69 -
Here's a group picture from the event... Sorry I had to leave early... Did everyone have fun?
Added some colour to it... Hope no one minds... Never mind it's not all that good anyway...
Sure would be Xtream... Also would like to add my self on that list too... Right under Lui/Racoon... Thank you... Nothing else to add this silly tread...Bye...
Ou almost forgot.. Raz I want the reason too... Unfortunately it escaped... -
Right I got my self sorted udated my drivers... though don't think that realy fixed it as I was on dual screen mode before that might have something to do with it
Yeah you can add me to that list of crashers too... Can't get past the server select... was fine last night though... so what ever they "fix" did this...
Well you can always make a fire/emp but that's never fun...Though hardly anyone has one...
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes please... Having emotions makes us human doesn't it? Don't you ever feel anything... pain? pleasure? hate? love? -
You know what they just should close the pvp areas and make em co-op... As the fair and no one gets hurt pvp happens at the arena... The areas like RV and Siren's etc... Will always create grief no matter what...
Also have to add that I am blind... and did not see your signature
I don't know anything about neko so I am just guessing here... (if we had more info about the character would not have to)
but anyways...
here's something I cooked up fastly... -
Speechless... (So when do we get the tutorial for that Mom?)=P
Also if you see high lvl toons on atlas standin and doing about nothing it doesn't hurt to ask em if they might have a low lvl toon or something...
Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
so many names and so many deleted toons later Kooma. and Kooma- yeah I know lame...
gah... do you expect me to remeper em all... there's been so many...
Account Created:
Feb 10, 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
27 Months
What Are You Doing Now?:
working my [censored] off...
What would make you return to CoH?:
just got back... Missed the game as there's nothing that is even close to this... as far as I know atlest...
I don't even think I belong in this group of ppl but what ever... -
Dout anyone noticed me leaving butanyways just wondering if there's ppl around lvl 26 and if they would enjoy company of fire/fire tank... if so let me know @Kooma thank you...
p.s. I be on usualy from 7pm till late night...
p.s.s. GG please don't post anything on this one thank you... -
Ou Yes! We deserve one too (DXP weekend)... right?... Actualy make it a week... No month... or even better a year...
But it's pointy and looks at me wrong... =P
Very true H... And the day I lead a team will be a cold one... (They are around the corner ain't they)
If one would be intrested of joining in how would one get there?
What's this City of Artists channel thing anyways? and should I be intrested?
Any one up to a hard one? (lots of flames and hot stuff plus some nasty chains)
Of corse there's allways some one...
So how about having try on my main Kooma...
That's if you creative types ain't busy talking about Illusion Masters hupsie... -
Actualy... It's not that he would have close bond with it... He is the fire... And that's about all there is to it...