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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
    Yeah, that's a good question, does Posi count as one TF or two now? Also, is this just Hero TFs, or both sides?
    Posi would count as two. and just TF (blueside)
  2. Hey everyone!

    May is Officially* Mean Girls Month! We turn 5 this month (the 11th to be specific) One of the things I want to do is have a contest involving Task Forces. Have teams complete 4 task forces and based on their times (with a penalty for deaths added on) see who has the best total time.

    More details to come - for right now - Id like to know what TFs are everyone's top 4 TFs?


    *Official cause I say so! LOL
  3. Kult666

    I'm IN!!!!

    i dunno if I can bring myself to make kultykat LOL

  4. I'm in the first protector picture fighting Babbage - rocking the uncharacteristically blond Longbow!

  5. Kult666

    Our server event

    Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
    No worries - nothing traumatizing or psyche-scarring occurred.

    I kid, I kid!

    Mean Girls have been nothing but perfect ladies in their behavior from what I've personally experienced.
    Aww *hugs* We try and be lady-like when we have a few people we don't normally team with us

    I know you have kids that use your account so unless I see your global on a character I recognize I usually will just say hi and not bug too much unless it turns out to be you.

    The event was pretty kick ***! I only lag crashed once - and it seemed to take out a majority of the team so it was pretty severe, but all and all the lag wasnt bad at all!

    I loved it when Ocho said "Time to check City Hall!" and the basement was just full of baddies in every room. Great fights!

    I got some *licks* in on Ocho - no reply tho...I think I scared him. LOL - Also I got epic licks in as I hit the broadcast in Pocket D with a "*licks everyone*" lol \m/

  6. Kult666

    Day One

    Kinda day one. I played off and on since the start - mostly just making cool looking costumes and never playing much past lvl 10. Really got the ball going at the end of the first Halloween event. But really didn't steal things from my brother til the winter event when I stuck with Kult.

  7. Kult666


    mah birfday sister! *licks* Happy birthday!!!

  8. Happy birthday! *hugs and licks* !

  9. While not quite from the start (create date may 11, 2005) Mean Girls is one of the older SGs kicking around Protector -- myself and the other co-founder are still around (and some of the very core members from the old SG we were apart of before) I like to think we are one of the more well known and visible..but that's probably my crazy acting up =)

  10. Kult666

    Good Bye

    awww *hugs* Hope you make a quick return!

  11. Kult666

    I17 Goodies

    Originally Posted by Riverdancer View Post
    I would like to make Wentworths like the quiet room in the AE building - you enter it, and *ALL* powers get turned off. It's laggy enough as it is for some people without an idiot spines scrapper quilling the whole time, or getting shielded while you're trying to sell something, etc.
    Those quills keep people from stealing the spiney's purps while they are trying to sell them! Its like keeping people away so they cant see your PIN! LOL

    ALSO - i17 is fullllllll of win. NEW BADGES! *dies*

  12. What is the Item Pack? Im sure I'll end up preordering and then upgrading but some details about the IP would be cool and I'm sure would sway some people's decision

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
    Try reading the whole thing.
    I did read the whole thing. And advertising a Freedom event on protector boards and tryign to get people to xfer is still phale whale.

    why don't YOU transfer here and help revitalize PvP ?

    (i am cranky today) =P

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by perilX View Post
    The PvPEC is pleased to announce the beginning of a fun and exciting PvP league that will be taking place on the Freedom Server.
    *checks the forum* hmm still Protector.

    whale phale.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shrikefire View Post
    And not even you mention Victory
    or (LOL) Protector. we are truly the ghetto server

  16. hope you had a great bday !

  17. dang protector is just losing left and right

    *hugs* hurry back hope things get better for you!

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bamaHulkers View Post
    Yeah, and we can't get rid of the a-holes with a crowbar !

    Will miss ya, Uun !

    Yeah I'm not going anywhere! *bites your crowbar* ha!

  19. *hugs Zek* hope things turn around for you! I will not ask for your stuff cause you'll need it when you get back!

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Uun_ View Post
    As some of you already know, I have cancelled my account and January 6 will be my last day in game. After 5 years and 18 level 50s, I find that I am no longer enjoying the game and have decided to move on. I want to thank all the current and past members and co-leaders of the Phantoms of War, as well as many others who have made Protector such a great place.
    aww bye Uun! *hugs and whispers 'can I have your stuff?* *winks* i hope whatever you do now you have fun at it...and if you get bored...come back and visit!

  21. Picked a good day to go afk mid mission for a booty call! Totally missed the outage! LOL
