44 -
Trying out Kin/Elec... its pretty fun at just 1 heh.
I like hybrids. I like being able to melee and blast things and have a small amount of healing abilities too. Those are the most fun for me.
That storm defender sounds like it could be fun... Ill give that a try.
Oh, and my current hero is 10. So she hasnt gotten anything super powered yet... though the main thing I like about Illusion is being able to mind control two mobs and have them beat each other up. Its very entertaining. Especially if you get two of the mini-boss types. xD -
I was asking what other peoples fun builds were, not whats fun for me. I like playing all types of classes, some more than others though. -
I currently have an illusion/radiation hero... and shes entertaining, but I cant play her for long periods of time like I can with my dark melee/stalker.
So I was considering remaking my hero... any suggestions? I really like Illusion, but having just one attack talent gets kinda boring. -
Ah well thats good then. Wonder if the booster voucher is good indefinitely though.
Eh, Ill probly buy it next pay day. Its only 20$. -
But... they arent really free. Youre paying 20$ For boosters that dont cost that much. 0.o And does the free month apply even if youre account is active?
Getting the updated client installer would be good though. I could also see it being a good thing if I didnt already have all the addons for the game... maybe if they come out with a new booster soon I will. -
Why do I need this when I have it in the game already? O.o
It must be what Ironblade says, cause I did find one that let me play it... I guess all the ones I chose before had the bad luck of being broken by the patch. :s
Ok Ive been trying for the last 10 or so minutes to try and play some of these arcs. But each time I click play, and it says I wont be able to use contacts, and I click accept. Nothing happens.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I supposed to do something else? Is there a level req - both my characters are only level 8... -
Blame Gaymer... >.> <.<
I was gone for 147 days... Im glad they didnt wipe my names... hard enough to find decent names that dont result in "Name Already Taken."
And with that said, I like Hertz's solution. But I would put the time to 60 days. 47 seems kinda arbitrary - and maybe it was just a random number used for example... -
Red letter days would be marked with Very Soon, in bright red letters. Other notable words on the calendar would be Not in the Budget, For the Forseeable Future, and As Soon as Possible...
I think this sums up when Beta will be quite nicely...
[/ QUOTE ]
I think I love you... *giggle* -
I actually resubbed for this expansion... >.>
I cant wait to take my magic-stalker and play her as a good girl. -
I like Schroedingers Beta... lol Its both crashed and uncrashed.
Brilliant! </guiness guy> -
Methinks Positron has been playing Zork a bit too much...
Thats what this game needs! A grue somewhere... as an epic boss monster! xD -
This game is RP-friendly, sure the sitting commands are wonky, and you have teh generic "Heroic Pose #1" idle stance as opposed to standing like a normal person... yeah yeah were not normal... :P
But walking should be in the game, NPCs walk! So its not like there isnt an animation for it already in the game (Im aware its a bit more complicated than that). Going Rogue is in development, why not tack walking into the expansion? Id be willing to pay a tiny bit extra to help fund the addition of walking. -
Who has that sort of money though... :| I still cant afford to buy that life-sub for Lotro... >.> -
I so cant wait for this event! I love the holiday events in mmos, except in lotro, cause they largely suck there... this one sounds like a lot of fun.