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  1. Before I8 came out I got one of my characters up to 15 just so I would be ready to check out the new content. After running through both the level 15 arc and the level 20 I made another character just so I could do it again!

    I love the new content but I have to agree that it was too short. I hope that future content is this good. My favorite mission is the infiltrate the Arachnos base one. First off it’s the first non-combat mission! Second is that the Arachnos disguise is the most awesome Temp power! I do the mission and then run around to the other zones just to show it off. My second time through I actually did a mission with it on (What a End hog!). I wish this power was on a usage timer instead of a game time timer. It would be so cool to show up at a Hami Raid in a Night Widow costume!

    More than any other Story Arc the Faultline missions had a sense of accomplishment and felt like I was actually doing something. They seamlessly led from one contact to the next and the reoccurring Villains were great.

    I would love to see a TF in this zone, maybe a deep undercover mission from agent G? How cool would that be?

    The zone itself is just as awesome. It looks as it should look for a part of a city under major renovations, down to the smallest detail. It would be nice to see some advancement every issue in the work done as more and more of the zone is refurbished.

    I myself don’t mind the Arachnos tunnels. I think they are a very nice touch. In a normal zone you may expect to be able to just walk up to your mission and only have to worry about street mobs but that is a new style I like. Fighting your way through the enemies to get to the mission give a whole new challenge to the game. You are actually going into their ‘turf’ and I think it’s only right that you might have to fight your way there. (Did the Devs do something special with the mobs in the tunnels? I have never run into anything above my level in the tunnels when looking for the mission doors there. I think they may reset faster compared to who is in the tunnels.)

    One other thing I loved in the zone is the birds. I hope that future issues will add more wildlife. It really gives a sense of reality to the zone.

    One bad point I wish to add is with Doc Delilah. First off is her disappearing act that has been mentioned but the second thing is that she is a poor Tank. (I will refrain from the Statesman’s School of Tanking joke that comes to my mind) Her power choice is all messed up. Most of the time in a fight she will just stand there turning her toggles on and off.

    I give all the new stuff in the zone a 9 out of 10 simply because it was too short and no TF. Awesome stuff here and gives me high hopes for future issues.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I remember well all the newbies when City of Heroes first came out. I really loved that about the game. You could tell it was opening up the MMO genere to a whole slew of people who had never played one before.

    I'd get into a pick up team and be, "Ok, hang here I'll pull the mobs to us." only to be met with "umm what's a mob?" or "you're pulling what??" or even "dude, stop pulling your finger" Tankers that scrapped, Defenders who played like Blasters, Scrappers who wanted to be Tanks, etc. etc. I made some great friends and while sometimes frustrating, that newbieness was a lot of times a refreshing change

    I just wanted to chime in that if you take the time to stop and politely help someone understand the tactics more, or are open to people who want to tell you about their own tactics, a lot of times you can make a good addition to your friends list. In short, ya gotta lub da newbs!

    Of course, some jerk who plays like a fool and gets everyone killed and won't listen to anyone is certainly a pain. I usually play a bit more conservatively with a new pick up group to test the waters before I open myself up for the rollercoaster ride to Debt City

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    Come play with the Pingus some, the debt fades and it is really funny when you get some...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No sane individual should ever have to put up with that insanity. Just say no to Pingus.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Yet a Super Group costume isn’t your creation, either. And yet people wear them. The counterpoint is, of course, that a Super Group costume is in addition to one’s normal costume, not instead of. There’s no such personal property in the base. We thought (on paper) that the “personal items” would do the trick, but it isn’t really the same thing, is it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All the more reason in my opinion to add personal spaces, either in the SG base or seperate from them. Simply put, small one person bases.

    I would love for my characters to have their own home that I bought and paid for. Some place that I could invite another player into a team and show them my home. Perhaps it could even have a minor funtionality to it. A smaller version of the base storage?

    Bases are nice and I've seen a lot of time and creativity put into them, but it's usually only one or two people in the SG that is able to do this. When bases first came out our SG left it open for everyone to mess with, and what a mess that was!

    Personal bases/homes would go a long way towards adding to the flavor and creativity of the game, especially if we could pick what zone we could live in
  4. Lady_Tara

    Ten Tracks

    Rush- Working man

    Ted Nugent- Free-for-all

    Black Sabbath- Iron Man

    Lynyrd Skynyrd- Freebird

    Ozzy Osbourne- Goodbye to Romance

    Lynyrd Shynyrd- You Got That Right

    Black Sabbath- Black Sabbath

    Jethro Tull- Broadsword

    Fleetwood Mac- Tusk

    Meatloaf- Everything Louder Than Everything Else

    (And please no jokes about how old I am!)
  5. A few points on Statesman’s post on his Tanking experience. First let’s look at his team’s makeup.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Inv/Fire tanker (32, SKed to 49)
    Level 50 Elec/Elec Blaster (it was his mission, set on Rugged)
    Level 32 Peacebringer (SKed to 48 or so).
    Level 48 MA/Inv scrapper
    Level 50 Fire/Kin controller
    Level 35 Earth/empathy controller (SKed up to 48)
    Level 49 Energy/energy blaster

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And then let’s look at the mission.

    [ QUOTE ]

    We faced the Carnival of Shadows.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does anyone else see what I’m seeing here? Two Trollers, two heavy mezz Blasters, a Peacebringer, and a Scrapper with defenses that is almost as good as his own. And on a mission that he had no protection in.

    Now, I may not be the best player out there but even I can tell that Statesman did not Tank this mission! He survived it. And he did so by taking on only what he could survive and letting the rest of the team do the actual work. Just looking at this group’s makeup I can tell that the two Controllers were the ones who ‘Tanker’ the mission while the two Blasters and Peracebringer wiped them out. The Scrapper, if he was doing his job, took out the danger spots. A Sidekicked Invulnerable Tank in a setting such as this would be little more than an XP leach.

    Statesman’s claim of one third of the agro is about right for one taunt. Of course that means that the rest of the team had to absorb the agro of all the rest of the spawn including the bosses while he went off to play with the Strongmen.

    Without being there, and this is just an uneducated guess, this is how I see it actually went down;

    Statesman started off by finding his Strongman and taunting him from outside the mob. *Shudder* (If he had done it the Tanker way and jumped into the mob before taunting he would have drawn a whole lot more agro than he would have wanted or could have handled.)

    The two Trollers then hit the mob with their AoE holds/immobilizes which should have had the vast majority of them held, including the ones Statesman was playing with.

    The Blasters open fire.

    The Peacebringer opens fire.

    The Scrapper goes after the bosses.

    The Empath Troller heals Statesman.

    They wipe out the spawn and go help Statesman with the Strongman.

    The Empath heals Statesman again.

    They move on to the next mob.

    Statesman comes to the boards and tells us all about his wonderful experiences with his Tank and how he did just fine with the new nerfs.

    An Invulnerable Tank in a mission like this, with a team like this, would have been about as useless as a doorknob on a wall. If this is his vision of a Tank’s usefulness the Tanks are truly dead. Any other AT could have contributed more to this team.

    Last quote,

    [ QUOTE ]

    Well, no one was that familiar with their builds.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I’m sorry if this sounds insulting but to me it seems that the only one who was unfamiliar with their build was Statesman. The rest of the team took on a 7 man mission set on Rugged without an effective Tank and a XP leach. I would give them a thumbs up.
  6. Lady_Tara

    Call for Models

    ok, here's my entry. This is Lady Tara on the Champion server.

    Shot one

    Shot two
  7. Lady_Tara

    Changes to Rage

    I would just like to clarify a few points I have noticed on Rage.

    First off, several people have made comments on how Rage gives you a lot more, or extreme amounts, of damage. This is untrue. Even with Rage a Super Strength Tanker will never do extreme amounts of damage! By the time a toon can get it most players will have their attacks slotted up and be using SOs. With an attack fully slotted with SOs the increase from Rage is only around 30%. That’s less than what one SO will give you.

    Now I can understand the penalties if you could get Rage at the lower levels when you really need it but you don’t get it till much later on.

    Next, if you compare it to Hasten (A power pool power), Hasten is comparable to two SOs with no major penalty. Why should there be a penalty on Rage (A secondary power) that is only equivalent to less than one SO when a power pool power that is equivalent to two SOs doesn’t have a penalty?

    It’s my opinion that the Devs need to either raise the benefits from Rage to better reflect the penalties or remove the penalties all together.

    Super Strength is, to me, the most favorite power in the Tanker lineup because it fits best with most build concepts. I think it should be the number one powerset for the Tankers in effectiveness but with it’s low damage and no defining power it really isn’t the best choice.

    Lady Tara

    Level 48

    Invulnerable/Super Strength Tanker
  8. Thank you so much for posting this! You are certainly five stars in my book!

    Lady Tara

    Level 38

    Invulnerable/Super Strength Tanker