloves and boots, I believe that the original glove/boot option would look better, especially on the gloves where it looks rather strange to have your character's arm muscles showing when it is not even touching his arm at all;
    And last but not least, you might consider using a shiner tone on gloves, boots, chest pattern and, perhaps, shoulders, just for the contrast.

    For costume 2, it looks overall nice, but a bit too dark, I would use brighter colors (either the blue or the red or both) unless it hurts your concept; in case it does, I would still consider changing the chest detail and the belt color so they have better contrast with the rest of the costume.

    And costume 3.....well, I really like it, the only changes I would consider is making the chest detail the Enforcer 2 (though 1 might work too) and make the belt either Enforcer or the Vanguard one (in case you can access it). That is, if you want to have a more armored look.
  9. Holy Schdmit!!
    I need a new graphic card now..../em drool
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Who says you need placate to be effective? seriously, with the amount of ways a stalker has to get in and out of a fight quickly, Placate is the least of those, i have it mainly for PVE Just to get random minions off me while i kill bosses

    Edit: If you've ever played WoW, you'd know that any dot on your opponet (Poisons, etc) takes off effects like blind, but not stuns, therefore, placate + a status effect (Dot, defkill, etc) and the placate not working is working as intended to me, i'm used to having something like it fail anyway

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    And if you ever played WoW, you'd know that Rogues have mondo damage and, iirc, can vanish much easier than Stalkers can.

    Either way, as others mentioned, this is not WoW, so your point is void.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    The players should be seeing more resources and development for the title they love and support.

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  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    anyway nobody can tell me why ice swords do not bother with redraw?

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    Not sure what you mean here. There are currently discussions about redraw animations going on, probably in the general forum. I'd rather not get the issues list involved in that.

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    I think he meant as why isn't Ice Sword affected by the Redraw Issue.

    Now, I'm not going into the discussion about if there is such Redraw Issue or if it ever existed for that matter;

    Either way, the answer is pretty simple: Ice Sword is not designed as a weapon power. As in, you don't "draw an ice sword", you instantly "summon" it from thin air on the go, without a proper draw animation, thus making such powers 100% immune to draw animation time-related issues.

    An easy way to see what in hell I mean is to make a Stone Melee Brute, when you use the 2 mallet attacks in sequence, the first mallet will crumble in the split of a second and the second one will instantly appear in its place; it's hard to see, but can be noticed due to the crumbling rocks effect.
    I believe that Ice Sword and Ice Sword Circle should follow the same "destroy and re-appear" pattern.

    Do note that it is supposing that such powers have even half similar codes to weapon powers (as in "make [X graphical object] appear in hand -> move arm to [Y position] + execute [Z effect] to make it look like you hit your foe with [X graphical object]", where weapon sets have an animation and a timer related to the "make [X graphical object] appear in hand" part and the 'weapon powers' in non-weapon sets have no/close to none animation nor timer related to it).
  13. Well, here are some personal takes on the theme: My characters, Voldrato and Void Rider;

    A more classical Rider 1&2 thing.

    Hope it helps in any way.
  14. Personally I don't like PvP at all, but even so, totally agree with OP, /signed as long as they don't put PvP above PvE, unless they make PvP more balanced and enjoyable.