51 -
So I was struck by a sudden amusing thought.
There are some Meet the [Class] videos out there for some classes for another game, and I thought, wouldn't it be amusing to have a Introducing: The Blaster, Introducing: The Tanker or Introducing: The Mastermind style videos made, just to see what you guys could come up with.
So I figured I'd toss it out there as a suggestion and see if you guys wanted to run with it, just for fun.
Enjoy! -
Not to be a killjoy, but the undertones of those pictures are NOT SFW. Move them behind two click rule please.
How do you use the "Masking" feature?
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it was encouraged to create a Facebook profile for your character, as I have done. That was what we meant when we say a "masked" profile. -
Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement.
Join your fellow Heroes & Villains on the Official City of Heroes Facebook page!
Our community team has been working to create a new page on Facebook where you can receive news feeds, share images and videos with the community, and stay in touch with all your heroic and villainous friends.
You can even create a "Masked" profile to hide your secret identity, a place to put your Hero or Villain's character profile and connect to other Heroes and Villains... a way to share and promote the game to your mild mannered friends on Facebook. So come and join us, you never know who you might run into!
Click here to view the City of Heroes Facebook Page
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Stupid social networking sites.
*...adds himself as a "fan" to their Facebook page*
I feel so used. What's next, Twitter? XD
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Don't make me build another one... I want to go home....
Just kidding, I hope you like it! -
I have no less than 12 Steampunk Characters.
If you have a pic you want to share you are going to have to find a way to bury it or post it in such a way that it is not easy to get to (as in, more than one click).
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And I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that linking to a blank page with nothing but a single link on it to the NSFW piece probably isn't going to cut it
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As long as that warning is in place saying NSFW beyond this point, it's fine. Because it is more than one click away. -
Send me a PM if you want a NSFW intercept page. Just let me know what the target page URL is.
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This is acceptable and ideal. -
Frankly these rules, or rather the enforcement of them (thanks to their vague nature), are becoming draconian. When zenvious' Jade Ohm commission is deleted, that's just getting prudish. There's no way it was indecent by any metric. The mods are way out of line removing that one, and it marks the start of a very disturbing trend.
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Since you know which thread it was, the link to the artist page had NSFW right on it. The actual image that was being linked in a separate link was fine, if it has been posted without the artist's page, or the artist's page didn't have NSFW on it, then that would have stayed. -
Is this jet pack for every character you play that month or do you have to choose the ONE character who gets 30 day use of it?
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As I understand it, it's like a veteran reward in that it pushes the power out to any character on your account. The power expires after 30 days. I just nabbed a test code and am going to try it out. If you see some nutball level 1 with the pack going WHEEEEEE!!! flying around Atlas, well, that might just be me
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Actually, it's going to be me =) -
I am going to put some emphasis this discussion again since I just ran into it in this section again.
If your NSFW is one click away, the post is coming down. -
As you wish!
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And then, one day, Texas_Justice realized that when Castle was saying, "As you wish," what he really meant was, "I love you."
(Sorry, couldn't help myself. ObOP: Yeah, I'm a little disappointed that we only get two issues this year, too, but with it being late July and only starting to get teasers, I'd already figured that out.)
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Koschej: I promise I will not mod you until you reach the end of the thread.
InfamousBrad: That's VERY comforting, but I'm afraid you'll just have to wait.
Koschej: I hate waiting. I could give you my word as a Moderator.
InfamousBrad: No good. I've known too many Moderators.
Koschej: Isn't there any way you trust me?
InfamousBrad: Nothing comes to mind.
Koschej: I swear on the soul of my manager, Lightingo Housetoya, you will reach the end unmodded.
InfamousBrad: Throw me the scroll bar.
Ok, back on topic now please. -
Unfortunately, as of December the two of them decided they wanted to hate each other, after three years of peaceful cohabitation. They have started fighting, which has led me into breaking it up, and receiving my fair share of bites and punctures, and now scars, as well. Though I am working on it, and seeing a slight improvement in their attitudes towards each other. -
I almost missed this since Koschej's posts don't show up in the Community Digest. Luckily, while reading another thread linked to from said Digest, I accidentally hit the Index link instead of the back button.
You and Niv really need to show up in some type of Digest, especially when you will be posting official news or information like this.
Might I suggest creating 2 more accounts for the two of you, such as ModeratorKoschej and ModeratorNivienne to do the mod work from so that it doesn't show in the Digest. Or just use SuperModerator or CoHModerator for the moderation duties and let these normal accounts be included in a Digest. It would make it much easier to find posts such as these, and your answers to questions in other official or unofficial threads on the forums.
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We are aware of this issue, especially in situations like this, unfortunately with Lighthouse and Ex at Comic Con, there is not much to be done about it currently. -
Seems the devs are trying to un-confirm what was posted in the IGN article about the mission creator. Notice that they made no effort to cover up the statement about powerset proliferation.
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As was previously stated, regarding those articles, we have not officially confirmed any information regarding what was reported. -
It is also important to mention that the reference on Massively.com to an idea that Issue 13 will be the last free issue for City of Heroes is completely false. We have no plans whatsoever to stop supporting the game with free Issues.
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Actually, they don't say issue 13 will be the last issue. They just say it'll be the last issue THIS YEAR, which, with only 5 months left in the year, isn't all that unlikely unless things progress really, really smoothly with i13 and i14...
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This is just an announcement to point out that we have made no official statements regarding the timeline or release of our Free Issues. And that the articles have perhaps misinterpreted what was stated. -
Hey Everyone,
We want to officially let you know that the Comic Con news that is being reported on various web sites is not official. Matt Miller did make an official reference to the mission creator in his Four Year Address, but with no references to Issue number or launch timing. It is also important to mention that the reference on Massively.com to an idea that Issue 13 will be the last free issue for City of Heroes is completely false. We have no plans whatsoever to stop supporting the game with free Issues.
Matts Four Year Address can be found here
From Matts Four Year Address
I cant tell you how excited I am for our games future, and although we have some major announcements yet to be made, one of the things I can talk about is a feature that we are planning. Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. Youll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall. It is features like these that we never dreamed of including when we first shipped, but are excited to be able to offer players very soon.
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Our apologies for any confusion this may have caused.
To discuss this news, the discussion can be found here. -
Hey Everyone,
We want to officially let you know that the Comic Con news that is being reported on various web sites is not official. Matt Miller did make an official reference to the mission creator in his Four Year Address, but with no references to Issue number or launch timing. It is also important to mention that the reference on Massively.com to an idea that Issue 13 will be the last free issue for City of Heroes is completely false. We have no plans whatsoever to stop supporting the game with free Issues.
Matts Four Year Address can be found here
From Matts Four Year Address
I cant tell you how excited I am for our games future, and although we have some major announcements yet to be made, one of the things I can talk about is a feature that we are planning. Similar in concept to our character creator, it allows you, the players, to create missions and story arcs for your characters and others to participate in. Youll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions. When you are satisfied with it, you can upload it and have other players across all servers play it and rate it. Fame will come to the players whose stories rate the best overall. It is features like these that we never dreamed of including when we first shipped, but are excited to be able to offer players very soon.
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Our apologies for any confusion this may have caused. -
About that - you are unable to see any pieces listed as mature or adult unless you've registered, listed your age, and consented to the DA rules. I'm not so sure that being able to see stuff there when you're registered and of age is the way to judge that.
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The issue is not whether I want to see I choose to see it or not, nor whether it is allowed by DA's policies or not. The issue is if it is visible by clicking from these boards, and that is not permitted. I'm sorry if I am coming off hardcore about this, but that's the way of it. -
So we're okay as long as we link to another site where the pic may be found, and not directly to the pic itself, if I'm reading you correctly?
Okay, now, get back to your Kheldian!!
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Sort of, but not exactly. If you link to deviant art, and I log into it, and there are either icons or a featured picture that is NSFW, then I'm going to yank it down. However if I have to go in and look in your gallery to find it, I will probably leave it up. It also depends on the nature of the NSFW. There is NSFW, and then there is N S F W. If you catch the meaning. And I think almost all of you know the difference.
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huh? If you have to log into DA then you've already bypassed DA's own adult content check. Shouldn't it be perfectly okay as long as you can't see it while not logged into DA?
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I have my login to DA saved, so when i log in, it's already in my face without the chance to work around it. -
So we're okay as long as we link to another site where the pic may be found, and not directly to the pic itself, if I'm reading you correctly?
Okay, now, get back to your Kheldian!!
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Sort of, but not exactly. If you link to deviant art, and I log into it, and there are either icons or a featured picture that is NSFW, then I'm going to yank it down. However if I have to go in and look in your gallery to find it, I will probably leave it up. It also depends on the nature of the NSFW. There is NSFW, and then there is N S F W. If you catch the meaning. And I think almost all of you know the difference. -
acck caught !
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It's okay, Niviene is totally lax and it's not like Koschej ever visits these parts.
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Yeah I know, totally a good thing.
Also, NSFW postings are not permitted, please try to insert at LEAST 1 player in between them and do not directly link to them. If I can get to it by clicking one link, it's going to get yanked. -
Is discussing how these rules might possibly be applied allowed to be discussed according to the new guidelines?
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Yes, as long as it is done constructively. Accusations and attacks against the moderation team will not be permitted however.
So posts about the rules and using past enforcement of said rules as examples is not allowed in an official thread that's supposed to be about the rules? Huh? I is confused now. Mayhaps you will be so kind as to explain the logic of that to me, cause I'm honestly not getting it.
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Again, as long as it is done in a constructive fashion it is fine, however the moment that attacks and insinuations begin to be made, they will be moderated out.